More than 9,000 articles and stories of life and experiences in Thailand and neighbouring countries!
Welcome to the largest collection of Thailand expat-related full-length articles in English on the Internet featuring general experiences, adventures and thoughts on life in Thailand and neighbouring countries.
In the early days articles tended to be about affairs of the heart, but over time the scope of the writings broadened and just about every aspect of life for visitors and expats in Thailand is covered today.
December 22, 2024
November 6, 2024
October 11, 2024
October 7, 2024
June 5, 2024
June 5, 2024
The success of this section of the website is very much dependent on YOU! Please do consider writing up a few thoughts about the time you have spent in Thailand and sending them in! Submissions concerning neighbouring countries or other countries in the region are welcome, as are any stories with a Thai connection.
This is a chance to tell your story or voice your opinion. Many submission writers have made friends via the site and many have benefited from the advice and thoughts of readers.
Browse by year, month.
Submission Guidelines
- Submissions are welcome on virtually any subject or issue about or related to Thailand. Submissions are also welcome about issues and experiences from neighbouring countries.
- One type of submission that is NOT welcome is sex reports. Reports detailing activities between the sheets will not be published here.
- All submissions should be able to read and enjoyed as stand alone articles. They may refer to previous submissions but should be stand alone insomuch that anyone could read and enjoy it without having to read another submission that it may refer to, whether or not excerpts from that submission are included or not.
- If you submit a story or article that you feel is time sensitive that perhaps refers to something current, let me know and I will bump it and publish it the next day.
- Submissions can be sent to me either in the body of an email or as a Microsoft Word file attachment.
- Submissions MUST be at least 800 words in length. Please tidy up the English as best you can before sending it to me!
- I am reluctant to do so, but may make minor amendments to submissions, including tidying up the English, formatting the text and occasionally removing anything defamatory, too risqué or imprudent to publish.
- I usually comment at the end of submissions, something I would prefer not to do but it is something that readers have come to expect. If you would prefer that I did not comment on your submission, let me know and I will not.
- Mean-spirited or nasty comments about other submitters are NOT allowed in any submissions.
- Please do NOT use submissions as a vehicle to push a political or other agenda. Ideally, there should be no mention of poltiics.
- Certain submissions may be denoted as * Star submissions if I think they are a touch better than the rest. There is no specific criteria and it simply means a submission was a bit more touching, moving, informative, entertaining or incisive in my opinion.
- Please provide a title for the submission, a pen name and let me know whether you would like an email address added. If you do not provide a pen name I will run it as "anonymous". You can elect to have a submission published anonymously. If you do not specifically advise me that it is ok to include your email address, I will not. If you would like an email address included, it may be a good idea to create a new one so your primary email address doesn't become the recipient of spam.
- If naming people in your submission, it may be wise to change the names.
- There is a short delay between me receiving the submission and it being published, from around a few days to a week.
- If you are one of the thousands of people who reads the submissions here everyday, why not take the time to write up YOUR STORY! We've all had humorous and interesting experiences in Thailand so why not share yours?
- Legal notice