Stickman Readers' Submissions December 7th, 2013

Fifteen Weeks, Episode 26

cbd oil


The rains continued on and off all day so I was confined to barracks engrossed in research. Suda returned to Bangkok from Japan on Saturday and it appears she had a very good time so she was in fine form. She has already seen potential
suppliers and we are communicating over strategy.

mens clinic bangkok

Paul, Kevin and I seem to be clearing up the communication and project management problems and preparations are underway for the September Fair in Bangkok.

I don’t know if it was raining frogs last night but the noise was unbelievable. There must have been a toad in every hole. I picked up three as I walked from the reception entrance to my room. One I didn’t pick up was nearly
as big as a kitten. It’s amazing what the rains bring. Mid-morning I was at my desk when I was alerted by lots of whooping, screaming and some laughter. I wandered outside to find one of the garden boys beating the living daylights
out of a brightly coloured snake which must have been about two metres long. As snakes are extremely common in the tropics I was quite surprised by the reactions of everyone. Most of the guys were running around as though the creature had
slithered up their trouser legs. The girls, and I, were of course very calm which, in my case may have had something to do with the fact that I was a good fifteen metres away and the snake was stone dead. Pueng later informed me that the snake
was a ‘Sing’ and is venomous. She also told me that the garden boy would probably cook it for his supper. I have often wondered where the saying ‘Sing for your supper’ came from. Now I know.

It rained a lot yesterday and most of last night and today it has hardly stopped and doesn’t look like doing so. I don’t mind except that it has stopped me doing my beach walks. Swimming makes no difference wet or dry, just
the walking. In fact it is a lot cooler but still like a warm and wet blanket. Never mind as it’s a religious holiday; Asalha Puja Day which is on the full-moon day of the 8th Thai lunar month, usually in July. Thais honour this date
because it marks when Buddha gave his first sermon to his first five disciples after his Enlightenment. People go to the temple on this day to give money, food, etc. for the monks who start their three month stay in the temple tomorrow. I
don’t have much choice other than to stay in my room and work. There’s plenty to do so I don’t really mind that much. It’s surprising to me that only a few days of rain make me miss the sunshine quickly.

18th July today and it is Khao Phansa Day which is another religious holiday. The first day of the 8th waning moon usually in July this day marks the beginning of the Buddhist lent. Three months during the rainy season when it is customary
for Thai men to be ordained as monks. Monks are required to remain at their resident temples during this period.

And the rains keep falling; like tears from the sun. I managed to get to Mala restaurant for breakfast of ‘Cha lon’ and Dim Sum in between the showers. Even if I do get wet where else can I get breakfast for less than 35
baht and enjoy it. I’ve found a dentist in Karon but they are closed because it’s Khao Phansa Day. I sorted my teeth out before I left Cape Town but I was eating some fruit and I bit into a stone and chipped a tooth. Felt like
a mouthful of gravel but is really not too serious. I’m sure they’ll fix it with a hammer and chisel when they open again.

Another day confined to barracks working and writing but I managed to sneak in a swim. There’s not a lot else to diarise apart from some banter with the staff at Kata Lucky Villas which I won’t bore you with. Tomorrow’s
weather is forecast to be better; the rains will leave and the sun will return.


nana plaza