I Feel A Happy Ending Coming On
It was two years ago last month. I was on my way back to the UK from working 28/28 offshore Australia, so I arranged a stopover in BKK for five days. I’d previously stopped off twice before, for a week each time, once in September 03 and again
in January 04. Beer and butterflying was the order of play.
I’d been staying at the Dynasty and basically not straying too far from the Soi 4 / Nana area. So one afternoon I walked into this pub for a beer and to check out the bar staff. At the far end of the bar I spotted her. However she
appeared to be very busy serving drinks and we didn’t manage eye contact. After a few Heinekens I decided to leave and go somewhere else. As I was standing on the steps contemplating whether to go left or right, a voice behind me asked
where I was going. I looked round and there she was. I told her I was going to do a bit of sightseeing, maybe a temple or something but I wasn’t sure where to go. She suggested bar-fining her and she would take me and show me around. So
we went to Wat Phra Kao, we went on a long boat, we went for dinner, she stayed with me for the remainder of my trip. We had a great time. When she left on my last day I watched her walk along the road from my room window. I decided then I would
find her again.
Three months later I’m back in BKK, and I visit the bar. She’s there, she remembers me. I pay the barfine and we’re out of there. She stays with me for a week and we have even better fun this time. She appears to be a
genuinely nice person who is doing what she does to help her family out, up in Isaan. This time we swap phone numbers, Two or three months later (Jan 04) I’m back, this time with a mate in tow. I call her, we meet up and spend the entire
ten days together. My mate meets a girl, and we’re all having a fine time. When I leave she asks to come to the airport with me. I’m not big on goodbyes but we do it. This time I leave with a heavy heart, but I know I’ll be
back soon, as this Australia job now totally revolves around visits to Bangkok, as I spend a week there on the way home, and another week there on the way back. By the middle of last year we’re all loved up.
Then I discover this site. I read all the submissions and discover it’s all a big scam. Oh, what am I doing, I’m almost fifty, I thought I was a bit more worldly than this. I read ‘Thailand Fever’ cover to cover
and feel a bit better. Then I got to thinking … She hasn’t hit me up for the sick buffalo, ill family, etc, stories at all. Could she be one of the ‘exceptions’ we hear about. I decided to ask her about her past and nothing
appeared out of the ordinary by Thai standards. She’d never been married, there were no kids, no Thai boyfriend. No skeletons in her cupboard, nothing. I’m convinced she’s for real. We went to Koh Samui on holiday. I bailed
her out of the bar scene. I could phone her any time of day or night. There was no doubt she was at home, no loud bar music, or traffic noise in the background. We went on holiday up to Chiang Mai just before Christmas. I found a cheap UK mobile
to Thai mobile rate. We speak every single day at least once, for an hour or so. She attends English lessons four days a week.
I arranged to come over for Songkran. She told me she would like to take me home to meet her parents in Isaan. Having read ‘Thailand Fever’ I knew exactly what this meant to her. Thai girls do not take guys home lightly, this
was a major decision on her part. Anyway we went for a few days and had a tremendous time. I was not asked for anything, in fact one night while I suggested buying a case of beer, her mother insisted I only buy six bottles as a case was way too
much money to spend! We all got along like a house on fire.
So here we are two years down the road. I’m going back in three days time for two weeks. We’ll go away somewhere for a few days, probably house-hunting in Chiang Mai. I’ll buy her a ring. We’ll get married soon.
She’s a babe, she is the one, we are going to make it work, of this I’m absolutely certain …despite that pathetic excuse for a UK Embassy in Bangkok …… but that’s another story.
Stickman's thoughts:
Good luck! I hope it all goes to plan. Two years and counting, if the demons were coming, they would have in all likelihood shown their faces by now.