The Continued Story Of Trains, Planes And Beauty Queens
The Continued Story Of Planes / Trains & Danang Beauty Queens
By Bering Sea Pirate
Ever since I sent in my two articles on my trip to Danang, Vietnam to meet my beauty queen, I've received emails asking me what happened, so I decided I better sit down and finish the story.
Thanks Stickman for allowing us fellow travelers the opportunity to send in our stories.
Here goes.
After I had come back to America (to try and repay all the credit cards I had used up) Phan had continued to send me text messages asking for more money, etc, I really couldn't afford to keep doing that and I told her I would help when I could, but damn I was practically living in the sea-tac airport.
Around March 2004 I stopped seeing her Nic on-line and I knew that something had happened, then around April I saw her younger sister come on-line and I asked her what had happened to Phan and she told me Phan had gone to Thailand to work in a store (yeah right!!)
Then around May 2004 Phan came back online and turned her webcam on and I could see a picture of her with a guy in the background of the web-cam, so I knew right away she had gotten married. Damn talk about fast, she told me she was married and living in America, Now I'm not the brightest apple in the orchard, but she was married / in America less than 6-months after meeting me? Yeah right she didn't have any guy's she was meeting during the time I was with her.
She told me her Mother had to sell the Xe-moto "moped" to buy food (I don't even want to know how much the Moped was sold for).
Then Phan came online in 2005 and told me she was unhappy and she wanted to go back to Danang to be with her mother & sister and wants me to go with her in winter of 2006, I'm thinking to myself "hell no is she nuts". I want the damn money I spent on the Xe Moto back!
I think Phan was / is using her looks to get her thru life (Stickman can testify that she is a real beauty), but she found out the hard way that looks are not the only thing in a person's life.
I'm going back to Hanoi in April to meet the two real cool sisters for 10-days but certainly not for Phan's reason's.
Well after my trip to Vietnam I had heard about Angeles city, Philippine's and the bars / night life so I decided to check that out I went there in 2004 and I met a really cool girl (Irene…not her real name), and she helped me find an apartment for the 2-months I was going to be there.
Many of you guys that have been to Angeles city may know where I was staying, I was 3-blocks behind Mr.-frosty in an expensive apartment complex, 13,000-peso a month.
Well while I was there I decided to allow 4 girls to stay for FREE in my place (free food, free bedrooms, free TV, etc), that really was a bad idea, I had to damn near beg any of them for sex, and I was having to sneak girls in just to have sex.
I was going thru money fast, a few times I would bar fine 4 / 6 girls just cause I felt sorry for them and I didn't even have sex with them, that stopped as soon as I found out the 4-girls were not going to put-out sex for free.
From what I have seen I think Most bar girls have the idea that ALL foreign men are rich.
For me it is really intoxicating to go in a bar and have girls all over me, but if you look past that thin veil, their eyes, many bar-girls have sadness on their faces from all the times they have been promised a better life, and had their Farang not live up to his word.
Well after I came back to Seattle, Washington, and was having to live in the damn Sea-tac airport I swore off no more trips over sea's. But in 2005 I decided I would go back and I would be in charge of when / how much sex I was going to get. I contacted Irene and she arranged for me to stay in Antipolo, Philippines in an apartment for $100 a month so I stayed for a month.
While I was there I ran out of money and damn that sux being in a foreign country and not having anything to eat.
Now I'm certainly NOT into guys, but it seems ladyboys are attracted to me, the lady-boys would talk to me, but I couldn't get any girls to talk with me, (what's up with that?)
During the time I was out of money one of the ladyboys in a Beauty salon in antipolo took an interest in me, and he found out the situation I was in and offered to pay for my meals until I could get money from home. For me it was very uncomfortable going to Jollibee's to eat with a Lady-boy but damn I was hungry.
One thing I have noticed about Asian girls (maybe its just the ones I have met), but they seem to be very shy / reserved and its only after they get into the bar-scenes and start drinking that they open up. (avoid Antipolo guys, if your looking for exciting nightlife)
Well I hope this has been an interesting read, I'll be back in Vietnam April and I might go to Romania, before the start of the Herring-fish season at the end of April.
Stickman's thoughts:
I really must check out Vietnam one day. I have heard so many conflicting reports.