Stickman Readers' Submissions May 5th, 2012

My Girl Part 2

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To continue on with my life (part 1 here), here is what has happened in the last few months. Firstly after reading your response
I was disillusioned that you could be so cynical as in the past you may have had some nasty experiences and are talking about what has actually happened to you? <No, I could never consider having a relationship with a woman I know I could never trustStick> In the reply you gave me you mentioned that if she loved me money should not come into the equation and my answer was that at the time I was married for 32 years and my current wife had not worked for 30 years and
she was surviving on me to supply funds, food, cars, houses and clothing for the children. I than asked how does that differ to my current situation where I provide for my Thai wife. As the only difference with my current wife is that I do not
get sex so she is not a prostitute or what?

I have made the decision that I can no longer live what I consider to be a lie and have told my wife that I am leaving Australia as I have business interests in Thailand I am going to live there to pursue these, so she was bemused and suggested
that I spent a month on and a month off which I explained would not possibly work, up until this stage at no time was I ever asked the question by her. (Are you involved with another woman?)

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On having a vintage car and organising for the sale of this and my current sports car I mentioned that I had sold these vehicles she than asked me am I really leaving. I said I was and that my current business partner and I are talking about
a settlement to finish me up. The question was than asked and I told her that I was involved with another person which secretly she had known but had decided that it was better for her not to know. So we have come to a financial arrangement on
settlement and we are still living together. I believe her to be a good person and she will take me to the airport when I leave on the 20th. She has also agreed that if I come back to my home country I will be allowed to stay in my house albeit
in the spare bedroom and have the use of her second car which I believe has to be a good outcome as we still want to be friends and I will want to see my girls at some stage. At the end of all of this I think that she is being quite adult about
my current situation but is has been me that has actually betrayed her and I still do not feel good about it but I am now getting on with my future. One of my daughters has become quite nasty about my MI5 actions and has sent me a rather nasty
SMS saying she is annoyed that I have fallen for an Asian slut etc but in time she will either get over it or never speak to me again. This would pain me but I must live the future not in the past and if that is what she wishes to never see her
father again than it will be her decision.

I am organising a house for 6 months to live with my girl who is very excited and we cannot bear to be apart but 6 months will see if our love is just that or as you suggest, a financial arrangement. I know that it is the first not the latter
but time will only tell. I have never been happier and will continue to post updates on your site to inform you and other farangs that it is possible to find some one special. In closing, my friends have all said how excited they are as when they
meet us they see that there is something that they wish they had as she is such a wonderful person and all that we meet tell me how lucky I am to have her and I say muan gun (same same for her).

I have now booked airfares and after having told my girls I am travelling on the 20th of May to start my new life, my girls at this stage are very dirty on me for the alleged betrayal I have seemed to portray but it's my life and I am
willing to give them time to get over it. They will have my phone number and will ring me if they need anything – usually it is just money.

So I now enter the abyss of what is Thailand and the LOS. I am actually extremely excited about my future and with that so is my girl who just wants to be with me forever.

In life there are a lot of people that would do what I have or are about to do. 95% of my friends all hate me as they want to come but with commitments in life they cannot. I always ask what is holding you in this god forsaken country as
they have less commitments than me and they can never really give me a definitive answer so I have made the break and am champing at the bit.


When the money runs out, the train is going to crash horribly… Don't get me wrong, I wish you well, but when a relationship is based on money, once the money runs out….

Do keep us updated with how it goes.

nana plaza