My Girl
As an avid reader of the Stickman column and what I believe to be an experienced Pattaya veteran, I am disillusioned at what I read about farangs in Thailand and some nasty experiences with gogo and bar girls that after much consultation and reading would
stop me coming to Thailand for holidays. As an avid golfer and addict of the various nightlife experiences that Pattaya has to offer I ventured to the land of smiles from persistent persuasion from many friends that had experienced the beauty
of Thailand and their ladies of the night. From experience they are all nocturnal much the same as a tourney mouth owl or is that a frog?
My arrival in Thailand (not my first but this was a holiday and I have visited on business and on stopovers to Europe with my wife), my friends, all 6 of had us piled into a taxi with the clubs on the roof and ventured on to the track known
as the freeway to Sin City. They had been pre-warned by my best buddy that after 31 years of being happily married I was there for golf only. So with that information we arrived and ventured into soi 7 where I was on stage having balloons shot
out of my hands and head with an extremely talented girl that could shoot an apple off your head through a dart gun powered by rather extensive vaginal muscles. After many more bars and plenty of Tiger our last bar was X Zone where my extraverted
character turned many a discreet Russian away through an ability to eat bananas from most orifices and catch ice from a trapeze in my mouth (other forms of extravagant sexual indulgences were also performed but I will leave all that up to the
imagination as any one that has had a visit to the decadent x-zone will know that you are only inhibited by your own catholic upbringing).
As this was my very first experience away from my bride, I was very tired and emotional hence to say as I was lonely I barfined a lovely girl called Jar with whom I spent 5 nights with and she could have been a circus act as she was extremely
talented. Also she gave me something to take home with which I was extremely grateful for as I am now registered on the sexual register here in Australia but all well with a number of antibiotics and a week of abstinence. I will always check a
girl's mouth for any form of piercings because I was convinced that it was the transferer of bad things.
Anyway, please excuse my musings as I have digressed from the original story after quite a few more trips and a great familiarity of Pattaya I am what can be called an old hand. I decided one evening on one of my many visits 12 months ago
to visit X Zone as when I visit I have never not gone there it has become like a holy temple to me and many of my good friends and whenever I have newbies in Thailand I always let them see what goes on there. I ventured into a gogo that was new
to me and as I like experiencing new venues thought it would be healthy for my life long book of dreams.
As I am in love with a beautiful girl I will not divulge the name of the bar or hers but suffice to say when our eyes met it was a full love at first sight. Now I barfined her for a month and we did everything together from the temple of
truth to the snake farm, visited the monks, got the blessing and continued to just enjoy each other's company. I will not get involved in our sexual behavior as I think it is not for anyone else to know just that it is very special to us.
Smitten with her I travelled back to Australia and continued to dream about her and our relationship and where would it end.
The next visit, after a couple of days in Bangkok I looked her up and fined her again for 20 days and as the first time was just as happy the only thing that kept playing on my mind was that it may be possible that other guys were also barfining
her and as we know they need to provide sustenance to family and pay the rent. I was getting concerned that some ugly farang with no manners would take her home and hurt her. <Don't worry, you don't find that sort in Pattaya… – Stick> Anyway, it was time to leave again and go back to the land of living and earn some money and get on with life.
My next trip was just as special and I no longer was barfining her as I approached the subject of her leaving the bar to spend time with her family including a boy of 3 years of age and her father and sisters. My offer of money was gratefully
accepted and she left work to be a mother. I also provided a car and pay for that as well as her living expenses. This is an ongoing commitment of mine as we are in love with each other.
On my last trip 3 days ago we consolidated our relationship and I have asked her to be my Thai wife which has been agreed to. Now after this she has moved back to her village and looks after the family, grandma etc. She is the happiest I
have seen her and whenever I travel to Thailand I am met at the airport and we spend a lot of quality time together. She loves me alone and I am the same which after reading many of the horror stories I felt obliged to put words on paper to explain
that all experiences in Thailand and gogo girls are not bad.
I have never considered having her followed or investigated as I have had the pleasure of meeting all the family and have been told all that has happened in her past, for good or for worse, and know that it is her life that I cannot change
but I can improve it. In saying this it is a true love story that after all the rambling on the site re" bad girls it is possible to have one out of a hundred that will give you all that they have. Never be disillusioned. Just keep trying
as deep down they are all good, but just have never had money to improve their lives so if we as foreigners can provide give with your heart.
All is not lost love will always venture to the top as cream always rises.
Stickman's thoughts:
I wish you well in this relationship, but it sounds to me like a classic example of the prostitute simply changing her place of work. You used to pay her when she was in the bar, and now you pay her while she was in the village. You see, I am one of those guys who doesn't believe that you have to pay a girl to stay with you. If you find a woman who is a good match then it won't be all about the money. Sure, as the man you want to be able to provide well, but do you really want to be in a situation where she is in it primarily for the money?