Stickman Readers' Submissions April 12th, 2011

Thailand Fever

cbd oil

In December one morning one day I came to stay in Thailand.

As the so wonderful song from Paiboon Publishing starts.

mens clinic bangkok

A little bit about myself. I was at the time 28 years old, and live in the south of cold Sweden, a lovely country in the summer but the winter leaves much to want. I had just broken up with a long-term girlfriend of 3 years. We had been engaged
to be married but after a cheating episode on her part and a lot of other problems I just had enough.

I had planned a trip with a friend of mine for quite some time. He had gotten his driver’s license a while back and we were thinking about going on a car trip in Europe. However after he had an accident with his car “no damage to people
thank god” we had to look for other options. We had long talked about going to Thailand but never made it because of different things so we decided we were finally going to go.

The first two weeks were spent browsing the internet for info on Thailand's lovely beaches, elephant rides and scuba diving “yes we really thought we were going to do them all 😉 how naïve”. We finally found a flight from Stockholm
to Bangkok via the Ukraine with a one night stopover in Ukraine.

So on the morning of July the first 2010 we were on our way to Stockholm airport. I cannot explain the anticipation I was feeling.

Anyway fast forward a very long and uncomfortable flight and the next evening we landed in Bangkok. We go out of the airport and in the arrival hall and had many people taxi you go Pattaya sir? As we did not have any plan where to go we said ok to a man
standing there. Figured a private taxi would be cheaper than a office one and for 1500 baht, come on, it was nothing right;) Anyhow, the usual chatter in the car – you come Thailand before? Have Thai wife? And after no to all of the questions
I could almost see a wry smile on the cabby's face! “He was probably thinking CACHING ;)” He goes on I know good hotel Pattaya and close to all the ladies, cheap too we say ok why not, not knowing where to stay.

We arrive at a hotel in soi 5 I think it was, a big ass hotel and he smiles at my friend and then he goes tjing tjing first time Thailand? And my friend answers yes where he opens the glove compartment and proceeds to give him two small blue pills and
says then you need this ;). Up to the hotel and it's 8 in the morning so the hotel is full but they have a suite available. Being tired after a long trip we ask how much? He goes 4,000 baht one night and we go look and se a 75 square meter
3-room suite with a Jacuzzi in the bathroom and 42 inch plasma screen quietly thinking to ourselves 4,000 baht that equals about 1,000 Swedish about $150 and in Sweden this hotel room would easily be 10,000 swedish so why not. We book the room
for one night up to the hotel set the air-con to freezing and get in a shower to become a human being again

Then we decided to go out for something to eat. We ended up at this small restaurant off beach road. After paying for the meal the waitress proceeds to slap my ass and go I like your bum and your cock 😉 I’m flabbergasted thinking hey we are in
a restaurant, not everybody can be “working girls, right? ;)”

Out onto beach road and a Thai man approaches us with some sort of pamphlet on one side there is guns and on the other there is girls. He goes mister mister you need you need? And we both go no we are just fine.

After a while of browsing the beach road we end up on soi 6 and I had never ever seen so many girls in one place all screaming and yelling grabbing at you actually I was a bit scared at first. Now me I have always been a bit overweight always been the
guy the girl becomes friends with and then complains about here bastard boyfriend to but never the boyfriend so you might say I have a problem picking up women because I am very shy and insecure about myself. But now here I was in a land where
everybody wanted me. Yes, yes, I know, only money but the feeling I had was not like that. It was amazing and I was instantly hooked. We had our fun for about two days but as it was the rainy season and Pattaya has a horrible sewer system after
two days we had had enough so we were thinking where to go and came up with Hua Hin. People said as its on the opposite coast so it might be a lot more dry.

So into a taxi and off to Hua Hin – 2,000 baht for the 5 hour drive. I thought that was a very reasonable price thanks to my friend's negotiating skills ;).

We arrive in Hua Hin and a find a hotel or more of a guesthouse to stay in this time, a lot less fancy and only 800 baht a night for a double room with two single beds. Being tired after the trip we decided to get a massage and we go out to find one.
A few streets away we find our place, a small salon. We then say we want massage and the owner says well you just choose a lady! Jesus I had a hard time with this and felt like I was buying milk at the store;). Anyway up to the second floor for
an oil massage and I’m lying on my back closing my eyes when she starts to go down on me after I’m up proper. She looks in my eyes and smiles and says continue? 1,000 baht. Well I do not think I have to tell you what happened next
😉 and that was my first extras massage ;).

I was loving Thailand more and more warm people lovely smiles and beautiful women everywhere.

After about 5 days we realized that we hadn’t done any of the things we said we were going to and had no pictures but of hotel rooms and girls so we decided to take a tour on a boat called the Siam Pearl for dolphin watching, monkey feeding and
a bit of swimming. So out we go and on this trip and we meet a Danish fellow and his Thai wife who invites us to the bar she worked in before to play some pool and have a few. Mind you I don’t drink at all, only cola and red bull and my
friend is the same which in this case I think is an advantage as my holiday isn’t just a drunken haze. That evening we went to the bar in soi 80 called Mane Bar and when I walk in that’s when I saw her, a thin gorgeous Thai girl
a bit older, maybe around 30. I thought to myself I am going home with her tonight no matter what!

After a day at the bar with pool and drinks for the ladies my friend found a companion too.

We went home and I had the most incredible night of my life! I was in love or so I thought.

Now to recap, I came from a broken relationship with suicide attempts from my girlfriend and most generally a bad time and here I met a girl who would do everything for me, for a price off course, but I somehow forgot that part of the equation. I told
her that night we were going to Bangkok for the last 3 days of our journey and that I would miss here very much. This was our plan, to spend the last few days in Bangkok before going home. However later the next day my friend also took a liking
to his girl and we decided to stay for the rest of our trip in Hua Hin.

I had 3 more wonderful days and everything was just kind of in a purple fog walking on clouds.

The last day came round and we exchanged emails and phone numbers and we cried, you know the usual stuff. I'll miss you so much and so on. The only thing I could think about on the flight home was her and that lovely country where anything goes.

When we landed in Stockholm, thank god it was a one way flight home. We left Thailand at about 30 degrees so hadn’t packed any long pants or anything and had to go all the way across Stockholm to get the car which is quite some way and it was a
chilly morning so everybody was looking kind of funny at us.

Anyhow, got home and phoned my girl. I miss you

She said the same. When you come back Thailand?

I said I don’t know because I only studied at the time but as soon as I can.

After a couple of days I started noticing I couldn’t focus. My mind was in Thailand and with that lovely girl so I said to my friend what the hell are we doing in Sweden? So I sold my computer and what I could and one month later I
was back, this time for a one month stay.

It did not work out between me and her but I had a lovely time and I’ve been back one more time last year making it three times in 6 months and I am planning on making another trip in August of 2011. However, every time I come home I have the feeling
of something missing and nothing is the same back home anymore. My job got boring and I just long for the day I can come back. I cannot make the full move because of monetary reasons. I am only 29 and don’t have a well enough paying job
to make the stay full time but as a friend told me, once you get hooked in by Thailand and you’ve got the “fever” there is no going back.


Indeed, once you're hooked it is very hard to let go…

nana plaza