Pussy Hunting in Thailand 10
Freedom of Speech?
Hello Stickies. Boo hoo hoo Waaaaaaa! What a bunch of wimps some Stickman readers they are. Throw them off! Stop them Stick! I am tired of their rubbish Stick. Oh yes, Stick tells us, Bart and me, what you losers are writing in to him. You guys just do not getting it eh? What about freedom of speech? What about your own freedom to say and write about your ‘adventures’ with bar girls? Do you want to lost the chance to tell us your sordid stories of deborchery and stupidity? Maybe some people don’t like what you do here in LOS. Maybe they think you are the losers the idiots the fools. You can laugh. You can laugh at us. But when you start telling brave publishers like Stickman what he should publish or not publish then you have started on the slippery road to absolutism and dictatorship. How many of you losers have even heard of Hitler eh? How many know how he got started? Yes that is right. Hitler he called for censorship first. His Stormtroopers burned books then they destroyed the homes and businesses of people they disagreed with. Is that what yuo losers want?
Bart and me see the emails you write. Did you know that the readers who obviously have a good education are the ones urging Stick not to cut us off? They write clearly grammatically English with no spelling errors so my English professor friend tells me. More to the point though they are intelligent enough to understand the ramifications of what free speech is all about. They know that allowing others the right to their opinions and views is the very basis of freedom.
Then there are the losers who write in whining and complaining that we talking garbage. Oh really? What about the drivel they send in telling us again and again about the bar girl who is different? Yeah. She’s different alright. So why are these losers complaining about Bart and me telling the truth? What’s wrong guys? Is Bart and me cutting too close to the bone? As for the you assholes who write in threatening us with bodily harm or even saying we should be shot (yes you asshole!) you are beyond the pale. I guarantee you have already got an arrest record longer than my schlong.
You guys have a choice. If you don’t like us calling you idiots for chasing pay-for-pussy start taking our advice and look for REAL WOMEN!! Then write and tell us about your SUCCESS STORIES. We are tired of reading the same old tripe from losers who thinhk they can have a real relationship with a bar girl. Ha Ha Ha Aha!!! There are plenty of real women out there but you just too blinded by that pussy perfume from whores that turns your brains to mush eh? This assumes that you are not the total LOSERS Bart and me already think you are. So there is a challenge eh?
Or you can stop reading us if we offend your sensibilities too much. What a bunch of pussies. Maybe you guys complaining about us should be selling it at NEP instead. There are some real ugly trannies over there that might be desperate enough for the likes of you.
Now me I want to one tell about one point that a very kind reader, Caveman, wrote to Stick about. He said, “Another point is that you can choose to disregard what those 2 say. Their rants are not directed at you personally. In fact, I would guess that they do not apply on the whole to Stickman readers, who are largely an educated lot. You can either take their advice or not. To be honest, they are correct and there are a whole lot of morons in Thailand who, it seems, can really learn from advice, even if it is delivered in sophomoric fashion. OK, I may not agree with all they have to say, but I insist that they have a right to their opinions.”
Me I do not agree with Caveman’s characterization about my writing as sophomoric, but the fact is Bart and me has the right to our say just as much as anybody. It is called FREE SPEECH!!! As I already pointed out they guys demanding our demise do not appear to be very intelligent. On the other hand, them what support us is sending well reasoned points to back up their reasons for not wanting us banned. As Caveman so rightly says we are not aiming our writing at anyone in particular, so if a reader takes it personally it only says something about that reader don’t it eh?
Another writer he wrote “…was this some monger himself? Whom has been burnt so many times by hookers he wants to pretend he is enlightened on the subject? (being "Not Getting Burnt By Hookers" or "Wake up, She's Still a Hooker!") to help his fellow brethren? Are these dudes even real? If so they should look up the word modesty!! Or just some schizo who likes pretending he is a handsome/rich/Samoan?!? WHAT A COMBO!!! hahaaaha!!! (sorry had to put that one in!)
Ouch! That last dig at me, the handsome rich Samoan boy really got to me! But hey, Aha he don’t worry about little things like that. Me I am confident about me and my abilities. Me I do know who and what I am. Did I ever try the whores? Sure! How could I write about them if I didn’t not try them eh? Me I am a great believer in trying everything in this life. It is called Living! What I see too often down Sukhumvit or in Pattaya and all the other monger spots is that too many of you guys have just given up and taken the easy way out. You choose some ugly poor skank because that is all you think you deserve. You are right! You might be walking around but you are dead from the neck up!
Then the same reader he asks “And Aha, my Samoan friend, things like early in the piece I remember reading something along the lines of "I am not that well educated", but by PHIT 6 – we have the good old quote "Me I have a pretty good education if you call going to school and passing all the exams. Yeah I got a degree or two but does that make me a better person?" Which one is it buddy??”
Education is whatever you want to define it as. Me I got a couple of degrees one in computer science and one telecommunications. Does that make me goodly educated? Me I don’t think so. Aha is not a Professor. He does not have a PhD or not even a Masters. So according to some guys Aha is not well educated. It all depends on your point of view eh? Don’t forget that I also pointed out that it is much more important to be a good person to respect other people and acting like a gentlemans. Me I see these low class men come here many claiming to be PhDs and they dress badly and treat others like they are dogs. They think that falling in love with a bar girls is normal!??!! That to me Aha is not a good person. That is a LOSER!!!! Ha Ha Ha Aha!
Me I want to put one more quote here from this kind gentleman. He talks good sense. You bozos who write in demanding stick must stop Bart and me you needing to learn what free speech is about. “They (Aha & Bart) don't need to be justified in the way in which they express themselves in my opinion; it is a forum in which people are allowed to speak freely isn't it? Needless to say most Farangs come from countries where they ARE allowed to speak their mind and to see suppression b/c some readers don't like their opinion would be hmmm commie like.
While I am rambling about opinions I find it weird that anyone here could get offended by their writing, especially those resorting to threatening them?! Wtf?!. The old saying "THE TRUTH HURTS" really is valid in this case, how else could someone get so offended by it? Needless to say MOST people are here to read about sex tourism and stories about Thailand written by sex tourists. This is why I like seeing a spectrum of opinions, with anything less, the submissions become boring!”
To you I doff my hat and will even comb my fuzzy hair straight in salute. You other clods don’t like to read my version of the truth? Tough titty bozo. It is my truth as I see it. Other people see things the same way as me too eh? Some see things different. That is what makes the world such a wonderful place. So if you don’t like Bart and me you can either stop reading our columns or maybe you should open your minds a little bits and think about others peoples. And maybe just maybe you will understand that the world does not revolve around you. Other people can understand what Bart and me points are trying to make eh? So why can’t you idiots who want to censor us eh?
Do you know what is really funny? The guys writing in to complain about Bart and me are still reading our submissions eh? If you were not how would you know what to complain about???? I love it. Ha Ha Ha Aha!
Stickman's thoughts:
The more observant amongst you may have noticed that this is #10, with #8 run last week. What happened to #9? Well, with this epistle concerning freedom of speech, something I am very much in favour of, I convinced Aha to allow me to run this first.