Stickman Readers' Submissions April 10th, 2006

Don’t Marry Her; Just Buy Her A House Instead

cbd oil

I have been a reader and contributor of this site for over 3 years now and have read most of the reader’s submissions dating back to the very first contributions back in 2001. One of the topics which emerges again and again is the Farang/Thai girl
marriages; a minority of which appear to work out, but the rest appear to end in disaster with khun farang being ripped off and ending up bitter and twisted against the entire female species…especially Thais.

I got married to what appeared to be a fairly ordinary English girl a year after I left university in 1989; I was 27 she was 25. We bought a house, had 3 kids and despite my job of working away from home, we got on well and were set up for
that normal, ‘work to pay the bills, wash the car on Saturday, mow the lawn on Sunday’ lifestyle that people do in the UK…..boring, but I didn’t know any better at the time. However after about 9 years of marriage my ordinary
English wife changed; she put on half a ton of weight, started smoking, had a couple of really naff tattoos and pierced her nipples for a set of classy body jewellery. It all came to a head when she announced “I don’t love you anymore…Tina
is my friend now” and this fat ugly dyke moved in.

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To cut a long story short I put up with it for about 6 months before asking my boss to send me as far away as possible… I ended up in the Philippines. I got into the usual stuff in the bars at Angeles and San Fernando but it was only when
I had a 2 week holiday in Thailand that I really started to wonder what it would be like to have one of these really gorgeous, cute Asian women as a partner.

Fast forward to 2001. My wife had sold my house while I was working in South Africa and set up home with ‘Tina’ and my kids. Our divorce came through and in the true spirit of western divorces I got nothing. As my divorce solicitor
said, “It is nothing to do with who is right or wrong or whether it is fair, the party that looks after the kids gets everything, and unless there are exceptional circumstance that will always be… poor little wife”.

I have worked mostly in Asia since then, 3 ½ years in Malaysia and 1½ years in Hong Kong. My contract now is such that I only work 7 to 8 months of the year and holiday in Malaysia and Thailand for the other 4 to 5 months. I have
done the rounds of the bars, had a couple of girls live with me and even tried the non bar girl thing who I found to be even more mental than the average bar girl.

About 18 months ago I met a 29 year old Thai girl in Hong Kong (I was 42) and she really is perfection. Beautiful body, beautiful face, speaks good English, worked in a proper job, and has a friendly outgoing personality. She is adventurous,
but also likes a quiet night in, tries very hard to show an interest in my hobbies and takes great delight in teaching me to speak Thai. Her farther died years ago, her brother works at a factory in Rayong and her mother works in Hong Kong….
It all seems to good to be true and based on past experience, if that is what it seems then it usually is.

Three things stop me from jumping in with both feet:-

• Memory of my wife changing virtually overnight into a lesbian nutter.
• Stories I read on here regarding Thai girls.
• Several of my friend’s Asian girl marriages going horribly wrong.

I don’t own a house in England but live in hotels, paid for by my company and have a real problem in that I don’t have a legitimate address, which is a hassle for bank accounts, driving license, general post, etc. With the miserable
state of the UK I really do not want to buy a house there or live there for any length of time.

For the future I have considered various options, including marrying my girl but I really don’t want to put my self in a position where there is even the slightest chance of another nightmare. What I have decided to do is buy my girl
a house, anywhere she likes in Thailand, up to 1 million baht, owned and registered in her name….. ”What a naive dick” is probably what most guys reading this will be thinking, however there is a method to my madness. I am pissed
off shagging bar girls and I really would like to settle with one woman. If I marry her and it all goes pair shaped she gets the house anyway, plus the hassle and costs of getting divorced and all the other crap that goes with it. If I buy her
a house and all goes well, she gets the security she wants, I get an address and we can live together as a couple for as long as it all works. 1 million (£14,500) is a lot of money but a fraction of what my last marriage cost and I could
afford to lose it if push came to shove.

Looking at it from her perspective, she gave up her job to travel to England and Asia following me with my job and if I don’t show some sort of commitment then I could in 5 years time just drop her like a stone and she would be 35
years old and literally have nothing….I have been there and it is not a position I would wish on anyone.

So, I am going to buy my Isaan girl a house in a location of her choice for 1 million baht. She is not too sure yet where she wants to live but Satahip between Pattaya and Rayong is favourite at the moment, I am easy but I would like it to be somewhere
I can get farang food.

As soon as the money is transferred and the house is in her name she might be off like a shot in which case I will have found out sooner rather than later what type of girl she is. If that happens I will just have to shrug my shoulders and
spend the rest of my life shagging bar girls…not something I really want but the next best option I guess. If all goes well we could have a long and happy life; it is a gamble but I am going to take it.

Stickman's thoughts:

Get a mortgage and pay it off over a few years…

nana plaza