Stickman Readers' Submissions September 26th, 2005

Surprised In Pattaya

cbd oil

by Maa Soi SipEt (Soi 11 Dog)

Time Out Hotel Patong more info

After spending two full months dating a variety of women that I met from I was still unsuccessful with finding a nice Thai girlfriend to replace the one I broke up with two months prior. It was quite an experience and I was able to meet
women all the way from Udon Thani in the North and Songkla in the South. Some lived in Bangkok; others came to Bangkok to meet me.

mens clinic bangkok

Some of the gals were decent, to the point of being boring. Others were sexy virgins. I did try my best to take that away from them but was unsuccessful, to my chagrin.

To make a long story short: no one matched me and I only dated two of the twenty or so ladies that I met more than once. I decided to just give up on this internet dating thing. But there was still one more woman that I had not met yet: Jane.
She had emailed me over a month ago but was slow in responding to my replies to her. Just when I had given up on finding anyone, out of the blue, she emailed me again attaching another picture of herself.

Jane is, well, one of the those women you just drool over. Super nice face, long silky hair and a body to DIE for. It was hard to believe she would look that good in person. I doubted that she would, at least. She just looked too sexy to
be true. Small tiny waist, silky skin, and breasts that got your blood circulating.

Jane gave me her phone number in this latest email and so I decided to call her. I did not really want to meet her since she lived in Pattaya and I detest the place, but when I called her she insisted she could not come to see me in Bangkok
and the only way I could meet her was to come to Pattaya.

She sounded really nice on the phone. Really kind, really sexy. Her voice had an almost magical, hypnotic type quality to it.

I called her again the next day. She sounded nice again just like the day before. I told her I may just come to Pattaya to see her. She said anytime would be fine and agreed she would meet me for sure.

I hung up and did one of those things I sometimes, but rarely, do. I threw my stuff into a suitcase, jumped into a taxi, and sped off to Pattaya without a hotel reservation.

I told the driver to go to the Hard Rock Hotel. I checked in there at 4,000 baht a night, a bit steep, I would say. I called Jane and told her I was there already. She was surprised I came so quickly but seemed very happy that I was there.
She said it was too late to meet that night but she could meet me for dinner the following night. We set the time to meet in my hotel lobby at 7 pm.

The next night I waiting anxiously in the lobby wondering what she would really look like. If she looked anything remotely like her picture posted on the internet, I would be in for a real treat, I thought. She was twenty minutes late in
coming, nothing out of the ordinary in Thailand, but I called her cell phone just to make sure she was coming. She was on her motor scooter on her way and almost there, she said.

I kept looking for her to walk through the front doors to the lobby but she never came. I called her again. She said she was in the lobby now, but I could not see her. Then I looked up again and there she was, just outside the front doors,
walking toward the entrance. She was about 50 meters away from me. My first impression was that SHE LOOKED A WHOLE LOT BETTER than her picture on the internet. She was absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. She was one of the most sexy women I had ever
seen. AND she was beautiful to boot. I was impressed (and I was getting horny too)!

She walked toward me slowly and as she got closer she smiled. When she was about 5 meters away from me, I got my surprise that I came to Pattaya for: she was a ladyboy, not a woman. I wasn't 100% sure because she was so close to looking
like a woman that it was hard to tell, but I was 95% sure at that point. When Jane sat down and started to talk, then I knew was right. Her voice just didn't sound like a woman.

I was in a shock-like state, not knowing what to do at that point. Here I was, checked into an expensive hotel, having come all the way from Bangkok to meet a legitimate date and I end up meeting a ladyboy, who happens to be the most beautiful
and sexiest ladyboy in all of Thailand.

I was at a loss for words and said, "You know, I haven't done anything like this before. I do not have any experience with … you know." But, despite my best efforts at making hints, Jane just didn't get any of it. She
just pretended everything was normal. For her, maybe it was. But for me, I was freaking out.

I decided to make the best of a very strange and interesting experience and just go out with her. We went to dinner and then had some drinks at a bar on Walking Street. I was so embarrassed walking around with her, not knowing if I was walking
with a man or a woman. (I was sure she was a man, but she looked so much like a woman that it confused me.)

It turned out she was a very nice person. Kind, down-to-earth, sexy, and smart. Maybe I should have given her a fair chance, but I could not bring myself to it. Call me old-fashioned if you want, but I want a woman who was born a woman.

Later that night, we returned to my hotel and she came up to my room because it was raining hard outside and could not return on her scooter until the rain let up. I was inebriated to the point of not being too shy to ask her, "I want
to know one thing, and please do not get upset if I am being impolite in any way. But I would like to know if you are a man or if you are a woman."

She did not get upset or surprised by my question at all, which only goes to prove that she is, indeed, a ladyboy. She just insisted that she is a woman, which she is not.

She left after the rain let up. I told her I would call her again, knowing I would never see or talk to her again. I just didn't want to hurt her feelings because she was so nice to me.

I never called her or saw her again. This whole experience is way too eerie for me. I miss her in a way. Like I said, she was very nice, very beautiful, and very sexy.

Stickman's thoughts:

Exactly the same thing happened to me. This story used to be up on the site but has been down for a few years, but reading this, I decided to put it back up again.

Stickman's story

nana plaza