Stickman Readers' Submissions February 21st, 2005

One Drunken Day In Pattaya

cbd oil

Anonymous submission

This was my first trip to Thailand back in 1995, The trip was booked at my local travel agent and I thought I got a good deal, for every day I paid for I got one free, so I paid for 10 and was looking forward to my 20 nights in Bangkok. On my arrival
I was met by their local agent, who put me in a taxi and taken to the hotel.

My destination that night was Patpong a place I had already heard about( and being a simple lad was easily impressed ). I met a dancer who passed the face/figure/talking test and a deal was done. Back in the hotel I insisted on using one of my condoms
because they were a better quality so we were both surprised when it came out broken, she was not happy and can still picture her with the shower head pressed up against her pussy jumping up and down in the shower and me washing my wedding tackle
in the sink (my first night and I already caught aids ?).

mens clinic bangkok

I stayed with her 3 days and she become my guide to the local sites (nice girl but I got tired of temples and traffic) so after talking to a fellow English guy decide to try my luck in Pattaya.
Luck was on my side the hotel I was staying in,
had a travel desk and a hotel in the same group in Pattaya, The Royal Cliff, so the transfer was done, no extra money to pay except for the coach.

The Royal Cliff is a little out of town, but using the hotel taxi a large white Mercedes did get the girls attention when it pulled up at the bars. I met a girl I stayed with for about 4-5 days, before deciding to share my money more evenly amongst the

A week later I found myself heading for the bars about 8pm a little earlier then usual, I met a good -looking girl, who wants to go with me, but because the night is young I still want to do some bar-hopping and I think I might get more girl attention
going by myself, so I promise to comeback for her. 4 or 5 bars later I walk into a bar where a girl is dancing in tiny silver metallic bikini, with her long hair which goes down past her bum and from behind looks like she dancing naked in a pair
of glass platform shoes. This is tonight's fun and we go back to the hotel. About 2 o'clock she tells she has to go because she lives in Pattaya with her family who knows she works in the bar, but as a waitress and she has to back home
shortly after the bar closes (being new I believe her). I pay her and give her money for the taxi, but still feeling horny decide to take the taxi with her back to the bars.

I go to the bar where I promised to go back for the girl, she happy to see me and thinks I not comeback but a promise is a promise right. We go back to the hotel where she stays to midday before we head back into town together, she tells me where she
wants to be dropped of, I plan to have the afternoon to myself, but her drop of point is near to the room of the girl I spent my first week in Pattaya with, so I decide to give her a call. She free to have lunch together and after we head back
to her room for sex and a sleep. I make an excuse that I cannot see her that night because my friend from England has arrived and we need to talk. I leave about 7pm and go to the bar with the girl with the long hair was dancing. As soon as I walk
in the bar this girl gives me a wave and joins me. She got her hair piled high and when she lets it down its only half way down her back, I remind her of our conversation the night before when she told me a Thai woman had offered her a lot of
money to cut her hair (I guess to make wigs) but she never would. She gives me a puzzled look, I then realize its a different girl (a girl I was with the week before). I say I have to use the toilet, I grab a waitress and ask, where is the girl
with the long hair, she tells me she not come in tonight. I have a pee and thinking of the girl I'm talking to remember she was good in the bed and this would be girl number four in less then 24 hours and maybe I'll have time and energy
for number 5 (a new personal record).

She takes me to a short time hotel, its cheap but I wonder how all that dried blood got on the wall.

We finish and I head for another bar, its small with not many girls, but there a girl a on the heavy side with large breasts which is causing a movement in my underpants. Because she is not the most beautiful I thought she be happy that someone wants
to barfine her, but demands 1500 baht where the other girls where 1000 baht. Because I been in town since midday, paying for meals, beers and barfines I do not have 1500 baht, so decide to take her back to my hotel where I have more money in the
safe, and if I cannot perform that night I have a go in the morning.

We arrive at the hotel but she has no ID, so they will not let her in, I don't know if am more pissed of with her or the hotel. But not to be beat I tell her of a short time hotel back in town. We jump into the hotel taxi and when I go to pay I remember
that I did not go back to the room for more money and funds are getting low. Back at the short time hotel the receptionist remembers me, but I still have to pay again. Walking up to the room the girls mood is not happy because she knows this is
my second time. When we get to the room I tell her I want a blowjob and then f**k, she tells me blowjob or f**k not both. I settle for the blowjob because I know its not going to get stiff without, she then tells me blowjob only with condom, ok
with condom, she then says she has no condoms ( I used mine that afternoon ) this girl is really pissing me off. So I call down to reception who send some up. but the boy has no change so I pay way over the price. After 20 minutes of her trying
to give me a blowjob with a condom nothing is happening she's complaining that her mouth hurts and I'm thinking that drinking beer all day has caught up with me. So I decide to get dressed she asks for 1500 baht, I say she not make me
come so no 1500 and all her cannot do this cannot do that as put me in a bad mood. As I make my way to the door she runs in front of me drops to her knees undoes my trousers and starts to give my a blowjob with no condom, after awhile there's
signs of live down there, and we make are way to the bed. Am laying on the bed trousers around my knees she working away when I feel her hand slowly go into my trouser pocket where my wallet is. I quickly get it before her not saying anything
just giving her a evil look and pushing her head a little further down. My dick is now feeling strong and she is going to get F**ked, and I do not care about her calls that am hurting her as I try to get her feet behind her ears. When I finish
I just get dressed and go. I check my wallet that I have enough money for a taxi back to my hotel, and give her about 400 baht and go with her shouting something about her brothers.

In the morning I am woke up by banging on the door and a Thai girls voice, I thinking shit is it her is she with some guys would the hotel let them in. Talking though the door I'm happy to learn its the girl I had lunch with. I let her in, and she asks if I have girl last night while she's checking the bed for long black hairs, A smile comes across my face as I answer no confident she wont find anything. I follow her into the bathroom as she checks the shower and towels for black hair she then goes back into the bedroom and shouts LIAR LIAR. Then I remember what happened, when I got back to the hotel that night I went for a pee, and found a used condom on my dick, being drunk instead of throwing it down the toilet, I gone back into the bedroom and throw it in the wastepaper bin.

nana plaza