Stickman Readers' Submissions January 1st, 2005

Butterfly Brothers

cbd oil

By Welsh Wizard

Before I tell my tale first of all I would like to extend my deepest thoughts and sympathies to all the people who have lost friends and loved ones due to the quake in Asia.

Having recently returned to the UK from Thailand from my first time visit I have been an avid reader of the Stickman column and the readers' submissions. The column has been both informative and a source of inspiration for this piece and if I may
I would like to share my thoughts and experiences with the readers of this column.

mens clinic bangkok


My brother has been visiting Thailand for 7 years now and has been a virtual resident now for 3 years, only leaving the country to renew his entitlement to stay. He became instantly addicted to the land of smiles and face. Having now visited him I can
now understand many reasons for leaving his family behind. Not having seen him for nearly 3 years and having recently split up from my partner of 4 years I decided it was finally time to see what the fuss was about you could say.

My final destination was Pattaya but never having been to the region I decided I must stay in Bangkok for at least a few nights before going to Pattaya. First stop was the hotel to clean up a little after the flight then straight out to Nana Plaza. Obviously
I was a little nervous as this my first time in Bangkok. Although having been to Amsterdam many times I should have been a little cooler about the situation. But nothing could have prepared me for the assault on my senses when I exited the taxi
and was consumed by Nana.

First stop was a bar on the corner of Nana Plaza, can’t recall the name but it was on the left hand side and had two large LCD TVs showing the football back home. As soon as I sat down I was accosted by a rather pleasant looking lady asking me
what I would like to drink. Drink came and so did the obligatory hand straight on the crotch, you must understand at this point that I was completely unaware of this situation due to my lack of knowledge of staffing arrangements in beer bars there.
I was taken aback a little as to how forward it all was but soon got back into it having realised that this was her job and obviously there was more competition other than her in the bar.

It was obvious I had only got off the plane today due to my lack of colour and almost bleach white skin. She possibly thought she could manipulate me because I had made the mistake of telling her that this was my first time in Thailand. Only realising
this when I saw her eyes light up more than a little. After my first mistake I decided not to stay to long in this bar as I was not just out for quick shag on my fist night, I wanted to have a look around and take in a few more sights first, besides
I was a little wary of her due to the amount of scars on her arms. I had also seen this before on the girl’s arms in Amsterdam.

Next stop Rainbow, also in Nana Plaza. Now this is what I had been expecting sexy dark brown eyes in every direction. Ordered a beer then the fishing started, although I now know that I was the fish waiting to be caught. The first few girls came and went
from my table, I know it my sound strange but I would like the conversation to extend a little passed what your name, hansum man and you buy lady drink for me. Then out of the blue along came Sun. She was absolutely stunning, half Thai and half

I bought her a lady drink chatted for a while as her English was exceptional as it turns out she had had some schooling and was not self taught like the majority of seasoned hookers. Now it may sound a little odd to the average sex tourist but I actually
need some from of verbal communication with the girls at these sorts of places before I actually take them back to my hotel for long time. Before you could say, “bar fine” she had gone to change into something a little less whore
like then out into the Plaza.

Having been a little early to just go back to the hotel I decided that we should go to another bar as I had started to get a taste for Singa Beer at this stage. I tried to suggest to her that we should go to a hotel bar nearby as I would have been a little
distracted by the others if were we to stay in Nana Plaza. But suddenly I found myself being almost dragged up to the second floor of Nana and not being entirely in control anymore. Having asked what the hell do you think you’re doing all
I got back was a childish pout and in a girlish voice, “We have to see my friend, it ok, ok”. And with that she whisked me up to the second level and into another go go bar. On entering the bar I found myself to be a little on parade
with this little Asian goddess leading me by the hand. Possibly just my imagination but I think she may have showing me off to the other girls. I probably looked like a shiny new ATM card just flown in from Farangland in reality.

The bar was packed out mainly with Germans I think. The music in the place was less than favourable. Liking most English and American popular music I found the German Heavy Metal a brutal assault on my senses. Nevertheless we were directed to a seat directly
opposite the long thin dancing stage and ordered some drinks. I had my usual and Sun requested an Orange breezer. On stage were two very tall, semi clad beauties beating the shit out of each other with foam batons. Not really being into anything
involving pain and I asked Sun why she had brought me to this place. Sun turned around at shouted to me over the music and said “You no like, it's OK lesbian, have lesbian show next, you like lesbian”. Well this I could handle
but it turned out to be the same tall girls pretending to do unspeakable things to each other without touching or taking any more clothes of than they started with. Obviously the authorities had really clamped down on this kind of thing.

Having recalled my earlier conversation with Sun I asked her about her friend she wanted to see as I was getting a little pissed off by now. Sun said that we wait, and with that she goes for her mobile and runs out of the club to the veranda to make a
call. She could have only been about 4 minutes and returned gave me a kiss and shouted above the music that we wait a little longer. Within a few minutes another beauty appeared and sat with us. She was a little taller then Sun and was dressed
quite sexily but not too sluttish.

We were introduced, her name was Noi. As it turned out Noi was another dancer from Rainbow who was apparently not working as it was her day off. I found this to be slightly suspicious, especially when Noi pulled out of her purse some rolled up notes and
gave some of the money to Sun. In all likelihood she had already been bar fined that night and already gone for short time with Farang. On closer inspection I found the notes not to be local currency but Japanese Yen. Not wishing to push it I
just smiled as they both counted this in front of me. I can only guess she had been with an elderly gentleman that night and probably overpaid her and she was able to leave him early.

Noi ordered a drink and some more drinks for Sun and me. At this point understandably I was getting a little concerned about the situation, perhaps they thought they could get a free night out of me for Noi also. Before I said anything the waitress arrives
with the drinks. She also brings with her a separate plastic container to put the chit in. The waitress puts this in front of Noi, looks at me then smiled as she walked off. As I had already had another beer I decided to take out the single chit
from my plastic container and changed it with the one that Noi was given for the bigger round. Noi smiled and said thank you in Thai. I did gain a little pleasure in doing that I must admit, as I did not want anyone to take the piss out of me
especially not a couple of whores. We chatted for a bit and I decided that I wanted to leave for another bar as the entertainment was getting a little dull. I think I preferred it when there were just semi clad Asian babes dancing round the poles
at Rainbow.

We all ascended the stairs to the third level of the Plaza, fair play to Sun she asked it was ok for Noi to tag along, I said this was fine as I quite liked Noi she just has something about her. I think it was her sense of humour, fairly dark and I loved
the wicked glint in her eyes. The place we entered next was much like the other bars first of all then I noticed a bucking bronco in the middle of what I guess to be a disused dance floor. Having got he drinks in for all of us this time Noi pulled
out a 100 Baht to give to me for her beer.

On this occasion I insisted that I pay for her drinks as I was warming up to them and actually no longer felt threatened by them and now feeling quite intoxicated by the beers and the jet lag I did not really care by this point in any case. Well I was
not going to let them look after my wallet whilst I was in the toilet now was I. We talked a little more and the girls a got a little more drunk so we all decided it would be fun to have a go on the Bronco. Noi goes up first and actually does
a good job 1 min 30 secs. Next up me, what a disgrace 40 seconds must have been more drunk than I thought but then again I would not have gone on it in the first place if that had not been the case. Sun made fun of me when I got back to the table
overlooking the dance floor, she said I lose face because Thai lady better than me. I said to her she not lady, but I don’t think Sun understood me and told Noi. Noi shouted at me, “I’m not katoey”. Well she obviously
did not get it either.

At 1 AM the lights came on and this is the first time I had really got a decent look at Sun. She was even better in the light than I has expected. Amazing brown almost black eyes that you could get lost in and a curvaceous figure that I have always loved.
Her hair was typical Thai but had a red tint in it that I had not noticed, very subtle really that added to her overall appearance. Her face would have melted the blackest of hearts.

I have always had a thing about foreign women; it first stated when I moved to London about ten years ago. Having been with mostly Welsh and English girls up until at age of 23, London was a whole new world for me with every nationality imaginable. London
is where I first got my taste of Asian Girls. I had met Jeyanthi at work and we finally got it together at a works function in Brighton. Her parents where originally from Sri Lanka but had emigrated to New Zealand in the late sixties, so she was
very westernised and very well educated as her folks were both surgeons. Jeyanthi was working on a young adult’s visa that allowed her to stay and work for a couple of years. Unfortunately for me I met her with only 8 months to go on it.
I have found English and Welsh girls to be difficult to deal with on the whole, and I have been slightly disillusioned entering relationships with them. I do think it may have to do with their attitude and lack of lust for life in general. Hard
to put a finger the exact reasons, but compared to a Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, American, Brazilian, Italian, and Thai, there is no contest.

Before going back to the hotel with Sun they both insisted, more like demanded that they go and eat. What was I letting myself in for; being of a suspicious nature I was rather hesitant about the situation once again. I could not be more wrong. As I had
bought the drinks they wanted to treat me to a meal as this was my first time in Thailand.

Directly outside Nana Plaza to the left the pavement had turned into a basic restaurant that I had not noticed before on entering the Plaza. Our order was taken I had no idea what was ordered but the guy who took the order came back with a clay pot with
a charcoal fire beneath it. Then along came the raw ingredients to make a soup that consisted of various bits of meat, fish, noodles and vegetables. Not forgetting the red hot shrimp paste.

Sun and Noi started to cook on the pavement, quite an unforgettable experience for me, sitting on a straw mat drinking Singa from a tin cup and being entertained by two complete strangers whilst watching the world go by. The pavement restaurant suddenly
became a lot busier, but the clientele were mainly young ladies from the surrounding go go bars that had not been successful in securing a Farang for the night. So we ate and drank for a while then a pretty young girl with a bunch of single red
roses appeared and sat down next to us not saying a word. I glanced over to her and she just smiled. But you could instantly tell this was false by her cold stare, emotionless. By ignoring her I thought she would move on. But I was the only Farang
sitting down. Next think I realise she is scratching the bottom of my foot with her nails. At this point you can imagine I was getting a little uneasy with this street urchin. Sun noticed my uneasiness and took out her purse and bought a rose
from the little vendor and gave it to me. The little girl started laughing, obviously I felt a little humiliated by this so I asked Sun to take a picture of us all with her camera phone, and a gave the little girl 20 Baht. Off she went then quite

What a night, my first night out in Bangkok, and yes the world did feel like my oyster.

With all the food gone it was time to the hotel as was getting a bit tiered and wanted to get Sun in the sack. We said our good byes to Noi and jumped in the Taxi. Not surprisingly the Taxi driver said he did not know the way to my Hotel. So I pulled
out the card with a map and directions on the back. This was also useless, I assume most Taxi drivers to be illiterate as this happened on most occasions. Sun once again came to the rescue once she read the card. Funnily enough it only took a
few minuets to get back to the Hotel. On my way to Nana it took considerably longer. Well this is a phenomenon common to every Taxi I have ever been in so I was not too perturbed.

Once back at the hotel we relax a little and I pulled out a bottle of Smirnoff that I bought in Heathrow Airport and had a couple of shots. Then it was down to business after a quick shower, I was really looking forward to this. I noticed Sun had the
quite the nicest wiggle of any girl I had seen before as I followed her out of the shower. She was obviously a professional and knew how to push all the right buttons. We started kissing whilst lying on the bed; I was unaccustomed to this as any
whores I had slept with previously would never allow it.

I have been told that this is done purposely as it allows the whore to have less emotional contact with the client. I feel it makes going with a prostitute a very clinical experience and can be quite negative. But if you look at the from the Thai hookers
side she is pleasing the client and will possible earn more as a result. Well to cut a long story short we had an amazing session both oral and full penetration. Having had so much to drink whilst I performed I could not climax with a condom on
much to the disapproval of Sun as I think she thought something was wrong. Unfortunately, she laughed at me, because I have a very small penis. Sun went back to have a shower so I took the opportunity to put my wallet in my room safe and then
cleaned myself of with a cold disposable flannel from the fridge and passed out like a light.

Next morning much to my disappointment I find Sun had already got dressed and was sitting in the chair reading what looked to be a fairly technical book judging by the cover. Sun immediately said that she had to go to school. As you can imagine I’m now getting a little perplexed and thought to myself, hang on did I not bring back a hooker last night or a school girl. Obviously I was a little worried about this as she may have been well under age so I ask her. Well she turned out to be 25 years old and recently gone back to collage not school to study communications, and she was working as a gogo girl to fund her studies. I’ll never be sure if this was really the case, but it was one hell of a big book to be carting round with and especially back to a punters hotel room. To honest I was a little miffed because I had paid that bar fine and expected to keep her for the duration or until her next shift started. I told her this, but all she could say was she had to study. Mind you she did give me her mobile number and told me to call back at 2 pm after her class so she could show me around Bangkok. I never did make that call.

Stickman's thoughts:

Another sex tourist is born.

nana plaza