Stickman's Weekly Column August 18th, 2024

Pattaya, This Week

cbd oil


This week I returned to Pattaya for the first visit since the middle of last year, my first visit alone in as long as I can remember. What follows are observations from Pattaya and a few thoughts on where things are going in what was known as South-East Asia’s city of sin.

It’s 26 long years ago I first stepped foot in Pattaya. June, 1998, was my first visit and I felt like I was the youngest guy in town. At times this week it felt like history was repeating itself. In Soi Buakhao, there were some guys younger than me – but not many.

mens clinic bangkok



Rainy season in Pattaya? What rain? Not a drop fell. You could be mistaken for thinking it was the hot season.

A great job has been done making Pattaya Beach attractive and inviting. What was once a narrow, largely uninviting beach is today a wide expanse of sand.

In Pattaya today, there really are Indians everywhere. Young Indians, old Indians, city Indians, country Indians….all sorts of Indians. Some have money. Many give you the impression they don’t.

Post-Covid, there has been a huge increase in the number of massage shops all over town – and Indians are big fans. Most of these places offer extras and the impression I got is that’s where the Indians prefer to get some action. Indians flock to massage shops, often in large groups – which is bound to perpetuate the myth that one girl does 6 of them at once.



Don’t recognise where in Pattaya this is? It’s Walking Street, with all of the old overhanging signage torn down!

A couple of months after my last visit, all of the signage that extended out over Walking Street was removed. By day, Walking Street is just another street. At night, the vibe felt flat to me, sanitised almost. Ladies still stand outside bars and music blares, but there are far fewer freelancers milling around and the sexual tension that was once palpable is gone.



Walking Street really wasn’t that busy. For me, the vibe is nothing like it used to be.

The demographics have changed and so have the patterns of behaviour. It used to be that you didn’t see a lot of people around by day – certainly not before lunch-time. Come evening, everyone came out to play when the sun went down, and the town felt busy.

Pattaya often felt quiet by day but came alive at night. Now it feels busier by day and there’s not the same spike after dark.

The best Walking Street gogo bars are now very much the domain of Asian men. But it’s not predominately South Koreans as some say – although there are plenty of Koreans around. Far and away the biggest group of customers in Walking Street gogo bars at this time are Chinese. They love the likes of XS and Pin Up where many  girls are fair-skinned with surgically-enhanced hooters.

Indians walk up and down Walking Street but for the most part they’re not in the gogo bars. They head for the Indian discos.



The start of Walking Street is bright, but the soi itself is a very different beast today.

Frankly, I don’t care for Walking Street any more. It feels much less welcoming and there are far fewer places for a white man like me to go. No, thanks.

The removal of the signs hanging out over the soi has changed the atmosphere for the worse.

Walking Street suffers from the same affliction as Soi 6 – hot-headed security guards. I gave up trying to take photos after some ran towards me, standing between me and the bar, trying to intimidate and being very threatening. It was like a scene out of a comic as he flapped his arms around drawing all sorts of attention to us. I just want to take some photos of the bar frontages, for goodness sake! If you merely point a camera at some bars, security goes bonkers! Recent events in Soi 6 where security beat the crap out of foreigners was in the back of my mind. It’s best to walk away….from Walking Street and not come back. There didn’t seem to be an issue taking photos with mobile phones.



One Walking Street bar Pattaya locals had something positive to say about was Opium.

I’d heard good things about Opium. The bar might be good inside but the security guards are nasty. It puts you off Walking Street.

While white guys are allowed inside all of the Walking Street gogo bars – just saying that is kind of crazy – in some bars you really feel like you’re not welcome. The vibe in Walking Street is off. Some Pattaya locals I chatted with said they haven’t been to Walking Street in years. I understand why.

If you are keen to spend time on Walking Street, expect to find yourself almost invisible in the likes of Pin Up and XS. You might like to try Opium, Sensations or One Night Jack, all of which are decent bars where white guys are welcome.



Larry, known best for his time at Secrets. Quite probably the best bar manager ever.

It was nice to catch up with old friends like Mister Egg, Captain Hornbag and Larry. Often referred to as “Larry of Secrets”.

Single-handedly, Larry elevated Secrets to a bar that for many years was really quite special. And it’s no coincidence that when Larry left, Secrets went downhill. Larry is long since retired and continues to enjoy life in Pattaya. It was great to share stories with one of the true legends of the Pattaya bar scene.

In a city with so many unhealthy-looking foreign retirees, does Larry look like he is knocking on the door of 70? It’s nice to see someone who takes care of himself.

If there was one pleasant surprise in Pattaya, it’s how many expats are prioritising their health. Many who used to be big drinkers have cut right back or even given up altogether. Captain Hornbag who has always been an impressive specimen just celebrated one year as a carnivore and looks absolutely fantastic.



Mamasans can earn decent money in Pattaya.

It may be low season but Pattaya still felt quite busy to me. I don’t remember the low season being this busy. As a regular correspondent from Pattaya wrote in an email not so long ago, low seasons in Pattaya are a thing of the past.

With a steady flow of tourists year-round, many Thais are making good money. The sign above says that Pin Up is looking for mamasans. The salary is 40,000 baht / month with bonuses on top. I don’t know how much the mamasans in Pin Up take home each month, but there are at least two gogo bars in Bangkok where mamasans frequently take home over 100,000 baht / month. They’re on a commission system – the more barfines the girls get, the higher mama’s commission. That’s why she is so keen to match you up with a lady!



A Pattaya local paws his prize.

If I was to use one word to describe many retirees in Pattaya, it would be “loner”. Many appear to do almost everything alone, which is all fine and well but it also strikes me as sad and a recipe for misery. A lack of friendship and sense of community is not good for one’s general happiness.



Monks blessing Cheetahs, early morning on Soi LK Metro.

The primary nightlife area for white guys these days is the Soi LK Metro / wider Soi Buakhao area, which has really expanded. There are entire sois that never had bars before that burst in to life after dark. On Soi LK Metro, many smaller bars and eateries have been replaced by gogo bars. I didn’t count, but there has got to be more than 20 gogo bars on that street.

Across the road from Soi LK Metro on Soi Diana, the Las Vegas Beer Garden is nice inside, cool and has very cheap drinks. Some bars have their own girls while there are also freelancers milling around. But don’t go thinking that you can slip away with a freelancer without paying a barfine. They may not be employed by the bars but there is still an 800 baht barfine for freelancers. That’s a bit of a head-scratcher.

On Thursday before last, a large section at the front of the Las Vegas Beer Garden collapsed. Friends who were present at the time said girls were screaming and it’s lucky no-one was standing in that spot because what fell down was so large and heavy, anyone underneath would’ve been killed. It’s unclear exactly what came crashing down but it sounds like some sort of mechanised doorway. Hooray for local construction standards!



Call me a prude, but I don’t think this bar name is cool. Even in Pattaya, I’m surprised this sign is allowed.

One of the better gogo bars I stopped by was Playgirlz, which is on the corner of Soi Buakhao and Soi Boomerang. Nice bar with attractive, friendly ladies. The shows are a bit cheesy but the fact the bar is making an effort deserves applause. Despite a better lineup than many bars, at prime time it was quiet. Maybe it was an unusually quiet night – I don’t know – but it did cause me to wonder about the economics of the bar. Run by two young Aussie brothers, Playgirlz has been chastised by the owners of other bars for paying high salaries. Translation: these bosses are pissed that their girls left and went to Playgirlz for better money! Chatting with girls in the bar, the barfine is 2,000 baht. Now let’s remember that this bar is on Soi Buakhao and not Walking Street, an area once known for cheap Charlies. Will guys in this area pay 2,000 baht for a barfine? I guess some will – but I am just as sure many won’t. The girls’ union has imposed flat-rate pricing with short-time 3,000 baht and long-time 5,000 baht.

Good music, nice girls, fair drinks prices and free popcorn are all positives. But pricey barfines and lady fees have me scratching my head and wondering how the economics add up at Playgirlz.



You don’t see nearly as many White guy / Thai girl couples by daytime in Pattaya and when you do, she looks bored!

One of the big changes from 10+ years ago is how few white guy / Thai girl couples you see walking around during the day. It’s probably due to fewer ladies going long-time and even fewer on week-long barfines.

On Soi LK Metro, Kink is a bar with two faces. Downstairs is a regular gogo bar and is perfectly pleasant. Upstairs is hands on, in the style of Windmill – which is absolutely not to my taste. There are some really rough, older women there. Larry would later tell me that many of the ladies upstairs in Kink worked for him at Babydolls way back in 2013.

Soi LK Metro may be the new Walking Street for white guys but it really was not that busy when I did the rounds this week, inside the bars or out on the soi. Sure, I wasn’t there on Friday or Saturday when some expats come down from Bangkok but all the same, it felt quiet.



Lots and lots of transsexuals all over Pattaya.

Another change in Pattaya is the sheer number of ladyboys. There are transgenders everywhere, more than I ever remember. So many bars and so many massage shops have transsexuals.

I gather our Indian friends are partial to ladyboys although that could be an old wives tale for all I know.



A traffic cop stops a big bird on a small bike.

Outside the police station next to Central Festival, cops were pulling over people foreigners riding without a helmet. Thais rode on by. Foreigners were stopped. Some things never change.



Chinese tourists drag their suitcases along the beach promenade on a scorching hot day in Pattaya.

Comparisons between Bangkok and Pattaya are inevitable. One bar manager with experience in both locations said it well: “The customers and the girls in Pattaya are different to the customers and the girls in Bangkok.”

Pattaya may be drifting away from its nightlife roots, but there’s still plenty to keep the night owls happy.

I quite like Pattaya for a few days break from Bangkok, but 3 days is enough for me. Pattaya by day I rather like. Pattaya after dark I am not so keen on.




Mystery Photo

Where is it?

Last week’s photo was taken of the entrance in to EmSphere from the walkway connecting it with Emporium and EmQuartier. This week’s photo was provided by Brian the Bogan, isn’t all that far away from last week’s photo and is very much in the heart of Bangkok.


Stick’s Inbox – The Best Emails From The Past Week

Street food or air-con?

You do have a point when you mention the irony of vendors selling street food in a mall. But, if – if – the food is similar to what can be bought actually on the street, would you prefer to eat in air-conditioned comfort or sitting outside in heat and humidity beside fume-belching traffic?

African business model theory.

I don’t know specifically, but you might want to ask your sources about the business model of the many Africans hanging around lower Suk. Don’t quote me, but possibly it’s: sell dodgy substances to farang, then finger said farang to the thamruat. Again I dunno, but it makes sense: everyone gets a cut, and maybe Señor Africa gets their package back to sell to the next fool. Whatever the grift, they’re clearly not tourists and they were cracked-down upon, but now they’re back.

Traveling in packs.

I don’t care what race it is, when people travel in packs, they don’t blend in or assimilate to any venue nor do they contribute to the vibe of a place.

How to deal with airport taxi drivers.

You wrote of taxi drivers from the official queue at the airport trying to take the piss by not wanting to use their meter, and passengers just needing to say they’d leave the taxi in order for the driver to back down. Might not work. I did that, and the driver drove a long way around to build up the fare to what he had demanded in the first place. And it’s no good calling the taxi complaints number. I did that on another occasion and they told me to call the tourist complaints number. I did, and they told me to call the taxi complaints number. <Be assertive when you get in to the cab and establish immediately that the meter is turned on. If it is not, tell the driver to stop and get out. This is a *big* problem for a driver as he then has to rejoin the taxi queue and that can mean a very long wait which they really do not want! Stick>

How to deal with airport taxi drivers part 2.

I once had a driver agree to a fare to the airport from Nana. At the first toll booth (up the ramp from Sukhumvit) he said he had no money and jacked up the fare. My suitcase was in the trunk, cars lined up, and I couldn’t return to Nana. He had me. I agreed. I could have refused to pay the higher fare at the airport but, I had to assume that would have caused an international incident and a missed flight. I wrote down his taxi info, and was going to call the company when I returned from a one month visit to Vietnam – I lost that info. So, what to do when the suitcase is in the trunk, you’re on your way and, maybe, he turns off the meter and names a price — at 2 AM? <At the airport just pay him what the fare should be and walk away. He will NOT pursue you. Errant drivers prey on foreigners’ ignorance. They do not want to cause a scene when they’re clearly in the wrong. If a policeman came along and you explained what happened, the cabbie is in trouble!Stick>

More Readers’ Emails

Helping the homeless.

Regarding the homeless foreigner at Asoke, I’d urge any of your readers who spot him to call the Tourist Police and describe the exact location and how he looks. I did this a while back regarding the homeless guy close to Soi 8 and within a couple of days he was no longer there.

BA? No, thanks!

August is not a great time for us Brits to travel to Bangkok as it’s the middle of the summer holidays and flights are crazy prices. I’m not sure the resumption of direct BA flights from London to Bangkok will have any effect on flight prices. BA would not be anywhere near my first choice. They’ve always charged premium prices for what I regard as a second-rate product. Very restrictive tickets, mediocre service and appalling legroom for a long-haul flight. I’ll stick with Emirates and Eva, thank you very much.

Thai wife prefers England.

The wife has just returned from her 3-week jaunt back to Thailand and her verdict (as a Thai), is that she couldn’t wait to get back home to England. Her thoughts went along the lines of; the roads are crap, the driving is atrocious, it’s too hot and it’s boring! She did the rounds of meeting ex work colleagues in Bangkok, university friends, went home to see family and took a trip to Koh Samui, which was beautiful, and although she enjoyed reconnecting, she was very disappointed by the attitude of her fellow Thais. Her view was that England, despite the direction the UK is going, isn’t bad enough to move back to Thailand. Indeed, when asked by her family if she would ever return once her mum dies, the answer was an absolute no way! I was a bit surprised but not overly surprised by her position, but it has left me looking at alternative escape routes and on that note, the wife has suggested Switzerland as the place to go. Lederhosens at the ready, it is!

The future of Pattaya.

I just read a trip report from Pattaya. Who is going to part with 26,000 baht (675 Euros) / per day to spend time with working girls on the other side of the world? Did the guy want to impress people with his budget? He certainly won’t have succeeded. Who can afford to spend 26,000 baht per day in Pattaya for weeks? And those who can, including me, are wiser. For 26,000 baht / 675 Euros, I can pick up the most beautiful girls in the world in every café here in Europe and I don’t have to travel like a sardine twice for 18 hours to the scorching heat on the other side of the world. More beautiful girls than what you find in Pattaya, and who understand you well. So I don’t understand his need to brag.  What is your opinion, Mr. Stickman? Is this the future of Pattaya or is this an idiot who can possibly not pay his rent next year? (Having spent a few days in Pattaya this week, the overwhelming impression I had of Westerners there is that most don’t have a lot of $$ and aren’t throwing it around willy nillyStick>


This Week’s News, Views & Gossip

It’s official: there will be no more ladyboy bars opening up in Nana Plaza any time soon. A few bar owners protested at the number of ladyboy bars that had sprung up in the plaza. Nana Plaza management listened and has responded with a new policy: no more ladyboy bars.

If you had 5 weeks in the Spanky’s manager survival pool then you can collect your winnings. The revolving door kept spinning and the hot seat remained too hot for the latest candidate. Spanky’s has had a half-dozen managers this year alone. Who will be brave enough to take on the ill-fated role next?

On Friday night I took some time to check out the much maligned Patpong. To cut straight to the chase, I was not impressed. Even with its rich, storied history, these days it’s hard to get excited about much at all in Bangkok’s oldest bar area. The whole area is just a mess. Is it a tourist attraction? Kind of. Is it a dining area? Sort of. Is it a bar area? Hmmm, I am not so sure. There just aren’t that many people going to Patpong for the bars and you don’t get folks doing the rounds of the bars in the area like you do in Nana and Cowboy. And with their absence, there is no real buzz. I stuck my head in plenty of bars but not one venue grabbed me. I know Virgin, Pink Panther and Bada Bing all have their fans, but I guess they all get going later than when I was about. All very quiet. Today, Patpong feels like little more than a small number of bars scattered randomly around a couple of sois. I don’t know that Patpong is really even worthy of the term “bar area” any more.

The Patpong Museum might be gone, but signage advertising the venue above Octopus Fetish Club (previously Bar Bar) is, confusingly, still in place. Perhaps they’re waiting for the owner to be released at the end of his 1,073-year prison sentence (NOT a misprint), and they will reopen the Patpong Museum then?


The Patpong Museum may be gone, but a sign remains.


Sadly, the word is that the exhibits, the models, the photos, the posters and all of the amazing memorabilia that made up the Patpong Museum is gone. Gone where?, I asked one Patpong insider. No-one knows. People came and took everything away. Without an ounce of exaggeration, if all the exhibits have been destroyed, that would be an absolute tragedy.

While I didn’t see it with my own eyes, word from some in the wider Patpong area is that trade at Dok – the newish venue on Patpong soi 2 – has picked up, and trade late at night is not too bad. I am told it attracts a mixed crowd – straight and gay.

I took a run through Soi Cowboy later on Friday night which confirmed what I saw last week – it really is not that busy at this time. Some bars were doing well; many weren’t. On what is usually the busiest night of the week, I saw few out and about who are obviously expats. Cowboy used to be a haven for expats on Friday nights. Not any more, it seems.

There’s more to look at now in Butterflies where the top-floor Nana Plaza gogo bar has added four new 85-inch 4K LED TVs to the walls. Music videos, sports and animations light up the bar, which also replaced its video wall of four 50-inch TVs wired together with a top-of-the-line 98-inch panel. Those are in addition to the four other screens already up.

If you were looking for a reason to go out Monday night, the folks at Shark Soi Cowboy and Red Dragon and Mandarin in Nana Plaza have a few. It’s the August Full Moon Party and the ladies will be dressed up in their new, colourful and revealing outfits (as in the poster above and the photo below). There are a couple of variations on the stripes, from sheer jumpsuits to small bodysuits. The fun starts at 8:00 PM.

Sympathies go out to everyone at Heaven Above in Pattaya’s Soi Boomerang after two ladies from the bar died in a car crash last weekend. The car they were in turned in to the path of a truck and, needless to say, it didn’t end well. May the two ladies rest in peace.

The one really big change I have noticed this time around in the gogo bars is the ladies level of – or is that lack of – interest in customers. The dancers in many gogo bars – across all of Bangkok’s bar areas – show little interest in customers inside the bars. Often, it is not the girls who approach you but the wait staff who try to hook you up with a dancer. Feeling near invisible in the bars isn’t the way customers want to feel.

On the other hand, girls posted outside bars show plenty of interest in customers, especially on Soi Cowboy. Girls line the street outside their bars and try to pull customers inside. This has long been a feature of Soi Cowboy bars – but have they ever been as aggressive as they are today? Some girls can be very persistent. The most eager girls this week were outside Shark. The hungry sharks successful in taking you inside and scoring “a” lady drink from you are credited with two lady drink commissions. This also applies to the “hostesses” outside Mandarin and Red Dragon which are part of the same group. That’s part of the reason why girls outside the bars are so keen to get you inside – they’re incentivised to do so.

Each time I have dropped by Soi Cowboy, there are anywhere from a handful to a dozen African hookers loitering around the steps going down to the Sukhumvit underground station, including a couple that look suspiciously like transsexuals. Some of them are ultra-aggressive. Be careful when they grab you – they really didn’t want to let go.

And on Sukhumvit Road between Pacific City Place and the Nana BTS station is another favourite spot for African hookers. They’re getting even more brazen and on Friday and Saturday they were there from late afternoon.

In the naughty bars, do yourself a favour and forget about the girlfriend experience. It’s largely a thing of the past. In 2024, you should be looking for the porn star experience. That’s the gold standard these days.

The Sportsman on Sukhumvit soi 13 deserves much praise for the way it organised the screening of the live international rugby matches yesterday. A few dozen fine gents from the land of the wrong white crowd were ushered upstairs by two farang members of The Sportsman team to an area that had been set aside for us to watch our glorious All Blacks send Argentina to the slaughterhouse. Some bars do a lousy job when it comes to live sport. You don’t know which sport will be shown. Staff don’t know if the commentary will be played (and no commentary makes for a lousy experience). Top marks to The Sportsman – it’s a great choice to watch live sport, especially international rugby.

A friend was strolling along Sukhumvit earlier this week when he spotted the homeless foreigner outside the Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit, opposite Soi 19. Said foreigner who has been mentioned frequently in this column dropped down on the pavement, lost his shorts and totally exposed himself. The Thais are known for their tolerance, but there are limits. I’ve wandered the area and have yet to spot the fellow.


The homeless foreigner, outside the Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit, this past Monday.


20 odd years ago The Big Chilli magazine profiled this site and termed me “Bangkok’s Agony Uncle”. Back then, this site focused as much on relationships between Western men and Thai women as the naughty nightlife. Since I’ve been back in town, I’ve met up with a few people who have relationship issues with their Thai lady. And there is something I keep hearing: he calls her manipulative. If you feel that the lady you’re with is being manipulative, step back and ask yourself if you’re treating her well, respecting her and generally being a good boyfriend. If you genuinely are, then perhaps the issue is a lack of boundaries? You need to set very clear boundaries in relationships with Thais – and these boundaries need to be firm. Too many foreign guys dating Thai women are too soft, and any boundaries are blurry and flexible. Take a lesson from Thai men who can be charming and generous – but firm when they have to be. They are not shy to let their other half know where the line is. Set reasonable boundaries and do NOT move on them. If you do, she’ll see you as weak and it will be all downhill from there.

From time to time, I am asked where / how to meet an older Thai woman for a long-term relationship. There are many older, attractive, single Thai women, but you need to consider that many are happily single and don’t actually want to be in a relationship. I have heard plenty of Thai women aged around 50 up say that while they would be very sad if her partner should die, she would be quite happy to be single for the rest of her life. Of the Thai women we know aged late 40s / early 50s who are single, all intend to stay that way.

Speaking of meeting women in Thailand, don’t get totally fixated on meeting a Thai. With Thailand attracting massive numbers of visitors, some of the foreign women traveling in the country are up for a bit of holiday fun / romance. Don’t dismiss the idea of meeting a lovely foreign woman when you’re in Thailand. Many of these ladies are as keen to get together with someone as you are. Over the past few weeks I have heard from friends, or friends of friends who have hooked up with foreign women including South Koreans, Chinese and a Russian. Opportunities abound!

The last few years haven’t been easy. Covid has been followed by economic uncertainty. Throw in relationship issues and perhaps health issues too, and some people have done it tough. I met up with an old friend who has had it harder than most. His big problem is money, or lack of it. He retired to Thailand with plenty, but a few poor decisions later and retirement hasn’t worked out as he hoped. He has had to reduce his spending and expectations significantly. He admitted to me that he went through a dark period where he came very close to jumping. I’d never have expected that from this guy. I see there were some more jumpers in Pattaya this week. It’s all very sad indeed.

The new bridge over the klong connecting Sukhumvit Soi 10 with Benjakit Park is now open.

Why do so many Thai women keep yelling out at me that I’m a member of Mossad? What’s that all about? Do I look like an Israeli secret agent? As interesting as that sounds, I don’t think so. It took a while for me to figure out why Thai women would scream out “Mossad”, as I walked past. It only happened when I walked past a massage shop. They weren’t saying “Mossad”, but massage – which they struggle to pronounce and it sounds more like “Mossad”.

Thai avocados have long been hit and miss. They look great on the outside but when you open them up you’re often disappointed by the watery, mushy flesh that has little flavour. It was always a lottery buying an avocado in Thailand so I stuck to buying imported avocados from home – and went ouch at the cash register. These days, Thai avocados are so much better than before. There is a new variety that is a local avocado bred with a Hass. They’re comparable to imported Hass, and they’re so much cheaper. Many places sell really big avos for around 100 baht / kg. Will some unnamed local Mexican restaurants now actually give you a decent portion of guacamole and stop putting it in those tiny fish sauce bowls!

Thai people love to complain about inauthentic Thai food. I wonder if they’re aware that many Thai restaurants don’t have a Thai in the kitchen. Plenty have cooks from Myanmar and India who can be found in the kitchen cooking Thai food. I had to laugh at one hotel I stayed, where a bunch of Indians ordered various Thai dishes which were brought out to the table by the chef who just happened to be a fellow Indian.

I experienced yet another case of what people have been telling me not matching up at all with what I experienced. A few friends in Bangkok have been raving about Breakfast Story, an all-day breakfast outlet on Sukhumvit soi 20. The menu has most breakfast options you can think of. I went for their signature dish, the Breakfast Story, pictured below. The pancakes were good but the bacon and eggs were terrible. (The bacon was crumbly (!) and the eggs tasted like, well, cheap eggs.) The plate below and a coffee came to 485 baht. I’d just returned to Bangkok from Pattaya where I had enjoyed some fantastic breakfasts – all priced under 200 baht. The competition in Pattaya for cooked breakfasts is fierce. I couldn’t shake the feeling that Breakfast Story has marketed itself very well – it is particularly popular with the Instagram crowd. Personally, I think there are much better options out there for breakfast in Bangkok. And it has to be said that when it comes to cooked breakfasts and value for money, Pattaya has it all over Bangkok.


The signature dish at Breakfast Story, Sukhumvit soi 20.


How can Thai coconut water cost less in a supermarket in New Zealand than it does in a supermarket in Thailand? Specifically, a 1-litre bottle of UFC Refresh Coconut Water costs between 69 and 74 baht in supermarkets in Bangkok. In New Zealand, the very same product costs the equivalent of 63 baht. Shipping to New Zealand can’t be cheap and NZ has higher costs of business and higher taxes – so why is it cheaper? For that matter, why are bananas grown in Ecuador or the Philippines cheaper in New Zealand supermarkets than Thai-grown bananas are in Bangkok supermarkets? I don’t get it!

For New Zealanders living in Thailand, you might have noticed there are a few more products from home available in Thailand. Wattie’s baked beans and Whittaker’s chocolate can now be found in some supermarkets. For non-Kiwis, Wattie’s baked beans will mean nothing and I wouldn’t necessarily recommend them. Most of us prefer the brand of baked beans we grew up with so for Kiwis, that’s Wattie’s. The other New Zealand product I have spotted on supermarket shelves is Whittaker’s chocolate. It may not be well-known, but I think it compares favourably with the European chocolate brands available in Thailand. If you’re a chocolate lover, give it a try.

Thailand-Related News Articles

Quote of the week is a Stickman original, “In Thailand, it’s always a long story!

A Russian beggar is arrested on Ko Phangnan.

Barry Kenyon looks at what is happening now that Destination Thailand visas are being issued.

A 39-year-old Brit dies in Cambodia but the body repatriated to the UK is that of a 77-year-old Canadian!

If embarking on a visa run, you might need to spend a night outside the country.

A Russian tourist tries to rape a cow in Surat Thani and ends up gored by the beast!

More than 12 million people visited Pattaya in just the first half of the year.


Bangkok feels to me like it’s as busy as ever.


Closing Comments

I take pride in writing this column while at the same time I am the first to acknowledge that it will never be quite the same when I am not in town. I am, of course, very grateful to those who so kindly let me know what they’re seeing with their own eyes as well as those who provide photos and other bits and bobs. Of course, I’d really prefer to do it all myself. This week’s column felt like the good old days. There was an opener, lots of photos and all the news is what I saw with my own eyes, or stories I managed to prise out of folks. I hope you enjoyed this week’s edition as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Your Bangkok commentator,



Stick can be contacted at :

nana plaza