Stickman Readers' Submissions August 9th, 2017

Why Thailand Became A No-Brainer For Me…

cbd oil

This is my second submission. I first wrote about my experience with a Bangkok girl I met last year on my first trip to Thailand. It was my Thai baptism of fire, but I survived and have since returned on 3 more occasions a bit less naive.  Always had a good time.

The reasons why men come to places like Thailand seeking female companionship are obvious and well-known. But I felt like giving my story and thoughts as to why some us may have little choice other than to leave our home countries and seek solace elsewhere.

mens clinic bangkok

I am a middle-aged guy living in the UK. Divorced 10 years ago with 2 grown-up daughters. I own a business which runs itself, so I’m fortunate to have the freedom it gives me.  I’m average looking, 100% fit and healthy, in good shape, down the gym 5 days a week, but below average height at 5’8…more on that later.

Over the last decade I’ve spent a lot of time on dating sites ultimately looking for right person, but failing that, short-term partners. I have met a lot of women. It has run in to the hundreds.  I’ve met women from all corners of the planet but mostly English and Asian.

Initially I assumed I’d quickly meet an English woman, but they had other ideas. Rejections became like water off a duck’s back….after you buy them a meal, of course!  So I concentrated on Asians. It was more promising. I dated a Burmese, a Korean and a Chinese woman, all in their early 40’s and had brief encounters with a Russian and a Colombian lady, sadly not at the same time. But not once did my efforts with an English women ever pay off. My height was frequently cited an issue, while the Asian women were probably more concerned with the size of my wallet.

These relationships didn’t last, but I continued my search determined to find something lasting. I wasn’t being unrealistic, and my standards had fallen by this stage. But I stubbornly refused to accept an obese woman of which there are plenty to choose from. Sorry, curvy!

It was never easy, but a couple of years ago it became impossible. Dates were now fewer and rejections par for the course. Tinder was now the technology of choice and the websites I had used previously stagnated.  With this new form of online dating things sunk to a new low.

Women were incredibly picky. Moderately attractive, slim women still matched me, but getting them to engage in conversation let alone meet was like pulling teeth. The reason was evident. They literally had more matches than they could cope with. Thousands of desperate, horny men are swiping and validating every woman in sight hoping for a shag. One “curvy” woman told me, she would swipe right on the top 5% of men, and nearly every single one would match her! She had become God’s gift to men, but only the very best men, of course. Yes, they are deluded.

My first trip to Thailand opened my eyes to another world. Within 3 days of arriving I met an attractive 28-year-old online. We had dinner and she stayed the night. We met many times during that month and she never asked for money. Sure, I paid for everything but so what. It went pear-shaped in the end but for me the genie was out of the bottle. I felt alive there for the first time in ages. Of course I accept an ulterior motive is often present, but frankly I don’t care. It’s a million times better than living a life of celibacy back home. I met a friend based in the UK  as a result of my first post and his experience is identical.

I’m sure there are men that do well with women in the west but at the same time many that are left to rot. Women have the upper hand now while thousands of men wait around with the begging bowl. I’m finally checking out…


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nana plaza