Harry, Give It A Rest
I have hung in there and read all the submissions (16 so far!) that Hua Hin Harry has put up regarding his quest to meet a nice lady and feel like sticking pins in my eyes and smashing my head on the desk!
Small bit of background info: I’m 51, from Australia, have been coming to Thailand for the last 5 years, have been in a relationship with a 37-year-old girl from Khon Kaen since then and have helped put her in to a small minimart business living with her family.
It doesn’t make a lot but it has taken her away from the bar scene and provided a much improved quality of life for her and her family and they are very grateful.
I regard Hua Hin as one of my favourite places in Thailand and have been there on many occasions having just returned last week. I reckon the seafood there is the best in Thailand – particularly Chao Lay on the pier. If you ever go there, don’t miss it.
I have also got to know a few of the girls who work in the bars (in the company of my Thai lady) in Hua Hin and the general consensus is that they are all looking for someone to “look after them” so they can look after us and get out of the bar / salon / massage parlour etc and have a better life.
They understand that not all Farangs are good but I don’t know one who is not willing to have a go.
Now, Harry, I appreciate you are being cautious and there are many mercenary types out there trying to get their claws in to you but, mate, when you get some poor girl (Nokk) to come and stay with you for eight days, clean the house and garden, ask her to help fix the bed, not pay her a cracker and then complain that she wants to eat every 2 hours (food that she purchased), I really think you are being totally unreasonable and a bloody tight arse.
And then you cut your toe and need to find some other “victim” to help clean up the mess – unreal!
What does amaze me is that some of them still respond to you requests. I reckon if I was one of them I would be telling you to nick off.
Most Thai girls I know love to eat on a regular basis and they are excellent at their 10-minute power naps. I reckon they catch a few zzzzs whilst even on the hong nam but it is their nature and that is one thing you can’t change so get over it.
Also, they all love to look at shoes, bags etc and if you offer they will accept it but we are not talking Louis Vuitton or Prada. You can but a pair of shoes or a copied bag for 500 baht max (about 10 quid) and they will think you’re fantastic. It’s the thought that counts, not the cost and in the eyes of their friends they feel very pleased with themselves. It’s 10 quid mate – get the moths out!
Harry, I don’t know your physical capabilities but based on the fact you seem to do bugger all yourself I assume they are very limited or you are just lazy.
What I do know about Thai culture is that Thai woman love looking after and respecting their men who look after them whether it be cutting their toe nails, plucking the hairs out of your ears, giving you a massage and of course doing their best to make you happy in the sack BUT in return they expect you to provide them with shelter, treat them with respect, buy them food, clothes etc. and even entertain a few of their “hanger on mates” on occasions.
Funny, it sounds very familiar to women around the world and not just Thailand.
Anyway, as these submissions are based on your diary entries going back to 2013 I am assuming since then you have found some lady who is prepared to accept your ways and frugal existence and my advice to you would be to hold on to her tight.
My advice to her might be (to quote Stick) don’t look back!
That’s all folks
Pip Pip