Stickman Readers' Submissions June 9th, 2015

Are All Women Built The Same The World Over?

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I don't think so, you know why? Up-bringing varies the world over, religious values are different from country to country. Women's expectations vary, for example one women would be happy to have a picnic in a free entry park, another women wishes to eat in a top end restaurant – does that make the same personality? One women is happy to use the public transport, the other wishes to drive a new car, and would never use public transport! Does that make their personalities the same? Just like two fruits might look the same from the outside, they don't taste the same. There's a lot waving around with a long BROAD STICK going about….

Moving on to another area of much debate, what is missing now compared to earlier years.

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From what I can see it's the "personal touch", be it in the flight getting there, the service on the plane made you feel like royalty, the general service and care bestowed upon you. The smile when your passport got stamped <I don't ever remember thatStick>, courteous taxi drivers who would rush to take your bags seeing that you looked drained from a long haul flight – he was just pleased and proud of the fact that you had chosen his country from the rest of the world. The check-in at the hotel, the porter or security opening the door of the taxi "sawadee krap welcome sir" spoken with a beaming smile, all so comforting.

Attitudes changed for the worse from about 2004 or 2005. So are they likely to get back to where they were? I doubt it very much because nobody is really bothered – it's just a moaning farang at end of the day… And another one will soon be here to replace him. It's short sighted, but that's how it is.

You can see from the submissions that people are just not rolling over anymore. They demand more – and rightly so. More, and more are questioning does it have to be this way? Can I do better? Just like condoms, one size does not fit all, do what fits you.

It's true that the net changed the P4P scene for ever. I don't think anyone will disagree with that, but it also gives you power to discover too.

I bet now you have to pay extra to a lady just to get her turn her phone off – and she might even say no and walk out on you!

I have seen young guys get turned down lately in some bars because they were looked at as being unsuitable, even for a short time. This was unheard of ten years ago!

It's amazing how Thai people base their decisions on just sight and smell only. I think Thailand is the only country where I have seen a lady sniff a toilet roll just before paying for it. Only about 12 months back I was in a bar and a lady said she wanted to go with me rather than the guy sitting opposite because she did not like his smell. I must admit I must have wore more cologne than he did.

What will South-East Asia be like 2 to 5 years from now…?

You only have to read the submissions and join the dots and you get a "blue print" of the most likely outcomes, and they are all neutral or negative.

I don't have a vested interest in the country so I can be impartial. They are also the type of articles I like reading, ones without a motive.

South-East Asia experienced a major boom from about 2000 through to 2014 through FDI (foreign direct investment). Mainly in manufacturing, and also tourism with many large top-end hotels being built. Moreover, the carry trade when funds were poured in to Asia because of the higher interest rates compared to the rest of the world. This looks like it's being unwound (rotation)and moving to other destinations.

Being competitive, either through productivity, or more favourable exchange rates or both – is always a good thing, as is having an ever-growing skilled and educated workforce at the ready. Right now none these issues look like being addressed any time soon.

A lot of people have at some point toyed with the idea of a holiday home. Are the articles in local newspapers impartial when it comes to the point of a new growth emerging? Or are they being paid by the industry to sugar coated-the underlying truth?

About 1 or 2 years back I sent out emails of interest for a holiday homes and hardly ever got a reply back. Now though, I am being sent automated mail every one or two weeks. I wonder why. Where in the economic cycle are we now?

Another point to think about it is "liquidity"? Are buyer sellers evenly matched. Nobody knows what the future holds… needing to sell because of seeing unforeseen – in a rush could soon wipe out anything good that had been.

Sure, I can feel compassion for some of the girls in the industry that have turned themselves in to heavy drinkers through the need to blot out the night ahead and turn it into a blur. That can't be rewound back. I once had feelings for a gogo girl who was a major binge drinker but also very affectionate.

The other side if the equation is how about the men that sent all the hard earned pension over but everything was based on lies, and deception? They treated the girl well but were treated like crap back. They are human beings too. Did they deserve that they got?

There are not many safety nets in South-East Asia. What is real, and what is not? The ones that can sift through the warning early warning signs and make the right changes will do well in any country.

Does anything good ever come out of attributes like greed?

Make up your own minds…..just remember to pack that second parachute should the first not open on cue!

Stickman's thoughts:

A real mish mash of thoughts but there is some insightful thinking in there and some fun quotes. I have never heard anyone say this before, "It's amazing how Thai people base their decisions on just sight and smell only" but when I thought about it I had to admit there is something in it!

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