Stickman Readers' Submissions May 2nd, 2015

Pattaya Pickpocket Blowjobs and “Russian” Drink Scams

cbd oil

This happened back in December during my first visit to Thailand and thus Pattaya. The first night out I had some pretty lady idling in front of me on Walking Street while I was eating some Pad Thai street food. She obviously wanted to go with me and her friend also wanted to come. We agreed on 500 baht a piece for short time.

The whole walk back to my hotel room they were having a conversation. While we were in the room one had taken the initiative to drop her drawers and let me fxxx her, with my shorts were still around my ankles. She quickly stopped me as I was either hurting her or this position was not ideal for her forthcoming plan. (Note: She had a very tiny pussy, possible post-op ladyboy I later heard?).

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Then girls both decided to "take turns" sucking my dick with one hanging behind the other at about a 45 degree angle. After about 30 seconds of this I noticed the active BJ girl shoot me a stare that gave away her nervousness over something. Instinctively I reached for her right hand, which was behind her back.

I felt both of the girls' hands together with my money, the front one had been slipping out of my wallet while giving me the blowjob, that was still around my ankles! I never felt a thing while she was going “fishing”! Her nervous glance that split second gave her away. All types of people warned me about how good the pickpockets are in Thailand, but this takes the cake, as my shorts were tight around my ankles and wallet was closed, folded in half, remaining in my shorts throughout.

The girls immediately tried fist fighting after I pulled away. Quickly I choke-slammed the frail girls against the wall and pinned them down on the bed. Also the whole time screaming in their face that I would "break your face" while curling my hands into fists while puffing up my chest and pulling back like about to punch.

I made sure to throw their clothes and purses to the opposite side of the room in case they had hidden weapons at their disposal.

I told them both to give me back the money and if 1 baht was missing I would ruthlessly beat the piss out of them. They promptly gave me back all the money which I counted before allowing them out of the corner I had pinned them in.

At this point people had come out of their hotel rooms and I had thrown the door wide open while tossing their items to the other side of the room. The girls, realizing they could not overpower me, tried another tactic of threatening to call the police. I encouraged them readily to do so and laughed at them, "Go ahead. Please, I would love to talk to the Tourist Police."

They grabbed their clothing items and purses and walked out naked while putting their clothes on, with me following on with a towel on and yelling at the front manager to write the girls' names down because they were thieves and they needed to go to jail. Those girls could not leave fast enough!

Luckily, I had not had anything to drink and am a fairly in shape and healthy individual. Seeing them later in my trip they would hang their heads in shame as I passed by. Hopefully they learned a lesson, as I sure did. But this was not the last lesson to learn.

Two weeks pass; I am still loving every night in Pattaya. Going with one or two new girls minimum, every night. Even got a hot bargirl “free” at the end of one very late night, taking her out to breakfast to show some appreciation after sleeping in. And then I bump into a professional middle-class girl in a nightclub. Beautiful, educated, and was all over me the second she saw me. Within 30 minutes we had left for my room to bang for two hours, finally grasping the elusive orgasm after unloading in two girls earlier in the night. We pass out.

Surprisingly she did not want anything the next morning, only that we meet up again. So that evening we met for a light dinner. She paid for her own stuff. Very impressed. Later that night she invited me out to another club to party with her friends. When walking through my hotel lobby on the way out I spotted another youngish European man who worked half the year in Bangkok. I asked him if he wanted to tag along as this girl was hot and so were her friends she was hanging out with the night before. And, important for the European friend, not “pro” girls.

I text her entering the club and she comes and gets us. She brings us to a VIP table where she immediately takes two drinks, places it in both of our hands, and all her, to our surprise, Thai male friends encourage us to “chug!” Stupidly I did as did my new European friend. Literally not one minute after, she mentioned how we needed to give her big Thai friend 1,500 baht each for the drinks. While she was saying this I noticed another, bigger, Thai male in the group was positioning himself to cut us off from the entrance to the VIP section. Immediately I alerted my European friend we needed to GTFO as this smells like a scam. He agreed. As we tried to walk out one guy grabbed me by the wrist with two hands to stop me from leaving while the another wrapped his shoulder and arm around my European friend, similar to how very close male friends may greet or celebrate with each other.

Luckily I have been bodybuilding for years and am not a small fellow by any means. Quickly I pushed my obstacle away and walked with haste into the front area of the club. Looking back I saw my much smaller European friend had been accosted successfully by the rest of the men, who were surrounding him. After a minute or two of talking and rumbling in a dark corner he came out with a shocked look on his face. Asking what happened, he chided me, rightfully so, mentioning, “They emptied all the cash out of my wallet. All of it.” Luckily he only had 1,000 baht, so no huge loss.

Feeling disappointed and guilty for bringing him into this situation, I offered to go back to the hotel and give him 1,000 baht to make amends. He declined and offered to accompany me to another bar or club. While his resolve to party hard was admirable, I was too shaken to continue into the night, retiring to the hotel room.

His words still burn in my memory to this day, “You made a very big mistake my friend. Nothing is free in Pattaya. Nothing. You cannot act like this is where we come from. Do you know who these people are? They could be someone powerful and have you killed, beaten, ousted from the country. Do not laugh. You just don't know. Learn from this. It is my fault for allowing this to happen, too. But learn and do not do this again.” He left the next morning for Bangkok.

Maybe the Russian influence in Pattaya had rubbed off on that group, as I have read about similar scams in Eastern Europe. Pretty girls getting guys to drink and having men descend on them to extort money for the debt. Maybe it was a huge misunderstanding and they expected us to pay for some sort of tab as a cultural thing. Whatever it was, I'm thankful for the lessons learned. Hopefully others out there will keep their wits about them, especially if they are alone in a foreign land for the first time.

Stickman's thoughts:

When I read stories like this I realise what a boring life I have lived!

nana plaza