Stickman Readers' Submissions December 29th, 2014

Bangkok For The Holidays

cbd oil

It is safe to say I am a lone wolf kind of expat, being involved with women 30 to 40 years younger is not a full time practice of mine. What should we talk about other than how I can help their families?

So since I now live in the Philippines I escape during the Christmas holidays ("don't forget my gift"). The past two years I have flown to Thailand and this year I chose a 5-day Bangkok stay.

mens clinic bangkok

Most visits I spend an hour or two with the Stickman as we have been friends a long time now. His site was helpful for me during the early years in Phuket in not believing that cheerleader I could never get was actually not a real romance, but via the stories he printed a chance to find myself in trouble. Over the years he has shown me Bangkok and where the nicer things are. Pictured below is the incredible Madrid special pizza being photographed by the guy who has photographed this city so much. He prowls with a big heavy Canon Mark something or other.

Madrid Bangkok restaurant

Stick reintroduced me to Patpong as I had given up on it years ago, then went into the night looking for things to click.

The town sure has some beauty, but I know where things go with these girls and the Thais. I am never accepted, frustrated with the language, and feel alien. When I see this great infrastructure compared to the Philippines, it makes me think that were it Manila expats would flood there in herds. Maybe the prices would rise to these levels where a short time out of a hot bar like Crazy House is near a hundred bucks? Things do work that way….they charge what the market will bear. Meaningless sex should not have a meaningful price. This is the reason Cambodia and the Philippines are seeing more and more of us expats.

Yeah, the Thai bar girls are generally more slender, especially in that Patpong bar called The Strip (the Stick thinks they need to go eat more and I just stare at them wondering if I can afford a short-time or two). He showed me the place, introduced me to the owner and went off into the night to take pictures of Bangkok.

I think he should get on with National Geographic, his work is that good.

Since I am 68, and not the 56-year me in Patong taking several girls a day, I am happy to not hit the bars nightly as I once did. My bank account agrees. Thank you Internet and downloaded videos of great TV series.

The eats are sure great here in the Asoke / Suhkumvit with Sunrise Tacos among my favorites in Terminal 21 with its great English speaking staff and fast wi-fi. It is yet another place Stick turned me on to that has clean fresh food.

Asoke intersection

Breakfast at Illy right by Citibank is a buffet bargain too where they will make you an omelet to go with their fresh veggies, all as the beautiful office girls walk by. After being away often in recent years, I perceive the Thais as somewhat Chinese in their look and certainly with their tonal language.

Tonight is my last night, so I think I will grab a favorite from Crazy House 🙂 It's nice to take breaks from Angeles City but I miss the sweet, softer girls and speaking English. Since it is less expensive there I can afford to come here occasionally and pay these new high prices.

As I was living in Patong Beach in Phuket during the Tsunami and saw the carnage that happened a hundred meters from me while using the Internet next to the big pink massage place, Kristin, I saw the carnage and can't forget the bloated purple bodies. That it is ten years ago. Back then a thousand baht got me long times, sometimes a little more. Changing times…

I believed the joy they projected then. Now I don't. Walking across the elevated walkway to Terminal 21 and the BTS stops I see women of truly great beauty. But, just like in America, I am invisible to them and they walk along worrying about how they look superior to their friends and peers. Face! What an ugly concept, and it is worldwide. Just more so here.

Stick and I discussed most things and it is good. We were discussing how straight girls give us the mystery of not knowing what will happen that night. And with bargirls I have something of an idea based on experience and rapport. They are my choice as I am lazy and impatient. He prefers straight with monogamy, and at his age I cannot fault him for a second.

A nice visit and Pattaya Gary didn't even see Pattaya. I like my friends there, I'm just tired of that town. Life is about change, I believe.

We all wish the Stickman well in is changes ahead.

One last day this trip in the Asoke and so far no police have bothered me.

nana plaza