Stickman Readers' Submissions July 12th, 2013

Three Sweet Girls

cbd oil

So many posts are from foreign men who are struggling with their relationships with Thai women. I suspect that it is the discontented who have a greater need to express their thoughts in public. I have nothing but good things to say about my experiences.

I think that there are glaring holes in the English language and this leads to confusion and misunderstanding in Thailand. English is so flexible a language with so many words with different shades of meaning but there are a couple of gaps. There should be a word which means more than like but less than love. This word exists in some other languages. You can say "I am very fond of you" but that sounds like my aunty. Another word needed is one that is between love and lust. I think if men could identify their feeling towards their bargirl with a word that openly states that it is her looks, body and sexual prowess and availability that is enthralling him then he would see things more clearly.

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Before I came to Thailand, an old guy told me his four rules for bargirl mongering and urged me to follow them:

* NEVER tell them your real name.

* NEVER tell them where you work.

* NEVER take them home always use hotels.

* NEVER say that you love them.

In 10 years I have tried to follow those rules. On the other hand I ALWAYS treat them with kindness, courtesy, gently and rarely argue about the price. When I meet an old friend in a bar, I ask her if she would like to do short-time within 5 minutes of talking to her which makes them more friendly and relaxed. I have given my telephone number to them but only after we have had many times together. For my three favorites I have at different times helped them with problems.

One time when Mod was having abdominal pain I arranged a private room for her at the hospital and passed an envelope to the Dr. and then broke a rule by having her recuperate at my apartment. My relationship with her is strange, yet enjoyable. She despises her customers and I was no exception, but after I helped her she became the most affectionate lady possible. She has a regular job at a shopping center and dresses up like a princess. We are not in love but we more than like each other. It is not love but it is not just lust that keeps me seeing her. I have met her son several times and have purchased books, tapes and videos to help him learn English and this again endears me to me. BUT, our relationship is based on sex. We meet, we go for dinner and then to a short-time hotel. We both understand what it is all about. She is a mature woman in her early forties and is not expecting to become a wife figure. Twice she has had men who wanted her 7 days a week and texted me to let me know, and then texted me again when the guy left town. I guess we are about 60% like 10% love, 20% lust mark.

Pim is so sweet, about thirty but looks like a teenager. One of her favorite outfits is a take off of the university uniform. A VERY short black skirt, a tight white blouse and very high heels. She is cuddly, a great kisser and does the giggly teenager act so well. I really enjoy sitting and talking to her and her friends, she tells me I am her favorite customer, which I take with reservations, but her girl friends all say the same thing. All the girl friends know about my preferences. It's an in-joke, when I approach her and her friends, the other girls all go woof-woof. One year when she was going home as her mother was ill, I bought her an air ticket to spare her the long bus trip. This sealed our relationship. I have never taken her home always to a ST hotel of her choice. I think she is at the 55% like 20% love, 25% lust mark.

Mod is my number one bargirl, slim, elegant and has a great deal of class. I have taken her to ex-pat social functions and for weekends out of town. I have taken her to my apartment and she is the only one who knows where I work. We prefer the ST or LT hotel meeting place for ours is a seriously sexual affair. She is a most imaginative lover I have ever known. I see her once a week, but what is unusual, I pay her 'the fee' for the weeks when I am out of town on business or vacation. Every time I see her I am so happy, her smile lights up my day. I will not have her move in, I am sure that would kill the affair. 40% like 20% love 40% lust.

All of these 3 great ladies and myself are using each other – they have what I want, a little short term companionship, fun and sex. I have some money to give them. There is no pretense, total honesty, great respect.

Stickman's thoughts:

A Thai university student taking off her uniform in front of you like that? Mod #1 and #3? Along with a few other inconsistencies, sorry, it all sounds like bullshit…

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