30 Days in Siam Part 2
To recap my last submission. I had a great 3 – 4 days with Girl 1 and spent the day shopping with Girl 2. Girl 2 did really not do much for me. She was more of a "Tom" with jeans, conservative shirt, casual shoes, and a silly backpack rather than a nice purse. I, like many of the readers here, prefer a woman with a little more pizzazz. The funny part is that I had been writing her the longest and Skyped far more with her that than the others I planned to meat (pun intended). Before we met I really thought she was "the one". I had done a fair amount of US internet dating, and meeting dates in person, so it really was no surprise that it was not going to happen with Girl 2. In the States, success online has been a 1 in 10 bet for me. Of course I am perfect, it is those American women who are so difficult. Right…
I knew the Girl 2 relationship was going nowhere but did my part to help her save face. I decided to meet with her again the next day but made no romantic moves or sexual innuendo. She drove a truck, a Toyota that she said belongs to her brother. We set out early that day to go visit brother and let her show off their house. It was a nice home in a gated community also in the Lat Krabang area. I was a little nervous I might run into Girl 1 there, but what are the chances? We did a little shopping at The Mall on Ramkhamhaeng Road, and then she took me back to my hotel. She insisted on coming up, I let her, but was not going to have sex with her even though I am sure she had that on her mind. I was trying to figure out how to "nip it in the bud" as Barney used to say. I was hoping if I ignore her she will disappear. No such luck as I will write about later.
Girl 2 went home and I was on the phone with Girl 1 in 10 seconds. Girl 1 and I made plans for a road trip to Pattaya. Only a 2 day affair. We took the bus from Suvarnabhumi to Pattaya in about 2 hours. It was and a very nice ride. I can't imagine why people want to go in Toyota taxis when you can sit back and enjoy the ride without the fear of playing crash cars on the highway. We made it to the bus station in Pattaya and took a cab down the main drag looking for a hotel. We saw what looked like a great seafood place, stopped and Girl 1 orders 10 plates of food. No way we can eat all this. I really did not mind, but the bill came to about 1800 THB plus hundreds spread around to the 4 people waiting on us.
We left the restaurant and walked the beach a little. What a dump this city was. I already hated it and we were only there a few hours! Everything there smells, garbage in the street, in vacant lots, on sidewalks. Not much of a beach on the south end where we were. We headed north a bit and went inside some shopping areas. There seemed to be a nice new mall there. We did not buy anything, but just window shopped. We start walking south again back to the hotel and views start to look a little seedier. Ok , I now see the bargirls, freelancers, and all the beer bars this place is known for. Girl 1 grabs my arm and drags me left, going east, down a road to find a taxi. I was chuckling on the inside. She thinks I don't know what is going on in the bars I guess. Pattaya really sucks from what I can tell. I can't wait to go home the next day. In the morning we have a little breakfast next to the bus station. We both agree going to Pattaya was not much fun. Girl 1 goes back to work the next day and I am on my own for a few days.
Since I thought Pattaya sucked so bad I should try and see Hua Hin. My Girl 3 lives there and I phoned / Skyped her up and asked if she would like to meet. She said sure. I knew at age 37 she was too young, so I just thought we would be friends and do a bit of touring. Over the past few days Girl 2 was sending emails telling me how much she missed me. How do I get rid of her in a nice way? Of course, buy her more shit at the mall. I must be really be brain damaged. Why can't I tell her to buzz off? It was a curse to read some of the Stickman reader submissions. I was trying too hard to let Girl 2 save face with her family who I briefly met. In the time I was with Girl 2 in her truck, I thought we were going to die about 5 times. I really hate getting in a car with a Thai woman driving. I hope I am not perceived to be a misogynist for admitting this. Thai girls driving scare the crap out of me. They seem to be perpetually lost and don't have a clue as to where they are. Seatbelts? What are those for?
I arrived in Hua Hin after a 4 hour bus ride. I could tell the difference between this nice city and Pattaya right away. No smells, no garbage, no hookers, no bargirls, no Russians, no scummy motorcycle riding farangs. My kind of place. I planned to meet Girl 3 the next day, so I hopped in a taxi and headed for the beach area. I was staying at the IBIS hotel. It had a good rate and was clean. I found a seafood restaurant named Chaolay <My favourite seafood restaurant in Hua Hin; excellent food there! – Stick>. The food was great but pricey. I ate alone and did not mind it at all. No bargirls or hookers to bother me.
I meet Girl 3 the next morning. Girl 3 from the neck up was cute as a bug, so they say. She was a little heavier than I expected. She spoke great English. She works in the hotel and resort industry there. I fill up her car with petrol and we head out for a bit of sightseeing. She took me to the Mongkol Temple and a great winery where we had lunch. She disclosed to me that she was recently divorced and her ex hubby was scum. He stole all her money and hardly ever worked. I could tell she was not able to trust men at this point. No worries, I am convinced we were going to be just friends anyway. She takes an afternoon break and goes home to prepare food for her mother and father. We plan to meet up in a few hours at my hotel. She is about an hour late but finally makes into the parking lot. I say nothing except how nice she looks in her skirt. We head off to the beach area and I pick a restaurant next to the one I ate at the previous evening. It was just as good and expensive. Girl 3 had lived in England for a while with a German guy. She was engaged but broke it off because he wanted all the money she was making in their business together. He was not going to allow her to send any back home. She was heartbroken and came home. Maybe she was once a bargirl? She did not seem that way. We finished dinner and walked around a bit. It was getting late so she took me back to the hotel. We planned to meet later the following day.
We meet the next day for dinner and ate at a restaurant in the Market Village. It was a steak place like Sizzler, but much worse. We finished and headed off to the night market. It was a lot of fun. We both ate fluffy coconut cake in a small coffee shop. I am randomly thinking of Girl 1 as I am wrapping up the evening with Girl 3. I am not going to be able to fix her. She was nice and maybe in a different time and place we could have had something together. Next morning I catch a taxi to the bus station and head back to Bangkok. I had a nice time and Hua Hin is the place I would live when that chance comes. Bangkok is too polluted and Pattaya is disgusting. I will write more in the next installment. Hopefully it will be more interesting. Girl 2 still emailing me wanting to get together. I have been speaking to Girl 1 on the phone every night so she understands I am not shagging some other lady.
So far the 3 Thai ladies I have met seem to not have and P4P history. I guess you really never know for sure until you marry them!