Stickman Readers' Submissions August 21st, 2012

The Beginning Of The End

There seems to be a severe case of tunnel vision afflicting a very large proportion of visitors, ex-pats and sex-pats who inhabit The Kingdom of Thailand. In some ways I can understand why this is so, because Thailand seems to be Paradise on Earth to
so many people who are not citizens born within this wonderful Kingdom.

Many of us (visitors, ex-pats or sex-pats) compare the benefits available by living (even temporarily) in Thailand to what they know or remember of life in the country of origin. Mostly, this comparison is based on availability of sex compared
to the scarcity and/or quality of it in the home country – but there will be some exceptions to this criteria, dependent on the age of the specimen making the comparison – and also on an attitude by some to prefer the cultural aspects
of Thailand in preference to whatever country is their true home. It would be likely that many of this latter category would have little or no interest in the sex trade. Another important factor will be cost of living.

mens clinic bangkok

Good times never last forever and the writing is on the wall. I wrote a short e-mail response to Stick some weeks ago outlining certain factors that are in train that will impact with dramatic effect on not only Thailand but the world as
we all know it. Stick commented that the thoughts I expressed “would make for a fascinating subject” – so I will attempt to place those thoughts into some sort of logical order.

This was to be a 500-page essay covering the evolving face of Asia in response to gargantuan changes that are occurring in The West – along with Middle-Eastern and Mediterranean states. The massive upsurge in prosperity and growth
in Latin-America will also be a major influence in these changes. Therefore, because of the magnitude of the problem we are facing, this submission will need to be heavily abbreviated – but even so, it may cause many readers to consider
their future. That is the purpose of my writing this.

What is it that most people want in a society where they live?

In this “Brave New World”, that question could be opening a very large can of worms – but the answer can be encapsulated in a summation by psychologist Abram Maslow in what he called his “Hierarchy of Needs”.
Essentially, it can be illustrated as a pyramid divided into 5 levels – physiological needs; safety needs; love and belonging; esteem; self-actualization.

Level 1: Clean air and water; food; shelter; basic bodily functions.
Level 2: Safety of body; a source of income; resources; morality; family; health; property.
Level 3: Friendship; family; sexual relationships.
Level 4: Self-esteem;
confidence; achievement; respect of others and respect by others.
Level 5: Sense of higher values; creativity; spontaneity; problem solving; lack of prejudice; acceptance.

What Maslow was saying is that you cannot progress up through the levels until you have all of the prior needs being met in the immediate lower level – it is just not possible. Clearly, levels 1 and 2 are not being met by many of those
living in parts of The Indian sub-continent, most of Africa, parts of the Middle-East – and some parts of S.E. Asia and E. Asia. If we were to look more closely at parts of Western society it becomes apparent that this phenomena is becoming
increasingly more common in places like USA, Mexico, parts of Latin America, some Balkan States – and even Australia. Homelessness and dependence on welfare is on the increase – where the numbers of those living on the street is
escalating out of proportion. In a country such as Australia, this is unforgivable and politicians should have their hides flogged until they bleed and scream for mercy for allowing this to happen.

Contrary to what governments and social commentators would like us to believe, we are going backwards down a slippery slope that is greased with crooked financial arrangements and almost total dependence on credit.

sos CDB oil

The obvious question is “how can Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs be implemented on a Global scale?” The answer is quite simple – it cannot be done – until people start to begin to take responsibility for the over-production
of human entities that are now clogging the surface of this planet. Simply put – if you cannot afford to feed, raise and educate a child without assistance – do not have the child. It is NOT the responsibility of the Global Community
to come to the rescue of irresponsible idiots who are forever claiming to be “marginalised persons”. I have said this before – that I may be a “hard-arse” and I make no apologies for being so – but the
Global Community owes you nothing unless you show the willingness to be responsible for your own actions by showing restraint. OK, this is “Tough Love” in graphic terms – but people never learn until they understand why they
are suffering. So long as someone “rescues” you, there is no imperative to change your habits.

There seems to be this mentality out there that one can do exactly as they wish (however irresponsible that may be) and there will always be someone who will come to their rescue and feed, clothe, educate and medicate them. That does not
solve the problem – in reality, it makes the matter worse than ever it was because the precedent is then established and the expectation grows exponentially. The UN and all the “well-meaning” NGOs are fuelling this mentality
and it has to stop. At this point in time we need a 50% reduction in global population levels and that is not likely to occur without tough attitudes being implemented. People are going to die – it happens all the time – for God's
sake, there have not been any major wars to eradicate the excess population levels since the end of WWII. We over-medicate people (especially in the West) who probably should die from their medical conditions – and to what purpose? So they
can live to be 90 in an aged person's home at great expense to the community? Why? What are they ever likely to contribute, other than being a gigantic drain on the state's resources? This is the conscience-salve mentality of seeing
to be doing “The right thing”. Imagine what life is like for these people – very likely a living hell!

Australia spends unrealistic sums of money on overseas aid and on accommodating and granting residency to illegal arrivals who appear unannounced on Australian soil (with the help of our border security forces). This has to stop –
and the only way that will be achieved is by announcing that “Unless you are in possession of a valid visa, issued at an offshore Australian Embassy or Consulate, you will never be granted residency on Australian soil” – so
don't even think of getting on a boat and trying it on because you will be returned from where you came.

But here, we are talking about the end-product. The major problem begins with the production of unsustainable offspring in African and Middle-Eastern Nations where the adult population needs to be convinced that they DO NOT have the right
to impose their irresponsible decisions on the rest of the Global Community. Of course there are many “bleeding-heart” idiots always ready to come to their “rescue” under the guise of NGO's who will raise public
funding to perpetuate this travesty. The question is, of course, “how much of this money really reaches the intended needy?” The reality is that most is sucked up by administration fees – so it becomes a pointless exercise
other than to keep NGO employees in paid jobs so that they can feel they are fulfilling a worthwhile cause. Perhaps it satisfies their psychological needs – but who would know? All I know is that their type are making matters worse.

I have my personal thoughts on the motives for this escalating problem and would be interested to hear the opinions of others. My view is that you have no right to be on this planet unless you can sustain yourself independently of the assistance
from other Nations. Life was never meant to be easy! I hate opportunists. Perhaps some of these bums should take a few lessons from Thailand – not a “rich” country – but a responsible Kingdom.


I absolutely believe that we should be responsible for ourselves and that the government should not assist people to the level it does. Provide the basic services and the absolute best education possible, but after that citizens should largely be responsible for themselves.

* Admittedly I did encourage you to expand on the email you said so I think it time to make a general request to contributors: please try to relate your topic on or at the very least related to Thailand or other countries in the region.

nana plaza