Stickman Readers' Submissions April 23rd, 2012

18 Months In Asia (Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time) Part 2

cbd oil

Bangkok, Thailand north.

I had negotiated another 7 days with Goff and before we left we had a quick lunch with fat controller and it was agreed that she would call us every evening.

mens clinic bangkok

The 7 day ended up being 12 days!!!

As before, we spent a lot of time talking on the flight north and on the bus and train rides. The inevitable questions were asked by Goff.

How old you J.
What you do J.
You have Family J.
Where you live J.
You have wife J.
You happy J.
You have good job J
What your salary J.
You rich man J.
You know Queen Elizabeth J.
How much your watch

You love Goff.

These are questions nearly all Thais ask irrespective of class or region. They all ask, when they get to know you or not in some cases.

Well, over the next 10 days everything with and about Goff got better, constant tidying and cleaning the hotel rooms we stayed in. Constant attention to me, constant attention to her appearance, constant explanations about the places and
temples we visited, constantly choosing my food and making me taste every dish we ordered and the people we met and every day, you love Goff J. The love question, I would always turn her face, smile, stare deeply into her eyes and say NO! She
would always giggle and pout and say * J have cold heart, why you not love Goff *

The week was over and we would arrive in Bangkok, have one more night together and I would get my flight to Jakarta.

That evening Goff insisted on taking me out to eat at a traditional Thai eatery and we jumped on the skytrain.

We were heading east and she explained the we had to pop into her home and we would drive me to the eatery and when finished she would take us to the hotel and in the morning we would go together to the airport. Mmmm, not sure about this
visit to her home, what car what home, she told me she shared a room with 2 other girl on soi 7.

When we arrived at the destination we were met by mam Fatima (Goff's boss of the escort agency) and they explain she would drive us the 15 minutes to collect Goff's car. Mmmm, I explained that I wanted to, but, I really wasn't
that comfortable with this situation. We went into a small cafe / outside kitchen. Mam Fatima and Goff explained that they only wanted to show me that they appreciated my behaviour over the events of the last week. They confessed that they knew
that Batman and Robin had a turbulent relationship. They blamed themselves for the violence that I witnessed at the hotel. Both were worried that I could / would cause problems relating to the business. We went to Goff's home.

We arrived in a nice, clean, middle class area, gated with a couple of security guards who checked my ID and saluted us through. We arrived at a nice detached 4-bedroom house and went in. We were greeted by 6 toy poodles and Goff's 70-year
old grandmother.

The usual pleasantries where carried out and Goff toddled off to shower and change.

Mam Fatima was doing Thai whispers with the grandmother and I wandered around at their invitation. After taking in the temple corner the split AC systems, plasma 50-inch TV, Hi fi, computer, open plan kitchen and beautiful rear garden with
another mimi-temple and koi carp pond. Very impressive. Goff appeared behind me as I watched the poodles trying to shag each other. Wow, she was dressed in a traditional Thai outfit in violet and gold and she looked like a princess I was mesmerized
by here stunning, absolutely stunning transformation.

She walked over and held my hands in the palms of her hands, stared at me with that hypnotic Thai smile. I was in too deep here. I was in big big trouble with how I now felt about this girl. She asked me to sit with her in the mini temple
and lit some candles in incense and stroked me softly, as they do.

I was desperately trying to avoid eye contact and stared at the statues, busts and offerings in the mini temple.

She got up and moved so differently than before doing her oil ladling. She turned and sat at my feet and asked me to look at her, and I did as she asked.

I was drowning fast and I was gazing into her brown almond shaped eyes. You can see 10,000 words in an Asian women's eyes and the Thais are the champions of the world in that department.

She said *why you not trust me J? Why you not love me* I said nothing in reply, she just kept looking into my eyes she was like that python in the jungle book movie. She spoke again *I not hurt you, I look after you J I make promise to you*
silence followed but I could not move my eyes from hers. * Goff not want you go Java, please stay in my home, I look after you, I make you happy* *I cook you omelet and green curry, I do everything you want, I not work, I stay in home with you*

I told her I was hungry and we left. Mam Fatima and the grandmother had gone. We got in her red Toyota and drove 30 minutes to the restaurant, I had said very little in the car and for once she accepted my silence without protest, until *
why you always so much thinking*.

The restaurant was a boat and after we got onboard we joined about 10 of her friends and family at a table. Mam Fatima, grandmother, ball her brother and various cousins and friends. The conversation went along usual Thai lines of what you
do, where you live, what salary, you have wife, you have family, you good boy or you bad boy, you love Goff, You go soon England etc. I enjoyed the evening and Goff and I went downstairs to the rear of the boat and sat next to each other and talked
for an hour or so. When I occasionally looked up to the balcony above I saw the whole group of family and friends watching us, all smiling and giving peace signs as they do.

Mam Fatima glided across the floor and pulled up a chair.*will you stay at Goff's home and not travel to Jakarta* Goff got up kissed my cheek and said *I go talk my brother*.

Mam Fatima grilled me about my plans and asked if I would stay with Goff for a while. I explained that, as she knew, I was leaving in the morning for Jakarta. She said *J, I know you like Goff, she is my blood niece and I understand you do
not want to get involved with her* I did not know how to respond, she continued to say that Goff had come to the hotel the week before to make sure their were no problems with batman and robin. I laughed and said Goff fucked off and locked herself
in the bathroom.

I told mam Fatima that when I wake every morning I smile, I smile because Goff is there laying in bed with me. I told her, that is not good for me! and not good for my Asian 18 month tour. She told me about Goff and that she was very badly
hurt a few years ago and that she had been happier with me than she had been for a long time blahblahblah. manipulative bitch (LOL)

Goff returned and we left for the hotel.

Goff stayed that night and we agreed an exchange of contact information, I told her I didn't want any more tears and she also agreed that it would be better if I got a taxi to the airport on my own.

*Yes she done me, yes she done me, she done me good*

I woke early and had a longlonglong goodbye.

I missed my flight and would not leave Bangkok or Goff for 3 months.(fucking farang fucking idiot).

Those 3months were great and we became very good friends and laughed all the time and I did love her. (fool).

I left for Jakarta very reluctantly, promised that I would come back and see her, which I meant 100%

over the next 12 months I travelled a great deal with a 2 week return to the UK for family problems.

Goff and I would talk every week and Skype when we could, she did ask for money a few times but I never fell for that bullshit.

I told her every time you ask for money it delays my return to Bangkok. She would say *you have cold heart* and then giggle as they do. she was back working for mam Fatima and always let me know if she would be away for a while, as she says*J
I have assignment* .

I hadn't heard from Goff for a week or two, which was not an uncommon occurrence and at the time I had been wandering around the Philippine islands.

I had an e-mail from mam Fatima, please call me at the office ASAP, how are you?

I must admit my stomach turned and I felt sick. I called straight away,

She told me Goff had been in a car accident and was in hospital, could I come.

It had taken me 2 days to get to Bangkok, Ball met me at the airport and we got a taxi to the hospital.

All the Family were there to meet me and Goff was in the high dependency unit, she looked spotless, beautiful and like she always did when she slept, peaceful.

They told me before I arrived that she had been in an induced coma for 10 days, they were trying to relieve the swelling on her brain.

I spent every morning and evening at the hospital for the next week. The neuro team wanted to bring her out of the coma and we all gathered around the bed for that day but she never woke.

I stayed by her side for 48 hours with Ball, we were told by he consultant that in his opinion she was not going to ever regain consciousness. I left for London because every time I saw her I would cry and cry and cry.

Goff had been I a coma for 5 months and Ball told me the family felt it was time to let her go.

I flew back to the Land off Smiles and was holding Goff's hand with Ball when she passed away looking as angelic as she always did.

She told me once that she had many previous lives and she was worried about her next visit to this world.


nana plaza