Stickman Readers' Submissions February 15th, 2012

How to Find Your Ideal Thai Woman

cbd oil

Hello Gentlemen!

Let's face it!

mens clinic bangkok

You are crazy about Thai women!

It is HARD to resist to their beauty in their smile, their eyes, their body, and their loving personalities…

They are beautiful, sexy, friendly, and lovable!

You have learned about Pat Pong, Na Na, Soi Cowboy, etc. One day you decided to go to a bar and you meet a beautiful girl! She smiles at you so sweetly. She flirts with you! She even comes to sit on your lap, touches you, kisses you, and
makes you feel special, attractive, and charming!

It feels like heaven when you have a beautiful woman throw herself at you, right?

You imagine… “ What would it feel like to be with her (in bed)!?”

Then, you ask her out, have sex, and pay for the service.

You had never experienced anything like this before! After the first night with her, you said to yourself “I want more of this!”

Then, you follow your basic needs(sex), go to different bars and pick up some different girls to be with you and have a great time!

One day, you realized…deep down in you, you feel empty inside. Something was missing…You miss the love and connection…You want to settle down and have a relationship with someone special…

You want a woman who loves you and cares about you. You want a woman whom you can share your life with and grow old with…

You wonder… if there is a special Thai woman who does not want your money exists…

You keep searching, but have not found anyone…who would love you truly. You have met bar girls who want your $ from your fat wallet!

If you are searching for sex, it is very easy to get from those beautiful bar girls. Sooooo easy!!!

But where is true love?

How do you get the LOVE who you want?

How do you find your ideal Thai woman?

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  1. What do I really want?

  2. Why do I want a Thai woman?

  3. What do I need to do in order to get the Thai woman I want?

  4. What are my core values, purpose, and vision?

  5. What are my relationship requirements, needs, and wants?

  6. If I really want to have a successful relationship with my Thai woman, where would be the best place to meet such a woman who has the values, vision, and purpose that align with mine?

  7. How do I balance my heart with my head?

  8. What am I going after? Love? OR Lust?

  9. What do I need to learn about Thai women?

  10. What qualities in my ideal woman that I am searching for?

To get love, you must give love. The more you give, the more you get. That is the way it is!

Going out with bar girls can be fun and exciting for you.

Who wouldn't want to have sex with beautiful girls?

BUT…is it what you really want?

Does it fulfill your deepest need and desire?

Does it make you feel loved, wanted, connected, and appreciated?

If you want to have a successful relationship with your ideal Thai woman, there is some extra work that needs to be done. You have different language, background, age, attitude, opinion, culture, belief, way of living, communication, needs,
requirements, values, vision, goals, etc.

It takes time to learn about others. What is most important is to know and understand yourself.

Who are you?

What do you really want?

I’d love to tell you that finding your ideal Thai woman is easy. I’d love to tell you that there are shortcuts. I’d love to tell you that you just make a wish and your Thai angel will appear in front of you, love you
and want you ONLY forever…(without wanting your money.)

But I won’t, because I am being honest with you.

There are many stories that farang men have shared with me. There are stories about great disappointments, lies, and broken hearts.

On the other hand, there are also many amazing, wonderful and successful stories that farang men and Thai women who get married and live happily ever after…

With love, all things are possible. Successful relatioships between Western men and Thai women exist.!

There are some Thai women who value love If you start to look for her, you will find her. The question is “Where do you look for her?” Could she be in a bar? Possibly… if you are REALLY lucky!

The truth is…you create your own luck!

If you understand about the Law of Attraction~Like attracts like, you will know that you attract what you are and what you focus on. If you focus on the bar girls, you will attract more bar girls in your life. If you focus on finding the
girl of your dream who values your love, you will start to attract that type of girl! If you focus on positive things, you will attract more positive things in your life and vise versa.

What are you attracting?

Where is your focus?

Take your time…

Enjoy the process…

Nature will unfold itself in the right place and the right time. So do you…

If you make a mistake, admit it, forgive yourself, learn from it, and move on.

So, what are you waiting for?

Get out of bars and find your ideal Thai girl elsewhere!

Once you find a wonderful Thai girl who loves you for who you are, your life will never be the same!

IMPORTANT NOTE: I have nothing against bar girls, massage girls, or nightclub girls who give service to men. In truth, I respect them. Those girls value their family. They do their jobs to bring the bacon home.

Being bar girls is a choice.

Who am I to judge or look down on them?

Thank you for reading!

With Love,


nana plaza