Stickman Readers' Submissions October 26th, 2011

My First Thai Girlfriend

cbd oil

On my first trip to LOS I arrived at Bangkok airport late at night, jumped a taxi and arrived in Pattaya at 2.00 AM. My first impression was that the place was jumping, the roads were busy, the bars were packed and overflowing into the streets, loud music
played and there were ladies everywhere.

I was very tired so jumped into the shower and collapsed onto the bed all set to sleep. After 30 minutes I knew I was kidding myself – there was too much activity going on outside! I was staying on Soi LK Metro so I got dressed and walked outside and
into the first bar I saw.

mens clinic bangkok

Straight away I was surrounded by bargirls and there she was, one the most beautiful women I have ever seen. She was a classic Thai, short with dark hair and a gorgeous smile, beautiful figure, soft and gentle, with white soft skin and no tattoos. She
was a non-smoker and spoke enough English to hold a happy, fun-filled conversation. She came to me straight away, snuggled close to me, took my hand and introduced herself as Toy. After a brief conversation I barfined her and she was in my hotel

The sex was amazing! She responded to my touch instantly and she had several orgasms without me having to do much at all. She said she was an Issan girl and had only been working in a bar for two weeks. I was the first guy to bar-fine her which I found
hard to believe but it was true. This was confirmed by her mamasam on a later occasion. <Customers can trust mamasans to the same extent little boys can trust a Catholic priest!Stick>

She was typical of these Issan ladies, fresh out of a marriage with a family and no money, coming to Pattaya as a last resort to find her fortune. I bar-fined her several times over the next few days and we became very close, even to the point of me buying
her a gold necklace for 6,000 baht. It would be very easy to fall in love with Toy, in fact I was half way there already.

She had three children from 18 to 21 years old, none of them worked and relied on her for all their expenses, an impossible job. One daughter of 18 was living with her in Pattaya and had started freelancing with a middle-aged married man from Iran who
came to Pattaya several times a year chasing young girls. Apparently he took her virginity after meeting her in a 7 Eleven store. I asked Toy what she thought of this and she said it was what her daughter wanted. She was too young to work in a
bar and was biding her time till she was old enough. I couldn't imagine any mother in my country (Australia) that would so casually accept their daughter becoming a prostitute, but this is Thailand.

One day Toy said she wanted to take me home to Issan for a few days to meet her family. The taxi was 10,000 baht and the driver would wait in the town for a few days and then drive us back. I wasn't keen at all even though she asked me several times.

Then a few days later she changed her mind and wanted 6,000 baht. She was taking her daughter and going the bus. This was OK by me and away she went. The 4 days she was gone were good for me. I had several body massages and banged the masseuses. I went
to Honey for a soapy massage and banged the masseuse there. I banged several bargirls and even banged a go-go dancer I met on her way home from Walking Street. I even found time to walk along Beach Road and ended up with a real little darling
in my hotel room.

Toy returned from Issan with no money and wanted to see me so she came to the hotel at 3 AM when the bar closed. She said she wanted to look after me "long time", and she stayed the night, I gave her 1,000 baht but she said she needed an extra
1,200 baht for the bar-fine for the four days she was away in Issan. This was when the relationship hit the wall. I explained that I would help her financially but would not pay some mamasan every time I wanted to see her. She was really confused
by this and could not understand why I was arguing over so little money. She had the impression that all falangs had lots of money and I would not miss this small amount. I did not pay and she looked so unhappy and confused.

The next day she said she wanted to spend the day with me and show me Pattaya. I was so happy until I found out I had to bar-fine her for not going to work that day. That was the last straw! I explained to Toy that even though I had very strong feelings
for her, I did not have enough money to support her, her three children and a greedy mamasan. She had the idea that the money was never-ending and that I was the answer to all her problems. Sadly, we agreed to go our separate ways. The last I
saw of Toy she was slowly walking down the hall from my room in the hotel, she stopped and said "Look after yourself" and then she turned, walked away and never looked back.

About two weeks later I went to her bar to say hello but she was gone. She would have sold the gold necklace and caught a bus back home after realizing that not all bar girls make big money in Pattaya. I have been back there several times since and have
been to all of her favourite places looking for her but she has never come back. I often think about Toy and the wonderful, fun-filled, exhilarating lift she gave to my life. She cost me about 30,000 baht for the time we were together but I don't
begrudge one baht of it. For a few weeks she was happy without the financial burden she has carried for so many years. I hope she has found the financial security and happiness she seeks and I will never forget her.

Stickman's thoughts:

It must be hard on Toy having 3 children entering adulthood, none of whom appear to be pulling their weight. That is way too much for a mother to have to support – and at their age they should be pulling their finger out.

nana plaza