Why I Prefer Western Women; and The West
A few years back, a friend, oh wait a minute; I gotta consult the Ms. [Honey, I’m writing that submission to Stickman I told you about. I need a code name for TT.] “How about Gullible?” “No, that’s too ‘in your face.’” “Ok, how about ‘Gulliver?’” “Cool. That’ll work.”
Gulliver went through a bitter divorce about eight years ago, and was still licking his wounds when he ran into–oh wait. [Hon, I need a codename for that little short guy from country X. He used to run that “ethnic” restaurant down on the “Call him ‘Bad News’” “Excellent honey. You’re brilliant.”
Now Gulliver, who is (or maybe by now, was) well-to-do, had at the time of his divorce over four million dollars in real property assets in the SF Bay Area, up around Lake Tahoe, and Las Vega, had several vintage cars, and a decent wine cellar. About
Gulliver and Bad News got to talking, and talking too much, Gulliver told Bad News he had been through a divorce, that he had property in two states, among other things. I guess Gulliver was happy to have someone new to vent to, after he had worn out
At this point, I had known Gulliver for sometime, mainly through remodeling work I had done for him. I walked down to the restaurant one evening with Gulliver. It was my first time meeting Bad News, and my first impression was that while he had a quick
Bad News asked me a few more questions, all cleverly designed to ascertain my monetary worth (I saw this in hindsight). Shortly thereafter, Bad News would get “loans” from Gulliver, promising to pay’em back when “business got
Several years ago, certain circumstances compelled me to move away from the area, but one day I saw Bad News’ daughter, a stunning vixen with skin of caramel brown and jet black hair–but she was too young for me to pursue, but we used to talk
For over a year, Gulliver ran around town getting the paperwork ready so that his prospective wife could come over. He could have asked my advice, but might have figured since I have never been married, what did I know about anything? After a mountain “Call her Jezebel, or Jezzy.” “Thanks, you’re awesome.”
Now, I’ve never, even to this day, met Jezzy, but had picked up bits of info here and there about here, with the only favorable comments coming from Gulliver himself. While he waited for her to come over, I dropped by Gulliver’s place a “She’s totally fallen for me,” he said. She’s 25, and I’m fifty. She never got passed the ninth grade, but she’s got a good IQ, and wants to be with me.”
Gulliver told me about a psychic who told him that he and Jezzy were soul mates, but then he said, “But you know, the psychic told me the same thing before I married (oh let’s see) “Sticky Fingers,” but that greedy bitch took
But throughout it all, something wasn’t adding up. For one, Bad News told me the first time he met Jezzy was the very same day Gulliver met her, at a family gathering in the village. For another, while Jezzy was waiting in country X, she asked
After a few months of Jezzy’s arrival in San Francisco, there was a marriage (I wasn’t invited, but that’s a whole other story, and neither Gulliver’s mother, or four siblings showed up. The mom had said before: He doesn’t
I’ve seen wedding photos, and a good number of people from country X were there. However, according to witnesses I have talked to, Jezzy never made eye contact with Gulliver the entire ceremony—not even for the “I do” part.
A few months later, I heard Jezzy was pregnant, but a miscarriage was reported. Around this time, I heard that Jezzy had “told” Gulliver that her sister need money to avoid losing her home back in country X—but wait! I thought Jezzy Part Two: Bright Lights, Big City, done gone to my baby’s head. These lyrics are from a 1950’s R&B tune by Jimmy Reed. Now here’s where it seems, “Somchai has started to squeeze the trigger.”
Originally, Gulliver had planned to keep Jezzy away from the big city, and in a small town near Las Vega, but probably seeing through the ruse, she insisted on living in the Bay Area. Lots of rumors reached me about what Jezzy had been doing in the local
Rather than spend her allowance on English and cooking classes as was the agreement, Jezzy would spend up to eight hours a day, after waking around noon, at a fitness center—at least that was the story she told Gulliver. Gulliver might have doubted
Jezzy had chosen to hang out in “her community” where there’s a common language, customs, and so on, and spending her allowance. Within this particular community, though they may argue and fight amongst themselves, those not of their
Last week I called on Jack to wish him happy Father’s Day. He still lives in the apartment building where Gulliver still lives (I used to live there too). Jack gave me an earful: Jezzy has kicked Gulliver out of the apartment, which they shared,
Could Gulliver pursue legal action against Bad News, or Jezzy? He could, but something tells me that if he does, he had better watch his back. I’ve seen some of Bad News’ countrymen, and though they were chummy with Gulliver when he had’em
Now what does this have to do with my preference for Western Women? First, I have spent nearly a year in non-western countries, and have read quite a few of the submissions on this site, and know dozens of people from non-western countries. Second, I’ll But where do you find these gems? I have an hypothesis, and I’ll share part of it here.
Traditionally, western women, like their Asian and African sisters, could not easily enter those professions thought better suited, or ordained by God for men. These professions include: politics, law, medicine, accounting, firefighter, cop, finance officer,
Having said that, I say that the western women I find most desirable as romantic partners for myself, don’t feel they have to compete with me or any man. They know they can hold their own just by being women. I usually find them in the nursing
Therefore, back to the top. If my partner is a Western woman, we are likely to have a preponderance of shared values, and to what degree these are shared depends on numerous factors. I have not enough in common with a woman who doesn’t know or
Second, if I marry into a group, that’s distinctly different in culture and values, I figure I’m likely to remain the outsider, no matter how welcoming they might seem on the surface. Note in Stick’s article, Somchai pulls the Trigger,
Am I saying I, or any other guy, should never meet a Phillipina, Thai, Peruvian, or Ethiopian with whom I can make a go of it? No, not at all. That could be fascinating. But I’m saying that simple probability dictates I have a slightly better chance
I am also saying this: (Bring out tar and feathers, you feminists); different cultures have different archetypes, which produce certain expectations. A woman from a country where it’s made very clear that men are dominant and should be obeyed,
BTW: Could I have warned Gulliver? No. He’s hardheaded. He’s intelligent to the point he thinks he’s smarter than anyone else, and when he sees something his way, and sets out on that course, a team of horses couldn’t pull Happy Times BayMonster |
Stickman's thoughts:
I guess the ultimate is a mix of the best of the West and the best of Asian. Hard to find though.