Stickman Readers' Submissions April 27th, 2011

Testosterone Levels & Stick Getting Back Into Shape

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I also embarked on the path of getting my body back into shape at the beginning of this year. I am 46, and I was at about 100 kg. Now I am down to 80-something kg, and I feel great. I have energy again, and just like you said it literally
took a decade or more off my chronological age, vs. my how I feel age. I started just jogging at a distance of about 1 – 2 km in January. Now I am up to 6 – 8 km runs 4 times a week. My body needs the time to heal and to recover in between so
per my MD's recommendation, I run a longer distance, but I do not have to do it every day. Food wise I just cut out white rice period, and I eat to the point of just not being hungry instead of eating until my stomach could hold no more,
like I did before when faced with food that I like.

Now to my main point. Have you had your testosterone levels checked? I thought that I was fine in this department since I was mounting the Mrs at least 4 times a week also. The only thing that I noticed was sometimes I just could not get
"morning wood". By the evening of course everything was fine again. My wife loves to copulate more in the AM, so this was a nuisance, but I accepted it because I thought that this was just normal aging. Other mild symptoms were slight
depression at times, some lack of energy in the mornings, and me just being more irritable than in the past, and some other real minor stuff, (when viewed separately). Combined, all these minor things added up to one big problem equivalent, in
a way, I just did not see it and I failed to put 2 and 2 together. As far as my lack of nice hard morning wood goes, the normal "woody pills" just did not help at all. Cialis was the best out of the three, but with only a tiny morning
effect, but it only made me hard by lunch at work, like when cute gals were around. This was useless since I am married, and I do not want to screw the gals at my work.

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So I had my testosterone checked. My levels were at 185, when normal should be 280 to 1000, so my MD put me on testosterone replacement cream, at the lower dose levels. It is an alcohol-based odorless gel which dries quick and then is absorbed slowly
through the skin over the day. Do NOT take T pills. They put your liver at risk. Injections are fine, but the levels fluctuate, and they will not achieve a steady state T level in your blood, like the cream will. By the way, I do NOT need the
woody pills anymore. Full use is back, and normal now.

Man, what an amazing difference this made! Now everything is back to where is was 2 decades ago! More importantly, my sex drive is back in high gear as well, and I enjoy sex much more again.

The "little blue pills" just do not help at all in the desire department, but the T cream works wonders. If your levels are not low, then do not think that the "magic T cream" will make you into a "super stud". If your T
levels are not low, then it will not do anything good for you period.

One last comment the acceptable range for T in your blood is related to age, and sometimes MDs miss the main point that when a guy is in the very low range of acceptable T levels, that he can still benefit, and that he CAN still enjoy a major boost in
just about everything, by just bumping them up a notch so to say. Remember more is not better here. Just right is awesome, and what you really want.

Last, it also dramatically improved my mood. I did not expect this, and it is via some direct effect on my general mood, and not just because I am getting more and better sex now.

So if you have not checked your T levels yet, then do so! It really can put the spark back into life so to say in so many ways. When you first use it you feel nothing for about 4 days then "bingo" and it just keeps getting better. Even your
belly fat starts to get distributed in a more normal fashion again, so the beer belly melts away with working out. Do some reading on the net yourself about low T levels, and then check with your doc. This may be the best single thing that you
ever did!

Take Care…….

PS: For those who are in a steady relationship with a gal who has a "legitimate" hard time reaching orgasm, just a little tiny bit of T cream on her clit every 3 days or so will sensitise it after a week or two, and eventually make
it slightly larger if even more is used. Since the cream is only used, on one tiny spot, she will not grow hair or suffer steroid side effects period. My wife wanted to try this and bingo, we cum together again, it has been wonderful!!! Your doc
has to be looped in here, since doing this to a woman without her knowledge is unethical and unfair. This is my position after reading about guys in sexless marriages doing this to "spice things up". Yes it often did work great, but
it is her body!


Interesting. True or not I do not know, I have heard that ginseng and green tea can help to boost testosterone levels. I always prefer to do things the natural way and am very much averse to any pills, injections or whatever.

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