Stickman Readers' Submissions April 4th, 2011

My Ladyboy Girlfriend

cbd oil

I spent my 10-day holiday in Phuket together with a ladyboy.

But maybe I should admit that this trip, although being my first holiday in Thailand, wasn’t my first personal encounter with a ladyboy. Last year I met a member of a touring ladyboy showteam who had a bright smile and a beautiful appearance, but a rather dull personality. And so was the date. But her woman’s body equipped with a man’s appendage in such a seductive, seamless and beautiful blend never left my mind. I knew I wanted more, but not only some expensive hours. Yes, I entertained the idea of a relationship.

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Therefore I logged in at TLL and looked for a non-bargirl ladyboy with some personality. There wasn’t lack of interest on the ladyboys’ behalf towards me, but my interest towards them cooled after the first few inane chats. My one-month-membership was almost over as I found someone from Phuket, who, as a very welcome change, was really fun to chat with. No mention of urgently needed money or immediate marriage. Just friendly talk. Soon we chatted for hours via MSN, saw each other on webcam, exchanged more than one SMS per day. Her English wasn’t great, but it was quite appealing to me that she had besides a cute look and a funny attitude some interest in cultural matters. Weeks went by and the feelings grew on both sides, of that I was sure and constantly reassured. At Christmas I sent her a letter along with a plushie she was very pleased with.

Due to job-related obligations I wasn’t able to just pack my bag and spend some quality time with my love-interest, so the weeks became months. But finally, having learned more and more about Thailand (also by reading the Stickman) and soundly reconsidered my feelings for her, I thought "now or never", booked a flight and told her my decision, which was happily received. Since she’s working in a newly opened hotel, she took care of booking a room for me (us) there. Then the big day came and I boarded an airplane. Next stop: Phuket!

The first thing that greeted me after leaving the airport was the humid heat. The second was a crowd of persistent taxi-drivers. The third was a gorgeous ladyboy smiling at me and holding a bunch of red roses in her hands. I had arrived! The following hours, while driving back to the hotel, while walking hand-in-hand on the beach, while meeting her friends (in front of who I somehow felt like being shown as a trophy) and while kissing tenderly, I kept marveling at her beauty and at the care she devoted to me. Our playful endearments were of course not confined to kisses for long. This evening I gave her my present: a small silver necklace.

The next day we spent mostly wandering through her small and very quiet beach-town. As a gentleman, I paid for meals and drinks; nevertheless she insisted to buy me my first Thai meal. She was well-known in her town, so we caused a great deal of curious and startled looks as we went by, laughing and holding hands. I wasn’t in the least bit ashamed to be seen with a ladyboy, but literally beaming with pride for having such a stunner at my side.

On our third day we rented a motorbike and drove to Patong. First we were strolling up and down the Jungceylon-mall, then, already night-time, she took me to Bangla Road and showed me the notorious Soi Crocodile, where we had a drink.

The following days went by all too fast: exploring the island’s beautiful beaches, visiting the local temple and market, hanging out with her friends, making a day-trip on motorbike to the Big Buddha of Phuket and the Wat Chalong, where an amazing rainbow bade farewell to us.

Thanks to her easy boss she had got 10 days off from work, so we were really able to be together all the time. And we were never separated more than the three-quarters of an hour she needed for her daily visits to the beauty-salon.

On our last day we drove again to Patong to see the Simon Cabaret show. As a parting gift I bought her a new pair of high heels. Back at our hotel she surprised me with a set of three scarfs: a white one, a grey one and another one with the colours of Thailand.

Unfortunately, the crappy parking restrictions in front of the airport and the fact that I was already late reduced our farewell unromantically to a quick kiss and hug. During the airport rush I had no time to think, but in the airplane it dawned on me: my holiday was over.

After I’ve returned home, I missed her at once. I wanted to be together with her again. I was even willing to do a family visit because her mother and sister were already informed about me and to both I’ve had to say hello via phone.

She knew of my strong feelings for her. But I received less and less answers. One day, about two weeks after my trip, I was confronted with a series of rapidly written messages reading like: "sorry. i want to be alone now. after you go back i change. not same before. i not miss you. i not love you. you are good man. sorry. i like bad man. you not my space. so sorry. take care."

Calling her was impossible, she had changed her phone number. Mail remained unanswered. Shortly afterwards, all photos of our holiday vanished from her Facebook profile. Her status read "single" again.

Some days ago, her sister wrote to me: "she is crazy."

Yes, I think I agree …

I’m sure I’ll never know exactly what went wrong. But I never had the impression that she didn’t have as much fun with me as I did have with her, that she didn’t enjoy my company as much as I did enjoy hers. I merely suppose that I did in real not live up to the expectations she got from the chat. Yes, I felt and feel heartbroken, but I’ll treasure the memory of these wonderful nine days. What I remember the most is the feel of sleeping with her, cuddled together, legs intertwined, her soft breath touching my cheek.


Sorry to hear it didn't work out for you. There are plenty more ladyboys out there looking for a relationship so if that is what you're looking for, I'm sure you'll be able to find it.

nana plaza