Stickman Readers' Submissions March 7th, 2011

Good Thai Girls – Don’t Overlook Them Part II

cbd oil

I felt compelled after my first posting to clarify a few issues and also share some tips and help out with pursuing women mentioned in my 4 groupings.

mens clinic bangkok

I would like to clarify firstly that I don’t multi date. My granddad used to tell me a gentleman dates multiple women to get a taste of what’s out there, but always date one at a time. I have followed this advice to the T not only because it’s easier, less stressful (try remembering multiple anniversary dates, blurt out the wrong name during the sessions or remember their fav colors – tough enough for one women…..worse if you think you can multi-task)…it’s just fairer and the right thing to do.

So my strategy is always one woman at a time, I use the time with them to totally enjoy the experience ensuring the woman gets as much as I get out of them. The idea is never to treat them like the numbered gals we pick up so easily at the bars. The problem at the bars is never the pickup, after all the more you spend on them, the co-relation is that they should reciprocate that in the bedroom.

These girls are so easy, the trouble I have with most of them is the experience after. What do you do with them in the morning? You can never have any meaningful conversation as most are keen on shopping, Thai movies and looking at some programs most of us from the west have no interest in.

I have not found a Thai bargirl who keeps current on the news except for what happens in Thailand. The bar talk is fun, the prowling and choosing who to go out at night after rather empowering, it’s the aftermath the next morning when you realize she is not as pretty (after you get sober), the make up is all gone, her push up bra on the floor that you get a very harsh reality check. Most of the mongers would agree that there are days in the mornings where you ask yourself “Who the hell is that lying there and cringe in the toilet” thinking of the first excuse to get her out of the room. I guess that is the price to pay when you evaluate someone in the semi-dark.

I generally visit Thailand for about 4 months in a year and plan ahead of time. When I have just ended a relationship in the north in Chiang Mai, I will stay in Bangkok the next holidays. This way you avoid the awkwardness of meeting the same person on the street (I know Bangkok is huge but if you like hanging out at the nice places …there are only so many fave cafes, restaurants). This way you are fair and not seen as mongering. Face value as depicted in many of the articles here is truly important to the Thais and I generally let them go lightly without any blame issue as it is easier to move on. Of the 8 ladies I have met, 6 are still good friends in Thailand.

It helps that one stays discipline and does not jump at the first woman you meet; I realized that this may be very difficult and different from the usual bar strategy. Allow me to elaborate why this enhances the experience. In many ways, it is like buying a good car. You want to see the brochure, you want the specs and you want to test drive it all to ensure it’s a fit before you buy. This includes multiple visits to the showroom, surfing the net for info and getting your trusted buds’ opinions. No difference here. If you want good Thai women, it’s takes a bit of effort and as I have mentioned in my earlier article, the rewards well justify the efforts.

I have found in general the good Thai girls mentioned in my 4 groups are desperate to meet a good person. They are well in to their 30s and like everyone else, they know the creams, the cosmetic and the aches in their joints like ours is a clock ticking away. It gets better for guys as we age gracefully but horridly for women. (One up for the man!). If a man uses that to his advantage, it’s a winning scenario well into the late 50s or more. Preservation of gentlemanly spirits play to the Thai women sync as they watch their dramas and shows.

In the last 5 years in Thailand, I have met about 8 serious women from the 4 groups described who will last in my memories. Each different, each brings a new experience (renewing for the old soul) and each a real girlfriend experience. Sexually, nothing beats the early morning as you see someone you have chosen wake up next to you with no horror after shows…after all you should have at least 4 – 5 dates with them in daylight to check her out.

Granted none of the 8 are young, they don’t lap dance on you (although 2 have once they were liberated). I have to say on looks, they are all graceful, beautiful and look great for their age in their 30s. In describing the looks which I think is important for most, I would rate them all 7/10 or higher. I like a girl with long hair, graceful legs who looks great in a suit and without and I have to say the 8 women I have experienced fulfill all these and more. The fact that they can be brought out in broad daylight without the judging looks from the western women and locals is a big plus and bonus

They have lost their immaturity and share a genuine desire to connect…something I think even the most seasoned sex traveler craves for. I believe deep down, even though easy sex is great for special occasions, nothing beats having a woman you enjoy the company of, bringing her out to a nice place and speaking in English if that’s your native tongue. In my earlier article I professed to learning Thai and speaking it at 3/10. It’s enough to impress and I guarantee you most of the women described speak English so well it’s just easier for both to communicate. <Don't underestimate the use of Thai to a decent Thai woman's heart, irrespective of her English ability. Thais use a lot of flattery, indirectness and innuendo and when you reach that stage in Thai they just meltStick>

As for the dating work, I realize it’s always easier to let them decide where to go. As they are successful, confident and make tons of decisions at work, it’s so easy being a guy. Trust me , I am sick of “you decide” …we know we never get it correct in the first place…much as they always say anything …you can tell by the body language that you got it wrong.

I have a stressful job where I make important decisions so when I am on my break in Thailand, the last thing I want to do is work. So I let the girls decide, I complement their choices, guide them if I don’t like the food or place…BINGO you say…it’s starting to sound like a girl right ? Correct, you turn the tables on them with the better results on your side since she knows the local area better and both are happy.

As for paying, I have always applied the gentleman approach, pay for both. I have always realized that when one is not a money pincher, it works better for both and you enjoy it more. In all of my experiences, the return on investment is always 10 fold. They rarely take advantage of it, and pay it back in many ways as described in my earlier article. When you add up the free rides to the airport, the hotel discounts, the entry to golf clubs, it normally evens out.

In the gift division, I stick to what my nanna taught me, presentation wins ! As such, I realized buying a big bag at MBK in a plastic bag will never match a simple key ring from Ferragamo. This is one area I will ask the men to spend some time on. Most gals in the 4 groups I described can afford to buy their own stuff. What they are looking for is the effort in choosing, the choice and the presentation. Ask about her fave color, watch her clothes choice and when you pick an item nicely wrapped, watch her eyes tinkle and your wallet applaud you. I have always chosen to buy gifts that are branded, not for any reason other than the presentation.

As I have explained, I am not out to con any of these woman, as such if there is someone whose company I really enjoy, I buy them something nice, always under USD$300 at any of the stores in Siam Paragon. For those a little low on cash, I would say go back to the good strategy of effort. Buy them a simple packed breakfast, grow an orchid for them if that’s their fave, bake a cookie…no matter how ugly they are, the efforts scores you points.

In return in all of my relationships, since I professed I don’t shop, I have gained a wardrobe enough to fill my business trips many times over from these women. Have I ever felt bad receiving these gifts? Never. I have never asked for them and know they buy it because they can afford it and it comes with their thoughts & affection. I gladly accept them for the dumber days when I spend on a woman and got nothing out of it.

So far, I have shared where to meet them, the frequency, gift exchange and paying for dates. I am going to share the experiences now. I am currently dating No 8. By far, she has the sharpest mind and command of English I have seen in my previous 7. I learn from each experience how to fine tune the search. She works in my first group as a Sales Director of a well known local property company. Financially secure, she speaks English with a well polished accent and is well traveled in the region and knows her way around.

We have been together for the last 2 years. She has visited my homes in New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia and knows I am not a fraud and is convinced of my business credentials. She has not met my parents and I have not met hers as I am convinced nothing that survives the 3-year mark deserves a parent meet as it is heartache and embarrassment for all if it does not work out.

Knowing how important it is to the Thais, I have met all of her best friends, her siblings who work in Bangkok and have told her if we survive year no. 3 this year, we will make a trip to her family home in Chiang Mai and meet the parents formally. I however have spent each year greeting and talking to them on the phone on important Thai dates and festivals and that small gesture means a lot to her. Her parents are rather liberated and forward thinking Thais and have told me many times they are looking forward to Year no 3 as they know I am serious about their daughter and not fooling around.

I have huge respect for the Thai culture and admit with this one, I didn’t venture any sexual contact till the 10th date. In fact she was the one who was wondering if I find her unattractive. Once liberated into a trusting relationship, I have to say she can do 90% of what you can get at Eden (okay minus the extra gal !) without the funny looks as you pay someone who expects a tip. For both of us, it’s the quality rather than the quantity. From a relationship point of view, she fulfills everything I am looking for in a Thai woman.

She has the grace and charm of a well brought up Thai woman. She never raises her voice. She knows how to take care of her man (for those sick of your western women, nothing, I say again, nothing beats a woman who peels the prawns for her loved man, cleaning the sweat from his brow in a seafood restaurant). There is just something about those acts that warms the heart especially when you know she is not from some humble background. She can choose not to do so, it’s her upbringing that tells her she is there to serve her man, hoping for a gentleman who will respect her and love her. So don’t burst the bubble and be true. Western women bashing is fun but when you have found a keeper, respect is the only key to good relationships. I abhor men who treat their women badly and think lowly of them.

She argues well, is well-read and knows her current affairs. She gladly defers to me in matters of money investment, world affairs, business opportunities and people management where I am better and I gladly take her advice in clothes, property investment and movies ;-). It’s a good fit for both who are power players in our work and who are used to be in charge. She is not needy and has her own time and I have mine. I don’t need her hugging my legs begging me not to go to work and she doesn’t need me praising her 24/7 for everything she does. She is the first woman I met who loves working as much as I do.

In my 2 years here, she has never allowed me to stay in a hotel. Putting up in her very nice apartment in town, I never felt I was sponging off her, just her well argued thought that if we are together, it’s a waste of money for me to have my own pad even if I can well afford it. I pay for the utilities and the fancy groceries in all the expat supermarkets when I stay there, pay and treat her maids with respect and she thinks very highly of my ways.

When she travels in the region, she stays in my apartments in Singapore, Malaysia or Indonesia and she enjoys the trust of having the keys to my places even though she does not use it often.

When we are at a gas station, I gladly pay for the gas and I pick up my tab in the restaurants we go to. Although I have to say after date no 6, she dropped all the fancy places which I enjoy and she does not and brings me to some of the best local places I have ever seen in Bangkok.

Her driver is at my disposal when she is at work and when we go to Hua Hin, Chiang Mai, Phuket, we stay at her vacation homes. Another reason why I have not bought a place in Thailand as she owns so many.

In a certain manner, it gives me a sense of security as she agrees readily to a pre-nup. She has more to lose in Thailand than I have. We have agreed that with my frequent traveling in this region, it makes no sense for me to buy.

I am looking forward to updating all when Year No 3 is up. There are lots of choices out of Soi Cowboy & Nana and one just have to look. It’s a beautiful Thai experience.


I cannot agree more that the very best women absolutely are NOT FOUND IN NANA OR COWBOY.

nana plaza