Stickman Readers' Submissions February 23rd, 2011

Good Thai Girls – Don’t Overlook Them

cbd oil

I have enjoyed all the recent postings with regards to the ridiculous standards of woman bashing man in the west and agree totally. Here’s my own take of it.

Allow me to use a closer country of synergy for comparison – Singapore. It’s a rich little country, highly efficient, business-like and filled with woman of unbearable standards for their man.

mens clinic bangkok

Most women being tertiary educated act like sex is a perverted act, you have to date them at the rich little places (think the new swanky Marina Bay Sands Resort), buy them the latest branded goods before you can get them between the sheets and
there seems to be in general the following requirements for their man : Rich & financially stable, good job like a lawyer, doctor or the likes (god forbid a blue collar worker) so that they can boast to their families, be ready to help out equally
if not more in housework and the kids to come and be romantic and remember all the silly little dates that are important. All of these while not allowing the men to have their requests met.

While I am not encouraging men to be slobs, these requirements bring an unbearable pressure of dating and enjoying the social scene. Having lived there for a number of years and in these regions and traveling all over Asia, I am beginning to
exert a real pressure on men in Singapore and in general everywhere to stand up for their own rights. Do not be the toad of obedience as there is nothing to gain. Learn the tricks, watch the body language and engage in mind games with your women.

If men pay attention to these like they watch & play sports so well, it would be a small but sure tide of change we need out of these people we call our women.

If you are staying with the western choice, learn how to turn the game back on them. They use the manipulation of sex, comfort and assurance to a fine tuned game and men can do the same if they want to “train” their wives / loves.
If they ask you to dress up for a function instead of a tee-shirt, learn how to praise them for their sexy lingerie and look disappointed when they come in their frumpy nightwear and tell them how much better they look in that red bra. Praise them
for their cooking and learn how to slip in your preferences in between the lines and watch them crave the attention you give.

Bringing it back closer to the topic posted, I have been to LOS many, many years and spend a lot of time here; done the bar scenes, Eden back when it was great and now have turned into a full time convert to a whole new market – Great
Thai Gals in their late 30s and work professionals.

Allow me to elaborate. As I have been dating many in the field as mentioned above, I will illustrate the latest 4 groups of woman I have met and enjoy tremendously while I holiday here annually.

Meet A. She’s a real estate professional and smart, sassy, and dresses to kill in her workwear. Where did I meet her, don’t be a beer blonk and just take a walk to all these new showrooms at these swanky properties they are advertising
in the Bangkok Post! I do it dressed in my best suit for the holidays and pretend to be a buyer. Drop a few lines of where you are from and what you are looking for and I met A the sales director in charge of the project. She was showing me around
and I dropped a few names (it takes a bit of business reading but is well worth it) and seems suitably impressed with what she thinks is a great catch.

I drop her an SMS later thanking her for the time (no sex talk please) and leave it to stew for a few days telling her I have other options. Later I drop her an SMS saying that I have chosen something else and whether she would meet for tea and
share with me her professional take on my new investment. 9 out of 10 woman I have met in this field agree to a 2nd date…choose a nice decent place (they either think they can sell you something else or they think they found something good)…allow
them to talk, don’t do more than kiss them on a cheek for a great night and wait for their calls. I have had great hook-ups (all free and clean sex) with people in this profession alone and the best thing is I have never paid for any airport
transfers since I met this group. They all drive great cars and all sweat about picking you up and driving you around if you treat them right!

Now my 2nd group. Meet L. from the hotels. We have all been slobs in choosing hotels and now I am asking men visiting LOS to check out Trip Advisor. Drop by the swanky hotel in a good shirt and ask for the Sales & Meeting Planner. 9 out 10
are in their early / late 30s. Ask for a hotel function room tour (like above) and do the same…the best reason why I love this group…after they are hooked, you get great employee discount rates in hotels and discounts when you head off to Hua
Hin, Chiang Mai or the like; they book it for you, call their buddies in those places you get upgrades and all the amenities like a rich client!

3rd group. Meet N. She is a part owner of a successful company. How did I meet her? Go to the local chapter of the Toast Master / Business Meeting or trade shows. You meet them, you let them think they are smarter than you and that you are low
risk and you are bang into the crowd. Praise her for her business success, watch her melt in your hugs and no sex for 3 or more dates and you have a girl hotter than the Brazilian samba as they reveal their true feelings of how lonely they feel and
how they crave for attention from an intellectual man. The best advantage of these group, they normally have summer or holiday homes everywhere and if you don’t get any from Group 2 these are great free stays in some of the best homes in Bangkok
and Hua Hin and the likes without paying for a 5-star hotel room.

4th & final Group – Meet S. She is a great insurance agent in financial business advisory…enough said. There are so many in this field it’s a nutcase that cannot get an appointment to see them and use the above.

Before you readers think I am some Leonardo D “Catch me if you can” con artist, I am not. I am middle-aged with general looks, a business professional who has chosen to apply my business knowledge, negotiation skills and also my
aptitude in reading body language to good use. I have a successful business, have the money to be comfortable on my own and enjoy reading business journals for leisure.

I just hate paying for sex and looking at all of the fake acts and the standard 5 bargirls Q&A session that is foreplay. Think “Hullo Sir”, “Where you from”, “You so handsome”, “You take me
long or short time”…

Since I have discovered this group of great Thai girls, I am happy to say for the last 5 years. I have not paid for a single sex encounter in a bar, don't worry about getting robbed by a bargirl and had some of the hottest women in the LOS
who may not be as slim as the girls in your go-go…the best part, when you break up like a gentleman these gals stay as your friends and meet you regularly for drinks & coffee when you drop by the city. The upside…you can walk with these girls
anyway in swanky places or Thai establishments and not get that cringing look when she embarrasses you with a silly question at breakfast the next morning or says something only a bargirl would.

The other advantages include getting shown to places only a local can, driven around in a nice car, been to some of those most exclusive country clubs to play golf (these women are, after all, successful) and having real good English conversations
instead of trying to practice our bad Thai. I give myself a 3/10 for my language skills in Thai and it’s enough to impress them that you are trying culturally.

So get yourself to an appointment the next time in Thailand to a good tailor. Make one decent suit packed among your shorts, invest in good luggage and a good appearance and read up on your books. Get into a decent mid priced service apartment
in a good area. Be a gentleman, look professional like most of us do at work and let the mind games & fun begin.

Try it and tell me if you will ever be attracted to the gals from the northeast who just look at you like an ATM. Be on the other side for once and have the fun of watching someone spend money on you or at least try to share half the costs. You
will not be less of a man and believe it or not…if they think they are sexual prudes…you have never seen a woman in her 30s trying to be good and pretending to be doing the right thing all the time…deep down they are sexual animals waiting for
a release! Once released in the bedroom in someone they trust, the sex is unpretentious and hotter than you can imagine. Just think of a damn pent up volcano.

And for those who judge and think I am conning these girls, I am not. I am just choosing the best for myself like what a good woman does. They want the best. So do I, so I am not stopping till I find a soulmate. Just looking around and being
very selective. And I am sure while you are at the bar, you are also cooking up your next best story trying to impress No 23 to go off with you…so why judge mate? Think like a woman…!

Who say businessman in suits don’t get the wild fun?


I like the way you refuse to accept second best and have broadened your horizons beyond the tiny pool of women most foreign men go for in Thailand.

I think you raise many good points, but I also think that not that many foreign men in Thailand would be able to pull this off. The Western male population of Thailand is made up of a lot of lonely men whose confidence and self-esteem has been eroded to the point that some are so damaged that they really are not capable of picking up a woman the "traditional way", nor may they want to, preferring the ease of naughty bars.

nana plaza