Stickman Readers' Submissions August 5th, 2010

5 Star Treatment from a Chaste Thai Beauty in Small Town Indiana

cbd oil

There's this great website called Craigslist, good for all kinds of classified ads but I usually go on there for the personals. I'll post an ad under casual encounters, rather than men seeking women, because I like things nice and casual. I'd
rather decide if I want a second date after I sleep with the woman. Sex after all is the best ice breaker there is. I used to think that kissing was but now I realize that nothing beats sex for getting rid of sexual tension. And whoever said you
can't fight fire with fire?

So yesterday I got a reply to my ad from a woman from Thailand. Her English wasn't great but she said she was 42 and her pic was really nice to look at. I figured what the heck, it's worth the 20 minute drive south to another town
here in Indiana where I was visiting family for the holidays, bored, lonely, and horny.

mens clinic bangkok

I get there, she opens the door, and my jaw about drops to the floor. I'm sure in her country women who look like her are a dime a dozen but it's kind of miraculous how one step into the U.S. and all of a sudden she is this adorable,
sexy little five foot doll with broken English. Amazing. I asked her for ID to prove that she was 42 and not ten years younger. Thinking back I realize I might have made her nervous, like I was from the I.N.S. or something.

So it turns out she didn't know that casual encounters was for sex, not relationships. She was looking for something…more, though at first I couldn't figure out why she was shying away from me when I would place my hand on the
small of her back.

Her story was her husband was dead. An older Farang man who brought her over from Thailand. I asked her all the usual questions I ask foreign women living in the US. Whether she misses her home. How often she visits. I am fascinated with
expatriates in general.

It was all very surreal. I'm in a small town in the middle of Indiana, in the apartment of this amazing, gorgeous woman, with her cooking food for me. She cooked, we talked, and finally the language barrier broke down enough for us to
realize that she was looking for something different than me. To her, the thought of sleeping with me before I left the state a few days later was as foreign as the thought was to me of staying in Indiana to get involved with a very pretty Thai
librarian while an acting career awaited back in LA.

But this woman, Lina, used every trick imaginable short of removing her clothes to iterate how foolish I would be to abandon such opportunity. Not only did she cook for me, but she gave me a haircut. After the haircut she bathed me. No kidding,
SHE BATHED ME. I sat in the tub and she scrubbed my body. I asked her politely to get in the tub with me a couple of times but I didn't want to pressure her. I was enjoying the pampering way to much to burn this bridge. Then, after showering
to rinse off, I laid on her bed, naked, and she gave me a full body massage. Well, not FULL body but honestly that didn't matter. I was content to just experience this worship.

I've been poor almost my entire life. I've worked horrible jobs for meager pay. There's not much that I have a hard on for more than an acting career. But I tell ya', weighing that with this little woman in an apartment
in small town Indiana, and briefly, for that one night, the acting career didn't seem so great.

Now, reading Stickman reader's submissions, and paying attention to the feedback Stickman leaves in his notes, it appears that all Thai women are just working girls. <Don't know how you got that impression but it is far from trueStick> But I knew my Lina was not. She would not sleep with me. She had multiple jobs and enough money. But she told me she was falling for me. I emailed her a few days later and she said she wanted to sleep with me but she
couldn't bear the thought of me leaving so soon afterwards.

I almost fell in love with her. Sure, women are dream killers, but when a woman is willing to:

Bathe me
Cut my hair
Cook healthy, tasty Thai food
Massage me

…well, let's just say that living a domesticated life becomes much more appealing. I should almost thank ball busting American bitches for keeping me out of a dead end job and a mortgage. If they treated men like Lina treated me, I
would have no plans for power in my life.

The only critique of the treatment she gave me that I have is that the massage was not traditional. It was one of those weak 'Swedish' rub downs. I like real Thai massage, where the women climb on me and use their feet a lot to
knead into the deep tissue.

So I would say that there are Thai women out there who are not like the working girls. I have read a lot of the readers' submissions and some guys are just convinced that these girls really like them, not just out for the money. Lina
may have been just waiting for me to offer her money, but she just wouldn't let me get near her. She didn't tease me. She barely let me feel her leg when she was bathing me. Something tells me that if I offered her a thousand dollars
to have sex with me, she would turn it down.

Then again, everybody has their price, and the lines between being chaste and going to work are easily blurred given the right circumstances.

Filipina Dating, Singles and Personals

Stickman's thoughts:

The vast majority of Thai women are not working girls, although I think it's hard to deny that money plays a bigger role in relationships in Thailand than it does in the West.

nana plaza