Stickman Readers' Submissions February 4th, 2010

The How, Where & Why of My Thai Wife Story Part 1

Honestly, no really it’s the truth (jing jing), I’m just your bog standard usual Western man (well at least I think so he he he). You see, I left school at 16, had a trade apprenticeship, and worked my guts out for 25 years for international computer companies (sold my soul for $$’s – P4P ?? Pain for Pay ??).

At 40 I left the corporate life behind in the Western world and now it’s almost 10 years later I run my own PC company. It’s small, it pays the bills and I’m firmly in control of who, what, when, where and why I work – usually no more than 10 hours in a working week.

mens clinic bangkok

Like I said at the start, I’m just your bog standard Farang – how do I qualify this?

Well I have had three Western marriages to three western women over those 35 years. I have two teenage children. I had worked for 4 or 5 major US Information Technology corporates in Europe and Australasia.

The similarities in all three western marriages were the same. Pussy-whipped, a lack of respect from the woman, female control (my way or the highway), manipulation (gosh the Dutch are #1 at this), put downs and sex … ah yes – only if ‘you deserved’ it and you had not asked ‘for it’ at least in the previous 4 or 5 days!

It would only take 2 or 3 years and I’d grow tired of the crap at home. Now another submission on Stickman discussed and nailed the ‘crap’ perfectly and referred to the ‘NOISE’ – ah yes with that I can relate 100%, the noise from the western woman. The "I want"s, "I need", "You must do" etc etc… (nagging).

So then I would decide to split, wait a while and start to look again – Wow! I managed 10 years with the mother of my two teenagers but in the end the stress at home caused a Thyroid tumour, which ended in an operation for a partial removal – I pledged to myself that my physical and mental state must come first and decided to split again. (This was the hardest decision ever and she was the mother of my kids.)

So now, back in time to somewhere around 2007, and what do you know, everybody I know, meet with and talk to is talking about Thailand. It appears as if the whole bloody world is either going very shortly to Thailand, is actually in Thailand now or else has just returned from Thailand – that is except for yours truly! Am I jealous – too bloody right. It sounds fantastic up there in Thailand but I do nothing about this fact just yet.

Then in October 2008 my oldest best school friend Richard (he’s almost 50 and never married) calls me in Australasia from Europe and says let's meet for a week in November 2008 and have a holiday in Thailand. This friend had witnessed my rise and falls along the way of my three western marriages and knew I was currently single.

thai weed wholesale

Nothing and I mean nothing (many Stickies will identify with this) could have prepared me for those 7 days in Thailand. Richard and I met at Bangkok Airport and had 3 days in Bangkok and 4 days on Koh Samui (where I would return many times).

Thailand was like an instant attraction on multiple levels for myself – the country, the people (especially the attraction of the girls) and of course the glorious food – it was almost like a rediscovering of life, a good life, a life that left me wanting more and more on my return to Australasia.

I did meet one lady in those 7 days, on Samui. Kieow was a masseuse (100% above board salon) and my friend and I popped in at least once every day for a Thai massage. I always asked for Kieow as she gave very strong Thai massages, which I preferred, and I have to admit I really enjoyed her touch on my body. As it was full on rainy season on Samui and their business was quite quiet, we used to stay around and chat. The salon was run by three sisters, sponsored by a Swiss guy who had lost his Western wife in the Boxing Day tsunami.

Anyhow, on my last full day I get up the nerve to ask Kieow if she will come out for dinner, but her sister (the owner) needed her to stay around to work. However they said she could come out and join me for breakfast the next day which was also my last morning on Samui. We met and enjoyed breakfast together, we smiled a plenty, but her English was almost non-existent. At the end of breakfast all was good but I really desired her, so I simply asked if she would enjoy some boom boom to which she smiled, took my hand and back we went to my hotel room. No money was ever asked for and I offered no money for our time together. As far as I was concerned it was a mutually beneficial experience of two consenting adults (I personally will never pay for sex – just my beliefs, never have and never will).

So time spent between the sheets with Kieow (my first Thai GFE) was my lasting memory of my first ever visit to Thailand, and boy what a sweet memory that was, and also one that would go on to change my life for ever (sooner than I thought and also for the better) and lead me straight back on my next visit to the Land of Smiles just 7 weeks later.

More in Part 2 on my wife selection business plan …..

Stickman's thoughts:

"How about coming to my room for some boom boom?" I wonder how many Stickman readers try out that most charming line.

nana plaza