Stickman Readers' Submissions November 2nd, 2009

100% Success or 100% Failure

cbd oil

This all began with a first innocent exploration trip LOS. However, innocence was lost as soon as I landed in Phuket. I should have known my world would not be the same again. I came back home with blocks of lead attached to my feet.

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It did not matter as I had the support of all my friends from Phuket who would SMS, chat and promise to meet again. Of course, I knew that it was purely business, but the customer service you get was amazing. I wish telecoms in Australia
could learn something from this.

After coming back I got on to some Thai dating website to look for permanent love and care. Of course this is not hard and I chatted with so many beauties. All of them claimed to be good girls and were fun. I finally short-listed a few
and chatted with them everyday.

The interesting part of this experience was something other readers would have faced. 3 weeks into regular chatting and all of them loved me. And some of them would mail me some really nice photos 😉 to make a point. What was I to say?
Just sit and enjoy the show and identify the ones to put in a black book and others in grey till they move to white (regular selection process for different occasions).

Some of them would drop a hint about how poor they are and sometimes tell me about their problems like short on rent money or how their motorbike broke down and they had no money to repair it. Well I could only be a gentleman to understand
their problem by just listening to them and not taking any actions to send any money.

Now the gray list was down to 6 which was great. But all lived in different corners of LOS varying from Samui, Rayong, Nakhon Phanom, Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai and Tak and had really great jobs. I already ignored most of the girls from Bangkok
but one of them seemed genuine. So I started my extensive research and watched their moves very carefully. During my conversation I would drop some pointers about fun to have and things that we could do and analyse their responses.

Another thing that I started noticing with the finalists was the response time or mean time between response. It would vary in different times of days. Hmm. It would increase when people from Europe and USA are expected to get home and
come online. What is she doing then? I am inquisitive by nature and I know that curiosity killed the cat. But I have to find out. What am I supposed to do? Hire a PI? It was too early for that. Only 3 months of regular chatting.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands. I did what a respectable Romeo would do. I created lots of fake accounts on these Thai dating websites and sent messages to all of these Juliets. And wallah…within minutes got the response
back. All of them wanted to chat with me. Phew, that was a relief (I am a glass half full person). Ok time to be multiple avatars / personalities. Being technically savvy helps sometime. So I found some tools that I could help me to chat as
different identities at the same time. <What do you except the girls to do? They are NOT committed to you yet and you are chatting with many girls yet you expect them to chat with only you? Sounds creepy if you want my opinionStick>

So off I go chatting my marry way. Now these girls took 3 months of my good time and considering my rate I should get return on my investment. Right? Just kidding. Anyway. I planned my trip and lined up to meet these girls. I asked all
these girls to come to BKK so that I don't have to travel much. To ensure that they actually travel to BKK all avatars advised them they will drop by in BKK in succession – one after other. Now keep in mind. All these girls claimed to
be nice girls who want a long term relationship and don't drink or smoke and definitely no sex before marriage (of course).

Well… I landed in Suvaranbhumi Airport to meet my BKK girl. She had a car and rented an executive apartment for me at mate's rates. Fantastic I thought as I think she was planning to rent the same place for my other avatar when
I "leave". Anyway. After landing we dumped my stuff at the apartment, had a shower and went out to eat as I was famished. She took me to this beautiful restaurant in a hotel called Banyan Tree. Fabulous views. We hung around all
day, had massages, watched a movie and returned to the apartment in the evening to freshen up. I took out a bottle of good old Blue Label and put it on table. She asked me if I wanted a drink. Of course I said. Bottle is not to impress her.
So she made me a drink, Blue Label on the rocks. Now of course I know that she does not drink alcohol, but being a gentleman it's my duty to ask. Now wait for response…."Oh! my teerak. I don't drink. But I will do it for you."
God!!! talk to hand. Ok. I said. I like that. Off she goes to make a drink for herself.

And then comes the worst part. She mixed this fine scotch with coke. Now I am not joking when I tell you that the ratio of her drink did not make it stiff but something that only a seasoned person can handle. Ok. I have to go outside
to the balcony for some fags. "Do you wanna sit outside?" she asked.

"I will come with you." What cigarette they have in Australia. "Winfield is my cigarette" if some of you remember the song. "Would you like one?" I asked. "Oh my teerak! I quit smoking long time ago, but I will try.
I never smoked Australian cigarettes" she said.

Hmm…ok…let's see how far this charade goes. And after that 1st drink all of you know what happens. We had 10 days of bliss. Now to make it interesting I told her that I would stay one day extra. You should have seen her face.
It was white as chalk as she was expecting my other avatar to arrive that day and she was supposed to pick him up. "No no no my teerak. You must to go and do your work. I will miss you and wait for you next time." She said. Ok. Good
with me. So, off we go back to airport where she drops me off and I get a quickie in the car as a souvenir. Then some tears and usual drama. Off I go to the terminal and walk around for a while and send her back. Then go back to the taxi ramp
and to the next hotel. I got these girls to book hotels for me as they will get Thai rates. Back to another hotel and same story gets repeated 5 times more, but these times with a local black label.

And all these girls were fun to be with and knew what they were doing. I treated them right and no money exchanged hands except for accommodation and travel money. I always treated them right but never bought anything material for them
and they were ok with this.

After I came back I talked to all these girls again and they seemed a bit sad. I am not sure if they were sad to miss me or it was that they did not meet my other avatars.

Can I be so unlucky that I may not have met the right girl? Is a good Thai girl a myth?

Who is the victim here? I certainly would neither call them the victim nor myself. I guess this is one of the grey areas where your own perception would change the view.

I felt darn guilty after this and thought that it was time for me redeem my sins (if you call them that). So off I went to do some volunteer work and teach in a remote Thailand village. These are the places where you find the proper Thailand.
People are nice and friendly. Smiles are genuine and these children can lighten up anyone's day or night. And guess what? Maybe my redemption paid off. I met the most beautiful girl in my life. Now she does not have external beauty, she
was never married and never had a boyfriend. But her heart was made of gold. She worked as a government officer for this voluntary program and is well educated. We never had hanky panky and still enjoyed our time helping these poor people.
I think these 4 weeks were the best in my life. We have known each other for the past 2 years and I have never seen any tantrums or dramas. She has always taken a mature approach to solving problems and never asked for any money. I stayed
at her house many times and we are on Skype everyday.

I know I have not been an angel but I hope sun will shine on my fate and with all your blessings this boat will sail.

BTW I am 37 years old and she is 31. So it's not a major age difference.

Stickman's thoughts:

Your old ways were pretty much what many girls do online, and what the bargirls do too. If you really want to seek out a genuine relationship, that sort of carry on will ultimately prove fruitless.

nana plaza