Can Thai Girls Gamble The Future?
I was going to write an article on Hong Kong night scene but left my other laptop with notes at the office. So that being said I've decided to approach something else on my mind. Well I’ve always been a bit of a one woman guy i.e. my enjoyment
in life is derived from having one woman though I’ve always strayed. So I can love a woman with all my heart and still have sex for the short time gratification without losing my feelings for the girl I love. So having had a week of
'cheating', or more correctly phrased butterflying, from my teerak isn't a big deal to me. I've not told her of my cheating so far as no need, I’m allowed at this stage in our relationship. To fill you in that is
I've seen her twice for 2 weeks periods over last year and she has a permanent sponsor who she's currently on a 2 month trip to visit his homeland again.
The thing is I really like this girl and as I feel she’s a perfect fit I want to make sure I get her. In relation to recent articles – she’s a bar girl and that’s 100% what I want. I need a girl to want to party and
to understand my need to at same time. Effectively I’m going into probably one of the riskiest games a Stickman reader will hear – I am going to pursue a bar girl more than I should. So far I’ve actually played it as I’ve
told her to stick with sponsor and make money, which in theory works. However I’m already getting tested. She’s due to return home from Holland to Thailand and asked me for the first time for money. The reason is that she needs
to take her family gifts. I gave her the reply in no uncertain terms – no chance. Her sponsor should! I’m not paying for gifts that have no relevance from me. Actually she was pretty convincingly upset about my reaction in a way that
she obviously understands why I was upset at this request.
The thing is she’s at the point where her sponsor has spent 3 years setting it all up to get her permanent Dutch residence in the next year or two. She totally hates it and him! Now please don’t tell me I’m a deluded
fool. It’s amazing the capabilities of technology – 3 way conversations with one person not speaking is not rocket science. Well she wants out of a good money deal / bad life deal if she can find a better one.
So here I am. In 2 months time I return to LOS and a girl I ‘love’ to bits. Effectively and I’m a businessman, I may need to put in an offer that will ruin my opponent's current bid on the table. Now here comes
the true challenge. How does a young farang put in an offer of the future to a Thai girl when they like to live hand to mouth? Simply put for maybe a year or two she’ll actually receive less money than she does currently off her sponsor.
However, I can give her what I currently do – that’s 4 weeks a year in Thailand of massive partying for her and all her friends and family. I can get her into the UK and basically get her a UK passport over time very easily. If
she can wait I can give her possibly one of the best packages on offer to any Thai girl. Here’s the problem though. Will a Thai girl wait for 5 years of visits / her visits to UK to take the cash cow? <Cash talks with these birds – Stick>
It’s not huge but when I retire in 5 years my income on interest alone (I have no intention of removing my capital from the UK to Thailand) will be 4,000 baht a day. The capital I intend to move to Thailand is 5 million baht for
set up costs etc. BTW I’ll be at the crazy age of 32 when this happens. Sorry this is not a brag, but I’ve got to convince a Thai girl that a little bit of patience on her part will be a world of good for her. I may if I see
the right opportunity move another 5 – 10 million baht to buy the correct bar.
Well I hope to bring the subject of ‘future’ to her as soon as possible. The thing is whatever my situation is I’ll not pay her from the other side of the world for her to do nothing. I’d rather her turn tricks
with another stupid sponsor than me be the idiot. BTW my figures may look amazing- I’m not rich now I get paid very low. My pay comes in the form of company shares which I’ll cash in to retire very early. Now again how is a Thai
bar girl supposed to comprehend that when most people in the UK can’t understand I work for ¼ of my potential pay than I should!
Thing that always sticks in my throat about things like this- I’ve got strong feelings about a girl and want to make it happen. Who’s most likely to screw it up- her. Who’s most likely to get hurt, in my mind- her.
If come the time I move to Thailand or any surrounding country, she’ll be more than replaceable. What I’d like is a girl who can stick in for that future not a girl who takes it when it is I was going to write an article on Hong
Kong night scene but left my other laptop with notes at the office.
Stickman's thoughts:
It's very easy to comment on this submission. You're far too young to be making the decision to settle down with this girl. Given your penchant for partying and your self-perceived future wealth, you'll have no problems finding women if / when you move to Thailand. Given what you have said about the lifestyle you're seeking, if you're earning 4,000 baht a day at age 32, I'll put money on it that you'll be broke quicker than you know it. This is not a criticism at all, but rather a reflection of increasing prices, inflation, fluctuating exchange rates and my observations of many who have retired early to Thailand. Build up a MUCH larger nest egg would be my advice – and forget this girl, at least as a lifelong companion. There really are plenty more fish in the sea.