Stickman Readers' Submissions June 17th, 2009

My Definition of Who is a Whore

First, I have written a couple of other submittals, and each time stated that it would be my last. I am giving up that pretense, and admit that some reader submissions just demand a response.

In a recent submittal by Korski he posts six descriptions of women (most are of BGs involved at some point with the Thai P4P scene and a couple of non-BGs for contrast) and asks which ones are the whores. He is looking to gather data on opinions
and tabulate it for statistical analysis. I would like to congratulate Korski on a creative post, and for raising this important issue. Much of the discussion on this site is the utter hopelessness of marrying a BG; since she is, after all, a
whore. Hence, defining who is a whore is critical to clear thinking. I believe, however, that he is over analyzing the issue. I recognize this fault as I frequently am guilty of it myself.

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I had an initial response in mind after reading the post, but felt it was unduly harsh. So I did what logical intelligent men do; I researched the literature on the subject. One book that caught my eye was “The Manipulated Man”,
by Esther Vilar, an Argentine sociologist and author. She wrote the book over 35 years ago, and in the forward of the re-release she states that she still gets death threats over the contents. I really can’t recommend the book as it gets
very tedious hammering two points over and over. The first of the two observations she made relates to this discussion, “By the age of twelve at the latest, most women have decided to become prostitutes. Or, to put it another way, they
have planned a future for themselves which consists of choosing a man and letting him do all the work.” Just so you don’t think she is a self hating female, her second point is that men are conditioned to be terrified of freedom,
and to actively seek to be enslaved by women. Not a very flattering observation on either gender. Still she makes a lot of points that are very valid in support of her two themes.

I have a most distressing confession to make; one of my daughters falls under the definition above. She was talented (ballerina), intelligent (straight As), gifted in many ways, and also very beautiful (dress size 1 except for the bust line
which was a size 3) in high school. I had to practically stand guard over her from the time she was 14. Once in college her grades started to fall. At 19 she had a discussion with her mother (my ex; THE Bitch), who, to her credit, at least felt
the duty to repeat it to me (always pleasant to hear her voice and know I can make it go away by hanging up). The gist of it was that our daughter felt she did not have to get good grades; as it was all pointless since she was just going to marry
some guy and he would support her. Even THE Bitch disagreed with that. She was raised by her mother, who ensured I had as little contact as possible with her, so I can at least claim some dispensation.

So what is my possibly unduly harsh opinion? It is that, by the definition above, most (if not all) women are conditioned by society to be whores. However, there are different categories of whores. The first bifurcation is between high priced
whores and cheap whores. I believe that the highest priced BG, demanding outrageous prices in Nana or Rembrandt, is still a cheap whore. The expensive ones don’t negotiate the price until it is too late for you to say no, and it involves
most of everything you have, and a good chunk of everything you will ever make in the future. Yet women in this second category would define themselves as poor victims of domineering male power. (All the easier to continue fleecing the marks if
they don’t realize they have been had.) I will clarify the membership of this group by saying these are the marriage and divorce profiteers. Their ranks are legion in the US. Most of us abused males fall for this sooner or later (and some
of us are very slow learners and reoffend). I laugh every time I hear some (usually quite young) guy state he will never pay for sex. He has not yet learned that you always pay for sex. The only questions are when, and how much? To quote an unknown
sage: if it floats, flies, or fu*ks, it is cheaper to rent.

The second split is between honest and dishonest whores. An honest whore makes a deal and keeps up her end of the bargain. A dishonest whore takes the money and cheats her way out of providing the service. A woman does not have to be a BG
that pulls a runner to be a dishonest whore. The worst is the one that swears eternal love (and hot sex) in return for a commitment to take care of her and her children for the rest of your life. The state will ensure that you keep your end of
the bargain, but she will start denying sex and treating you like sh*t soon after the ceremony. Now that she has got absolute power over you, she has nothing but contempt for you. You have no power, and she knows it; so, why should she do anything
for you? Her only question now, or in the past, was, what can I get out of him in the future. Note: anything done in the past does not count. I am not stating this as biased male opinion. I have been told this by several women over the course
of a long, and sometimes bitter, life. Once they have no further use for you, once they have squeezed you dry, they can become quite frank.

My first wife is an example of this type of woman. She was well educated (partially at my expense) and a career woman. She was an ardent and vocal feminist. So, after the divorce she calls me up and says, “The amount I am getting in
child support isn’t enough. I need more.” My reply to which was, “When exactly did hell freeze over?” The kicker was her heart felt cry of, “But I thought you would still want to take care of me.” I informed
her that the law prevented me from doing to her what I wanted. Over the years I had the opportunity to go back to court with her several times. This is the way the western world has raised women. They believe they have rights to do anything they
want, to screw over men, and be totally selfish. However, they still expect men to take care of them. They want, and have, all the rights, but none of the responsibilities, and have retained all their privileges. They expect to be treated as princesses,
but feel free to act like low class sluts. We have let feminism degenerate into grabbing all they can. In “IF MEN HAVE ALL THE POWER HOW COME WOMEN MAKE THE RULES”, by Jack Kammer, he highlights that NOW has become NOWWW; the National
Organization of Whatever Women Want. (I can recommend this book as a quick read in mostly PowerPoint style, with lots of quotes and statistics.) An example of this was a few years ago on Donahue. A female lawyer (membership in two absolutely vicious
groups at the same time) was discussing advocating Title IX suits (Title IX dictates that there must be $ parity between women and men’s sports in all schools.) An audience member asked how they determined if a case had merit before taking
on the client. Her response was; we don’t use any criteria. We get every thing we can for any woman.

I would like to say one word in defense of western women. They are not committing any sin, since they have no knowledge that what they are doing is wrong. (Catholics in the readership will remember the three requirements for sin from their
catechism lessons.) They have been trained by their mothers that their whole purpose in life is to trap the richest man they can stand. They are taught that sex is bad, and disgusting, and only pleasure for the man. They are also taught that the
more they withhold sex from men, the more they can get for it. The ultimate is to retain their virginity so they can get the maximum price for it. This is presented as virtue. There was recently a college undergrad that decided to auction off
her virginity on E-bay to pay for her education. She got some high offers. I don’t know if she ever went through with it, or if it was just a publicity hoax. However, it is worth noting that she was discussed widely in the press, and no
one suggested that she should be arrested for soliciting prostitution. (The transaction was supposed to be completed at a bordello in Nevada, where prostitution was legal, so that might have been the loop hole.) The one thing all women hate, a
sin they will never forgive, is being a cheap whore. If the price is high enough they have nothing but admiration for the woman. Look at all the female celebrities that are famous basically for being whores. Since they are making millions at it
they are praised, envied, and admired by women. This is the value system in place in the western world.

When I married a much younger Asian woman last year, several people (mostly women) told me, “Don’t you think she is only marrying you to improve her life?” My reply was, “So what.” I did not expound on my
reasoning, since women would flay you alive if you told them the truth; that all women marry to improve their lives. They are totally selfish at all times. Men marry for love, women for status or advantage. Once you realize that you can deal with
the issue with clarity. In this context I would have to say, yes she is a whore (seeking improvement in her life), but I believe she is an honest whore that will do her best to keep her share of the bargain; taking care of me in return for my
taking care of her. That is the difference between Asian and western women. Most on this site say there is only a small possibility of an Asian woman being an honest whore, and sticking to the bargain. I see no possibility of finding an honest
whore in the west. I know I am taking my chances, but have done what I can to get the best odds possible.

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If men are in charge, why is prostitution illegal in almost every country? It is illegal because it provides a cheaper alternative to a life of slavery to one woman. The Sisterhood is the strongest, harshest, most vicious, and most effective
trade association in history. By comparison the Cali cartel were kind and caring custodians of the public good, OPEC is bungling fools that can’t keep it together for a month, and the Mafia is a bunch of naughty school boys. Remember high
school, where all the girls would ice out any offending girl that actually seemed to like boys and sex. She was undercutting their prices, and that can not be allowed. She was quickly brought back in line. The Sisterhood ensures that what is the
most common of commodities in the world (every second person in the world has one and they don’t wear out with use) is seen as the rarest and most valuable of “gifts” that can be bestowed on a man. What other business (and
it is a business) has the full backing of government to restrict marketplace access to a lower priced competitor, so they can continue to provide shoddy service at outrageous prices? We need to get people educated and open up the p*ssy market
to competition.

So, Korski did not have to detail all the situations and actions of these six women to have us determine if they were whores. They were women, therefore they were whores. What should have been asked was; are they relatively low cost honest
hard working whores, or expensive lazy cheating ones.

I fully expect to catch a large load of crap for stating what seems to me to be an obvious truth. It is us men that need to pull our heads out of either the sand, or our collective asses. We need to wake up and smell the coffee. No one gives
up advantage until forced to. Women will keep screwing us over until we make them stop.

To close with a little class (and hopefully redeem some of the readership’s regard) here is a quote from Cato the Elder taken from Livy’s “History of Rome”: "Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal, and
it is useless to let go the reins and then expect her not to kick over the traces. You must keep her on a tight rein . . . Women want total freedom or rather – to call things by their names – total license. If you allow them to achieve complete
equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters . . ."

Stickman's thoughts:

To the Americans in the readership, please don't take offence when I say that the words "Western world" in this article can probably be replaced with "America". Talking with guys in Thailand of various nationalities, it seems that things aren't so bad in many other Western countries…but in the States, *some* women have become mongrels.

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