The Philippines
I previously wrote about my impeding trip to the Philippines for a friend’s wedding, how I had joined a Filipina Internet dating site and how I had been inundated by Filipina women. I eventually chose three women to spend time with out of the 30 or so I was interested in. It wasn’t an easy decision to make, but make it I had to.
So how does the Philippines compare to Thailand? Well, for a start, I didn’t feel like I was in a foreign country at all, which was somewhat disappointing. Thailand is exotic, in its food, its culture, its foreign language and its foreign religion. In the Philippines everything is English, the food is appalling, and the religion is Christianity. In many ways it reminded me of poorer parts of the United States, although the churches have an unmistakably Spanish look. The Philippines is noticeably poorer, more crowded and there are armed guards toting shotguns everywhere. It is also cheaper than Thailand, more third world, and dare I say it, more bureaucratic. There are also many less westerners. I hardly saw a western tourist in my two weeks there, although there are many Chinese and Koreans.
But this article is not about the relative merits of the two countries, it is about the women, and they are everywhere, in all shapes and sizes, many of them stunning. In the south they have darker skin and look more Malay than Filipina, and many of them are exotic looking with darker skin and Chinese style eyes, just what turns me on. For the most part they speak real English, are more worldly wise and informed, are more mature than their Thai counterparts of a similar age, and appear more in touch with their feelings. They are easily as beautiful, and they are interested, really interested in westerners. If you are by yourself you will be approached frequently by women seriously interested in getting to know you. A big plus is the absence of sin sot, with which I have a philosophical problem.
Age is no barrier, it really isn’t. In Thailand I meet women in their very late 20s and early 30s. I haven’t tried younger women, probably because I would find them too immature and also because they probably wouldn’t consider hooking up with me, an average looking guy approaching 50. In the Philippines I was hit upon by women much younger. The three I met were in their early 20s and the 17 year old seated next to me at the wedding reception tried to pick me up. Amazing.
The first woman I met was M, 23, who had kindly offered to collect me from the airport at Manila. Manila is a huge city, some 21 million people, poor, crowded and scary. But I didn’t get to see much of it as M made her intentions about us pretty clear in the back seat of the taxi ride to the hotel and apart from going out for food we hardly left the hotel room for two days.
How do Filipinas compare to Thais in the bedroom? I can say that M was easily as sexy, passionate and exciting and attentive as any Thai I have been with, and being able to converse properly with her was a real bonus. It was also nice not to have to deal with oh so predictable Thai temper tantrums and sulks. The women I met were uniformly pleasant and nice and positive, and not interested in money or gaining any advantage from me at all.
I then went to Olangapo, which is three hours to the north and where I booked into n hotel and caught up s with J, a 24 yr old single mother. I have known her for almost two years via the web and it was wonderful to finally catch up with her and spend time with her and her family and indulge in my twin passions of photography and sightseeing. Her extended family was warm and inviting and it was great to experience how a Filipino family lives.
The wedding was fantastic and it was a privilege to be part of such a moving and emotional experience when two people who truly love each other tie the knot. After the wedding it was off to the island of Cebu to meet LM, a 24 year old exotic beauty. We spent two days in beautiful Cebu city and then retired to a resort on nearby Mactan Island where we did nothing but relax in the pool, eat and make love for four amazing days and nights. What a woman, what a holiday and what an experience.
I will be back. Filipina women have captured and beguiled me. Yes I will still visit Thailand for its food, its Thai massages and its exoticness, but if its women you are after, the Philippines, in my opinion, is a much better option.
Stickman's thoughts:
What I find most interesting about this is not so much the fun that can be had, but that you say that Filipina women are more mature and more worldly and, as we all know, speak decent English. It REALLY seems to me that when you make comparisons, Thailand might be a better place for a holiday, but Filipina women may very well be better wife material.
Be careful though. These girls are sleeping with you in the hope of it leading on to something serious. Don't delude yourself into thinking you're some sort of stud…