Stickman Readers' Submissions July 23rd, 2008

The Maximum Experience

cbd oil

I have now been to Pattaya (the love nest) 3 times. My first visit was back in may 2005. Before I go into this story let me tell you about myself. I'm 21 from England have a full time job working as a telecommunications engineer. I had a beautiful
girlfriend who I left because after coming back from Pattaya. I wanted to go back.

mens clinic bangkok

The girls there are some of them are the nicest people you will ever meet but most and I mean most are there to scam your money. I fell in love with an Isaan girl called Kai. I could talk to her, understand her, and have fun. But I started
to realise that they just want your money and don't really fill for you.

The first time, I was at Pattaya for 3 weeks after being in Koh Samui which is a paradise in itself. The air is clean the sea is blue and the sand is golden. This is were I went wrong and I would like to try and explain what I did to nearly
cause harm to myself.

The first night in Pattaya I ended up checking into a hotel, having a shower and taking a walking along beach road. Anyhow I ended up at this bar on walking street. There is this girl and I mean she is the cutest thing I have ever seen. My
heart started to speed up as she kept looking at me. Being a gentlemen I bought her a drink and she came and sat bye me, her name is was lets say p to keep things easy. She was about 4ft 8 slim body, long straight black hair, very good English
which only tells me one thing she has been with a lot of men.

For the first 4 days I have the best time of my life doing the tourist thing with her such as looking at temples, going to the beach and a lot of shopping (for her). We end up on the 4th night going back to the bar were she works. Now I have
had a few beers by now and I am looking at another girl who is even better looking than P. P goes and orders our drinks and starts talking to her friends at the bar.

There I am and I cannot stop looking at this other girl which to me is the sexiest thing I have seen bearing in mind I though this about P (that's what beer does to you). She walked over to me slowly just in case P came back. She walked
past my table and put a card there with her number on saying call her in 10 minutes. Me being young stupid and full of cum said to P I'm going to get something to eat I will be back in 30 minutes.

I walked along Walking Street until I found a pay phone which I called Kai on. The phone was ringing and ringing but just as I was about to leave she answered and asked me to meet her outside Lucifer's now. I got there in about 3 minutes
and there she was in a red dress looking like a princess. She asks me if I would like to go back to her condo which I agreed to do (stupid me). This apartment is better than my hotel so I know that she must have a rich farang supporting her. I
end up having the best sex of my life. She was letting me do what I could only imagine doing in my wildest dreams. Somehow after the great sex I end up falling asleep waking up only to find out it's now 11 AM.

I got dressed, woke Kai up, kissed her and asked if I could meet her again sometime and she replies "You have my number, yes" so I then walk down to reception and get a taxi back to my hotel where I find P is in the breakfast bar
downstairs looking on to the main road, waiting for me as she knows I will be back to collect by belongings. I walk over to her and ask her if she had been there all night. She replies "Yes, in your room." I find it a little odd the
hotel would give her my key. I suppose they know that she has been with me for the last 4 days now.

P is asking me all these questions (where have you been, who with) demanding me to tell her. I tell her its none of her business and it's got nothing to do with her. I tell P go away and I tell her I don't want to see her anymore
and give her 5,000 baht for being with me for the 4 days. I'm not a real bastard, am I? She says that's not good enough and she found something in my hotel room which I need to get back to my country. You got it, my passport. I put everything
in the safe I thought. But then remembering I had to use it to check in and put it in my back jeans, packed had a shower then went out plus I haven't needed yet so I totally forgot that it wasn't in my safe.

P is not demanding money. All she wants is for me to tell her the name of the girl and were she lives. I say I don't know her name and I paid for a hotel. P says you lie. My friend told me you were with Kai. P already knew I don't
know why she wanted me to tell her. was it a game I don't know and I'm still puzzled to this day. Anyway she walks off and throws my passport in the swimming pool (bitch).

At least I got it back. It wasn't too bad and thank God it still got me home.

I ran to my room grabbed my phone and called Kai. Explained what had just happened saying that P is pissed and probably on her way over to her condo right now. Kai says ok meet me at the Pattaya view point. I go and hire a bike and go straight
away. Not knowing that P knew I was going to do that and waited for me outside and followed me (I had no clue). I arrived at view point over looking Pattaya to find Kai waiting for me. The next thing I remember is picking myself up off of the
floor and my head was bleeding and P and Kai were fighting. I could see glass on the floor so put 2 and 2 together and realised I had been bottled. I was on heat it anger so I grabbed P by the hair and threw her on the floor and me and Kai ran
off shaking and scared.

I never saw P again. Obviously Kai worked in the same bar and carried on working there probably until this day and know one has seen her. I suppose that her rich farang paid for her to move away. All this trouble for what? Nothing, I brought
everything on myself and I deserved it, I suppose. The worst thing about all this is I stayed with Kai for 2 weeks and the last couple of days before my departure found her stealing money from my wallet.

I don’t want people to think when reading this to think that Pattaya is a bad place because if it was why would I have visited another 2 times and have a flight booked to go back in September. I have had a lot of experiences in Thailand
and in my next story I will tell you something very funny what happened in a gogo bar. So keep an eye out.

Stickman's thoughts:

This is a pretty good example of how the bar scene can be totally screwed up… Stealing passports, throwing it in the pool, threats, fights over customers…it is all seriously messed up.

nana plaza