Stickman Readers' Submissions May 17th, 2008

Yahoo Rhapsody..

cbd oil

The Pro Bono Series has taken on a life of its own. To property tell the story there are events and sequences which must be included. With any major operation, as the events unfold in real life often the facts get a bit confused or forgotten so I’ve taken a few extra weeks to ensure the authenticity of the subsequent information soon to be released in parts 5 & 6. In the meantime I decided to share with you an amusing observation I’m sure we all have in common.

Night before last I noticed on my Yahoo Messenger eight different “friends” on-line at the same time which at some point in my life I’ve had a sexual relationship with. Have you ever been in the same room with two women you’ve slept with and noticed how the dynamics are so much different because of your presence, and their intimate knowledge of yours truly?

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The first time I noticed something like this was about six years ago. There was a graduation event for one of my sons and somehow this resulted in three ex-wives and my current wife all being present (with yours truly) at the same time, in the same room, and doing their best not to talk about the same thing (me). I walked in on this and my current wife later confirmed my suspicions, they were discussing what it was like to sleep with me from their perspective, habits they thought each other would have in common, and good natured arguments on which wife had produced the best looking and most talented offspring. They had also noticed how each Ms. BKKSW was progressively getting younger as they were replaced.. something my current wife didn’t find amusing. Of course when I walked in the room they were all smiles and compliments with competitively designed remarks designed to mark their territory as my favorite. Bless their hearts, at one time they were all my favorites.

A similar event unfolded not even six months ago down the soi at my barbershop. The “Tom” (lesbian who dresses like a man) who cuts my hair has the sweetest looking young thing I’ve nicknamed “Tinkerbell.” I call her Tinkerbell because she possesses fine perfect feminine facial features including a perfect set of white straight teeth and perhaps the most perfect ass of all time. This is the sort of ass that looks small, full, big, toned, soft, and all sorts of positive attributes.. at the same time! How is this possible? Only God knows for sure, but it might have something to do with her collection of well work denim jeans with the rear buttocks area perfectly broken in and more worn thin than the rest of them. With her tee-shirt barely covering her perfectly flat stomach she glides around the barbershop washing my hair, smiling, and whatever other duties she is tasked with.

This day was special, my housekeeper and wife both showed up during my haircut and shampoo and all four sat around speaking in low whispers, in Thai, and giggling as they glanced over at me as I reclined in the shampoo station letting the conditioner soak. Of course the Tom I’ve never slept with, but when looking in the mirror at her Tinkerbell as she glided around the room I couldn’t miss how loud her scissors are getting as they flash around my ears and as a big giant frown crosses her face. It doesn’t help if Tinkerbell flashes me that big smile and walks away moving those delicious hips in perfect time to the Thai music always playing With all four in the room things got a mite warm and I was glad to finish up and make my way back up the soi to my place.

Back to Yahoo! Eight of them were up at the same time, all of us connected at the same point and time on the super information highway we call the internet. All of our yellow smiley faces were glowing, all of us at our keyboards, all looking at me, and all thinking of each other.. or at least me each of them. I didn’t expect this, but it feels really powerful, really good to see the eight monikers in the window and to think of the times I’ve made each one happy in their own unique ways, and to know we’re all still friends to this very day. I’ve always remained friends with my ex’s, something many guys tell me they just can’t understand. For me it’s easy to understand, at some point and time I was emotionally and sexually connected to each one of them, special times, and in their own way they are each special and mean something significant in my life today. If I’d somehow failed to remain friends with one or more of these fine ladies.. then I’d have somehow screwed up and let them down, or worse let myself down.

It was amusing to see six of them were from different countries, the other two where from the same country but one now lived in a new country. I flipped through their on-line profiles noticing their favorite songs, favorite websites, books, and some even had pictures posted. I was pleased to see either a song we’d shared, a picture which included me, or a book I’d given as a gift. Yes, it felt good to know I was still at least somewhat significant in their lives.

As I went through each profile I relived the memory of each, refreshed in my mind their statistics which not only included their ages and looks, but the names of children, family, current spouses if any, and things important to them individually. I knew their favorite colors, their birthdays, favorite songs, and could picture them in the style of clothes they enjoyed wearing. Their education levels, hygiene habits, hair styles, and yes.. I could even remember their smells. How sweet each was, and perhaps still is. Closing my eyes I was able to imagine each one naked, each one as they shared my bed, and with a feeling of remorse each one telling me why they felt the need to move on without me.

Do you enjoy challenges? I certainly do. Could it be done with eight ladies in real time? Making sure I had a fresh glass of soda by my side I flexed my fingers, refreshed my mental database, opened eight windows, and cut and pasted the first lines..

“Hi, how are you tonight?”

“I was thinking of you and how special you were in my life..”

“Do you remember that last time we shared…”

“I’m sitting here alone with just you on my mind..”

“Yes, I remember how much you liked that…”

“Yes, you were my favorite.. no one else could be..”

“Do I want to hook up with you again?”

Until next time…


Willie Nelson wrote a song that said it so well…

To All The Girls I’ve Loved Before

To all the girls I've loved before

Who travelled in and out my door

I'm glad they came along

I dedicate this song

To all the girls I've loved before

To all the girls I once caressed

And may I say I've held the best

For helping me to grow

I owe a lot I know

To all the girls I've loved before

The winds of change are always blowing

And every time I try to stay

The winds of change continue blowing

And they just carry me away

To all the girls who shared my life

Who now are someone else's wives

I'm glad they came along

I dedicate this song

To all the girls I've loved before

To all the girls who cared for me

Who filled my nights with ecstasy

They live within my heart

I'll always be a part

Of all the girls I've loved before

The winds of change are always blowing

And every time I try to stay

The winds of change continue blowing

And they just carry me away

To all the girls we've loved before

Who travelled in and out our doors

We're glad they came along

We dedicate this song

To all the girls we've loved before

To all the girls we've loved before

Who travelled in and out our doors

We're glad they came along

We dedicate this song

To all the girls we've loved before

Stickman's thoughts:

Hmmm, I am giving you a lot of latitude here….submissions need to be Thailand related – or related to another country in the region,

nana plaza