Stickman Readers' Submissions September 25th, 2007

They Make The Game, They Play The Game

I have just returned from Bangkok after a 7 day stay. Reading through your readers’ submissions as I always do with great enjoyment, I noticed one submission which touched a raw nerve in me and I had to reply. (Thai-Tie By Pure Thai.)

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First, a little about me, I’m a self-employed male, 45 years old and have been married for 20 years with children. I live in Sydney, Australia and have been coming to LOS on a regular 3 – 4 monthly basis for the last 12 years on business and sometimes
just pleasure and like any normal male I have a wondering eye and a fascination for the female sex, especially in Thailand, and just for pure fun.

Being self-employed, I have found that my expeditions and experiences in LOS have been beneficial to my self esteem, motivation, and morale in driving myself forward in terms of my work. Be all that as it may.

In the beginning I found that the bar scene was fascinating, it suited my needs as the results where instantaneous. I never sought a long term relationship, time just did not allow for that. However I did live all the experiences and the hard luck stories
from the bar girls your readers have submitted. I have never contributed financially to their expectations except for the service provided. After all, I'm here in LOS to have R&R and fun…..not here to solve other people’s problems.

After 2 years the bar scene became a little boring so I ventured out in relationships with the so called good Thai girls or the non bar girls as "Pure Thai" puts it. Waitresses, security staff, maids, accountants, shop owners, nurses, business
women, and yes even a dentist. And let me tell you Stick these so called good Thai ladies are no different to the poor Isaan girls working the bars in terms of exploiting the farangs. Their ambition and expectation to secure their future is indirectly
the same with the only difference their bite and venom inflicted is far more potent and severe than that of a bargirl.

The most pleasant however turbulent, hurtful roller coaster rides I have experienced in LOS has been with these ladies and now I'm grateful that these relationships have ended and these ladies do not exist in my life. Gone are my days of warm greetings
and farewells at the airport. Gone are the days of walking hand in hand down the street and intimate dinners at classy restaurants or shopping at exclusive shopping malls or even feeding and entertaining 20 or so family guests.

Certainly gone are the days of long international phone calls and regular monthly installments to bank accounts.

For me it's back to basics…back to the bars…back to having fun. Give me any poor Isaan girl working the pole any time over a so called good Thai lady. The longest relationship will last max 8 hours and everyday is a new start and a new experience.
I have finally found the way to enjoy Thailand for what it is. I’m free to do as I please with total peace of mind.

thai weed wholesale

I have travelled to most of rural Thailand and have witnessed strange behaviour from farangs. In most cases they ask for grief with a Thai woman and sometimes grief and pain come unexpectedly. The last 5 years I have limited my travels to Bangkok only.
The place fascinates me, the women are far more attractive and the insult to your intelligence is far less than that of their country cousins. However in answer to Pure Thai's remarks of the Isaan girls working the sex industry…..YES, Isaan
girls are poor and really have no choice but they do create the scene, the attraction, the vibe for many a visitor to Thailand.

Where would we go if it was not for the bar scene, and thank goodness for all Isaan people who put in the hard yards and hard slog to make Thailand what it is. Sometimes I wonder who really is exploiting who in Thailand.

My observations lead me to believe that the poor Isaan girl is at least far more honest than your average good Thai lady. She has a real purpose for working in the bar, and she will tell you so. You never fall in love with them. Their love and loyalty
is to their family foremost and paramount, what chance does a farang have being second best?

I say leave them alone "THEY MAKE THE GAME. . . . THEY PLAY THE GAME and without the game where would we be?

With My best Regards


Stickman's thoughts:

Fair enough comments, but I would suggest that as you are married and only come here for short sojourns, you would be better off in the bars. You’re not looking for something serious or long term so stick to the bars!

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