The 50 Baht Brain Process
I have read and enjoyed many readers’ submissions before and have now felt compelled to add mine.
My first marriage was to a Thai lady from Isaan and for the first 3 to 4 years she was a joy and we had a beautiful daughter together. Ah life was wonderful. However things started to go wrong.
R, first letter nickname wanted to see friends. OK no problem. The problem was meeting at the casino, big mobile phone bills – since when they do they really understand cost and time on these phones they talk for hours and then you ask what were you talking
about? Oh nothing! Unreliable to look after our daughter, but the main concern was the 50 baht brain process.
For anyone who does not understand the 50 Baht brain process here is a little pointer. They want it now. Everything! The inability to look further than the next day, their attitude of have now, spend now, why keep for what? Old age? Not happy with her
50 baht a day this could be £50 per day.
She started to gamble heavily. OK, this is where I did not help but I tried. Remember you cannot help a person who suffers from these major afflictions although you think you can cope.
5 years later after her infidelity and my patience finally snapped. DIVORCE!
I went bankrupt in July 2006 and my divorce came through in August 2006. I kept my daughter. I guess that's the end to my story BUT I travailed to Pattaya where my ex-wife's distant cousin lives and works. My daughter
and I go for a 2 week holiday at the beginning of September 2007. On the second day there I stop at an outside eating place at the top of a soi and I ask the girl in my pigeon Thai if she has any chicken and how much.
“Yes I have and only 45 baht!” Expensive!! <Expensive? That could be cheap, depending on how much chicken it was – Stick> Where she utters the words keeniow farang.
I then proceed to tell her of my ex who has just scalped me for a huge amount of money, all lost down at the casino. She pitied me. I should have heard alarm bells ringing but I didn't.
The next 10 days were a blur, she kept saying you no worry me. I worry you. I have hard heart, you are too soft. I want you to have hard heart.
I leave and return to England around the 15th September 2006. I ring her and email her every week.
Now some two months down the line I don't really know what happened but we agreed that she wanted to come to England but also to marry me in Thailand and get a visa.
Xmas 2006 I was given the we need to re-organise the jobs situation and you all need to re-apply for your job or you can take redundancy. What does 16 years loyalty mean? I took redundancy because I was finding it very difficult to look after my child
and still hold the job down and my current lady boss was a double income no kids boss who did not give a toss as to how or why you have a child to care for at home.
Well in February 2007 I went to Pattaya with my daughter and got married and left on the 28th February 2007 married and she had all my papers which I left for an office in Bangkok to help me with obtaining a visa. She went to the Embassy in mid May for
an interview and went in door number1. Yes I believe this is pretty infamous, 1 hour later they give her a visa so she now has a visa in a passport in my name.
My friend is going to Pattaya and says he will bring her back and P agrees. My friend arrives and gives her some money. I send him out with about £350 and she calls later and says she needed more to pay the motorcycle off and to buy other things
before returning to England so I instruct my friend to give her 40,000 baht.
The next day the phone is turned off and the next day and the next day etc. To this day her number has never been active and of course she did not show to return with my friend. The moral of the story is you big gullible stupid farang.
However what of doing it to an 8 year old girl you had formed a bond with? My heart, dear readers, is now much harder and I guess she is in England with her alternative English boyfriend but you know things do have a way of getting their own back and
I always remember the old adage "What comes around goes around" As other reader submissions have quoted, love and sex should never be mixed. If you do, you are in trouble. A good time will be had in the future but no Thai wives again.
I still love Thailand and the food and culture and want to retire there.
P.S. My first ex-wife is now four months pregnant with a 24 year old Chinese guy. She is 35 years old with guess what, no money. She does not want the baby however. I know that if she was stupid enough to think that because she took the pill for a long
time that it would not wear off! Yeah right.
My daughter has cried to ask why her mummy does not like her as she wanted a real brother or sister and why she is having another baby when she said and promised her that because of the pain she did not want any more children. Call me an old cynic (I
hear you all cry).
I have a new slogan for traffic signs in Pattaya. In England you get "Think don't drink and drive" lit up on small signs by the side of the road! How about "Think Love and sex don't mix" when you travel down beach road or
Second Road. I guess I am not the first and I know I will not be the last.
God bless you all, J. (All names have been withheld to protect the guilty)
Stickman's thoughts:
A sad story but I am sorry to say, you do have yourself to blame for much of what happened…