Stickman Readers' Submissions April 23rd, 2007

Writing a Will in Thailand

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As a service to your readers maybe you would like to consider posting this on your website. Although a Will drawn up in Farangland covering the world-wide assets is also valid in Thailand, in practice it could mean that the Thais can delay the execution
of the will indefinitely and cause huge costs to be incurred, as doubtless the Farang executor would get involved in traveling to and from Thailand and dealing with the Thai legal system. A much better and highly recommended way is to have a will
drawn up for each country you have assets in. The wills can then be executed independently.

Although the details have been taken from a will drawn up by a Thai lawyer, there is no legal requirement to use a lawyer. Also the two witnesses do not have to be Thai, but I would recommend that a signed copy of the witnesses passports
and their addresses is made.

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Thai lawyers will charge you 10,000 Baht upwards plus 1,000 Baht for each witness signature. This is a complete rip-off. There are any number of UK solicitors who will draw up a simple will like this for less than half the price charged by
the Thais.

Name of Lawyer, his address and phone numbers

Will and Testament of

Mr. Rich Farang

By virtue of this Will and Testament, I, Mr. Rich Farang, a holder of Farangland Passport No. …………… issued on day of month, year at Farangland Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand, being of legal age at years old, and having a place of residence at Full Thailand Address, has made and declared this my last will and testament as follows:

(1) Upon my death, I hereby give, devise and bequeath all my property in Thailand, whether real or personal of which I am the owner at the time of my death, or which shall at any time constitute a part of my estate, to Ms Lucky Girl, holding Thai National ID Card No. ………… issued on day of month, year, my common-law spouse, residing at Ms Lucky Girl’s full address in Thailand (as shown on the ID card). Such estate and property of mine shall also include the following:

1) Property with every detail shown on the deeds; (this is in Thai on the deeds but can be English in the Will);

2) All fixtures, fittings, furniture and personal possessions in the above property;

3) All monies in my bank account No. …………with Name and address of Bank, and

4) A unit of type of motorbike / car / boat under Registration License No. ………….. district.

However, should my common-law spouse, be deceased prior to the effect of my this Will and Testament, it is hereby ordered and directed that all my estate mentioned in the foregoing paragraph shall be given, devised and bequeathed to my Minor Wife, Ms Lucky Girl 2, residing at full address

(2) I hereby constitute and appoint Ms Lucky Girl, my common-law spouse, my legal executor of this Will and Testament. My legal executor shall have full power and authority according to Thai laws to distribute and dispose my estate as provided herein.

(3) However, should my common-law spouse, be deceased prior to the effect of my this Will and Testament, I hereby constitute and appoint Ms Lucky Girl 2, my Minor Wife, my legal executor of this Will and Testament. My legal executor shall have full power and authority according to Thai laws to distribute and dispose my estate as provided herein.

Further I hereby ordered and directed that my funeral be prepared and held according to Christian faith and my body be cremated in Thailand.

(4) This Will and Testament has been prepared and type-written by Mr. Thai Lawyer Ripoff, my lawyer, and I have found its contents in conformity to my wishes and intention in every respect. Further I confirm that at the time of my making and signing this instrument, I am in good physical health and in sound mind and fully aware that I am not under duress and coercion of any kind.

(5) This Will and Testament shall supersede all or any other previous Will and Testament ever made and signed by me in relation to my estate in Thailand, and it shall be interpreted and governed by the laws of Kingdom of Thailand.

This instrument, consisting of two type written pages, has been made in duplicate, a copy of which contains the same substance and effect, held by Ms Minor Wife, and myself, respectively. (If a lawyer did draw up the Will, he keeps a third copy).

In Testimony Whereof, I, the undersigned, have duly subscribed my signature in the presence of witnesses hereunder this day of month, year in ………. District, ………………. Province, Thailand.

Signed Testator

(Mr. Rich Farang)

We, the undersigned, having a principal place of business as above, certify that at the date hereof, the above testator did, in our presence, sign and seal the foregoing instrument to be his last will and testament. At his request, we have signed our names as witnesses hereto.

Signed Witness

(Mr. …………………………)

Signed Witness

(Mr. …………….….………)

Stickman's thoughts:

An excellent resource – many thanks for sending this in.

The author cannot be contacted.
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