Stickman Readers' Submissions January 15th, 2007

It’s Not Always Bad

cbd oil

By Owen

I see a lot of people on Stickman posting very negative stories – mine isn’t, so here it is.

I spent 6 days in Thailand (Phuket) and made friends with an Australian bloke on the plane ride from Bangkok (I'm also Australian). We went to our separate hotels and eventfully met up at the Tiger bar on Bangla Road. We cruised around
for a bit and after seeing some very interesting opportunities I decided to stop at a bar that had no blokes, only 7 girls who were very friendly and wanted me to sit down. I thought hmm, why not? So I started talking to a young Thai girl named
Kea (not sure if it's her real name). She told me she was 19 and she spoke reasonable English. We chatted and played connect 4 and drank – she did her thing and at about 1am we went dancing then around 4am we went home – I was very drunk
by this point and she probably wasn’t even tipsy – she brought me to a hotel that was 800 baht a night. I said too expensive and she took me to another that was 300 baht a night. Being young and not having millions of dollars it was the
preferable option. After some very enjoyable activities we crashed out and awoke around 2pm I checked out, not knowing where the night would lead me and paid my new found friend 2000 baht. Not being completely sure what was a fair amount or not
she seems happy enough with it and asked me to come back to her bar that night. I said I probably will.

mens clinic bangkok

That night after meeting up with Julian (Aussie mate) we cruised around a few different bars and I couldn’t find my Kea so I went to the disco upstairs (nightclub) and eventfully made friends with a new young lady. It wasn’t very exiting
or fun so I left her 1000 baht and went on the Phi Phi Island tour.

Later that night after quite a few Red Bulls and beers I found my Kea again and discovered she was quite upset. There was another man there who had made Kea's friend quite distressed and was generally being a bad person. Security was coming and I
advised him calmly and politely that he should leave quickly. He told me not to get involved. Security turned up and ushered him out with the Smith and Weston in his suit jacket pocket. It was effective.

Kea was crying and I wiped the tears from her eyes and was generally pretty good to her. I can't stand to see a girl upset. We went to the disco and then back to the hotel. She told me that I am the only person who has ever done that for her other
than her family (wiped the tears from her eyes) and then we had a good romp which was again quite enjoyable – same thing the next night.

Night 4 – A day or two ago I had approximately 24,000 baht – knowing I've spent 15,000 of it I was quite shocked to see I had just 5,000 baht. I'd made friends with an American who was pretty well off and he let me use his phone to call my bank.
They said they have no idea and that no more money could be withdrawn. Now fairly despondent as I was planning on a 2 girls 1 guy boom boom night. I went back to the bar and said thank you for the use of the phone – he was great! He bought me
Vodka / Red Bull all night and gave me 2,000 baht. I needed some money myself so I spent 300 on the room and gave Kea only 1,000 baht which she said was no probs.

My final night I was down to about 200 baht and was not very happy but I go to the bar anyway. Kea was wonderful. She could have easily told me to bugger off because she was a very pretty girl but she didn’t! She stayed with me the whole night
and paid her own barfine and then the 240 baht for me to get into the nightclub and for a few drinks. Earlier that night I'd explained that I didn’t have any money so I couldn't pay her for anything. I said if she gave me her
account details I would send her back the money she'd spent on me already that night.

After the nightclub closed we caught a moped back to her house and did the dirty – for free! At her house! (1 room 1 bathroom flat actually) – I was surprised that she did all this for me – it just goes to show that they aren’t all gold diggers
– she wouldn’t give me her

account details so I could send her money back.

I'm glad that I made one person's life a bit more enjoyable and happier even if it was only for a short while. At no point did I pressure her into anything or did any of her actions seem forced or that she was unhappy. I did give her my phone
number and she does text me occasionally asking how I'm going and hoping that I don’t forget her.

She hasn’t asked me for money and I'm not going to marry her but it's always good to have friends. For those of you who have read a lot of horror stories about Thailand and the girls. Sometimes bad stuff happens. Sometimes good stuff
happens. Try to think with your brain rather than your member and for the love of god, don’t marry a bar girl. It's just too risky.

Stickman's thoughts:

My guess is that you were young this young lady was quite taken by you. I wonder if she would have taken in a punter in your circumstances, but twice your age?

nana plaza