Stickman Readers' Submissions December 14th, 2006


cbd oil

Part 1 – Another Club That Isn’t All That

It's 10/31/06 and I realize that all the clubs are charging extra cover because of the Halloween holiday. It's just another example of amazing Bangkok and how the Thai/Farang club owners will use any excuse to make some extra baht.

It is not like in the West, where people will actually come out in droves and where the clubs are normally happy to keep prices the same, knowing they will do well with the increased volume on cover charges (if they exist) and drink sales.

mens clinic bangkok

I ask a girl I know and her friend, whom I also know, to go to my favorite Bangkok dance club, CM2. Boom suggests we go to Titanium instead. She tells me it's a new trendy club and we should go, since her friend X, who I also know (and wanted to boom before) works there. I'm thinking "I hope this club" is actually going to be nice.

We all meet at Titanium — myself, my friend Bill, Boom, and X is at the door waiting for us.

The place is nice, but it is a Thursday and the place is only 40% full. I can see the place is well decorated, but they are obviously having problems building up the name. Lots of farangs and their Thai girlfriends or bargirls for the night.

The place is pretty nice, with nice leather sofas, cocktail tables, and an "ice room" upstairs where they serve vodka shots on an ice sculpture of a bar. The place is quite expensive, but for a Western on vacation it's still cheap. I buy a bottle of Johnnie Walker black to keep drink costs down, though I know I increased the bill with the way I was going thru the diet coke mixers and how I pushed everyone to take more vodka shots.

The diet coke is what leads to the drunk night soon to come! Hehehe.

Part 2 – Benefits

So the night starts with Bill and me arriving at Titanium early. X is actually waiting at the door as a greeter. It's not her job. She's a server, but things are slow and it's early.

Boom is late, which is normal for Bangkok.

We sit down and I order a bottle of whiskey. As my buddy and I are finishing our first whiskey and diet coke, Boom walks in. She's thin…model thin like before. She has that elfish look that made me always like her. She comes over and says hi, and I stroke her back and feel a little aroused…yeah, that's why we are friends with benefits. I remember now.

Part 3 – No sugar for me!

I spend some time making small talk and chatting with Boom and X. I'm in a great mood and make a lot of jokes. Some are funny but most are cheesy. Boom asks why I'm not serious, the way she likes it, like before. This seems to be a recurring question with Thai women about my mood thru my entire trip.

I tell her I'm not sad and all broken up like before (bad breakup) though still sometimes upset. Anyways, she says I'm crazy and I say yeah, crazy fun!

I remember reading that it's bad to drink diet coke with hard liquor, since the sugar buffers the liver from absorbing the alcohol too quickly. I promptly ignored that warning for two reasons. First, I'd half-convinced myself that since I had eaten recently, this would be fine. I didn't really believe this given I knew that would only hold out for 3-5 drinks. Second, I really didn't care and there was no way I was going to get all fat-gut from drinking regular soda. Besides, after drinking diet soda for a while, regular coke tastes like thick syrup…yuck!

The next part is coming…

The Boner

Stickman's thoughts:

I have to say that I personally like Titanium. Different strokes for different folks.

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nana plaza