Stickman Readers' Submissions October 25th, 2006

The Lady-Boys Are Friendly As Heck In Antipolo

cbd oil

By Beringseapirate

Well it has been a while since I last sent in a submission to our grand teacher Stickman, but damn, it's difficult for me to send in 800 words or more. For me it is always an honour when Stickman includes one of my submissions…but here goes…<smiles>

mens clinic bangkok

Since my spending spree back in 2003 in Danang Vietnam (submission area 10), I’ve been twice more to Hanoi and 3-times to Philippines.

I think Stickman you’re going to enjoy your trip to Vietnam 2007? I hope you get a chance to go up north to Hanoi. (Saigon is too crowded).

Oh and a little update, the two sisters that I met in Hanoi. (One of them really likes me….well she finally gave up waiting for me to "love" her and she got married Oct 10) Also the original girl I had gone to Danang to meet….well after I left Vietnam she was married and in the USA in 6-months….hmmm….anyway she is happily married….(I hope) and she has a child. I wish the best for her young life.

I always smirk to myself when I read all the submissions claiming that Thailand has the world's craziest drivers. Lord you guys don't know….I think in the entire city of Hanoi I saw 1 stop light and no one bothered to "stop" Xe-moto-drivers in Hanoi would put to shame the Thai. Moto-drivers, I’m going back to Hanoi march 2007 and I will for sure include pics of that trip. The first time I went to Hanoi, 2003 it took me 30-minutes to get the courage to try and cross a street, now when I'm there I just walk out in the street and hope to myself that my family has the money to fly me home if I get ran over…hahaha… (I’ll challenge any Tuktuk driver to a race with a Hanoian.)…<Smiles>

If you go to Hanoi Stickman, stay at the Heart Hotel, near Hokeim Lake old quarter, tell them I sent you, I told them all about your website and they are big fans of yours now (I stayed there for 5 weeks.)

A little side note before I start my campfire story on Lady-boys in Philippine…<smiles>

I am a huge Stickman follower and from what I have read, I’m glad most of the high-paying whore-mongers have stayed in Thailand. Leave the cuties in Philippines alone for us rational thinking men. Why on earth men feel they need to give bar-girls or any 3rd-world country girl more money in one night than they make an entire month is beyond me. (Sure I’ve made my share of mistakes but jees!)

Anyway here is my disappointing snag-tale to Antipolo, Philippines.

Well I had asked my friend Irene (not her real name) to help find me a decent place to stay while I was in the PI and she found me a great apartment in Antipolo for 5,000 peso per month. (if anyone is planning to travel to the PI's let me know and I’ll set you up with Irene to help find you an inexpensive place to stay) she is a great girl with a great family.

Anyway, after I got to the apartment in Antipolo I find out that there was virtually NO bar-life around. I think Antipolo is known for its churches, so I decided to just enjoy my time there and not look for bar action. I was doing the usual tourist's BS. walking around the various markets, shops, fending off the street urchins, everyday and I noticed that the hair-salon workers would everyday whistle and ask me to come over and talk with them. Well I thought only in Thailand lady-boys worked in the hair-salons…HA.

I saw one absolutely beautiful girl nice boobs (?) working in one of the salons and I started chatting up with her and invited her over to my snazzy apartment after she got off work. Well I started thinking about it, I had read that a lot of ladyboys look like women in Thailand (thanks Stickman website) haha…so before she / he had come over I asked if she was a he and he confessed that yes he had boobs but also had a dick. OMG. So anyway I told him that I would prefer that if he came over he brought a girl with and he agreed and brought over his 19-year old cousin for me to have sex with. That’s when the "problems" started.

You have no idea how no-fun it becomes when I was having doggy-style "fun" with the girl and the damn lady-boy kept trying to do me at the same time. (don’t ask how is it the lady-boy was able to get his dick out while I was doing his cousin) hahahaha…well I am NOT going down that road I am not having a guy stick his dick in me no matter how big his boobs are. Hell no, so the ladyboy gave up trying to have sex with me and went downstairs and was watching my TV.<smiles>

A few nights later I get text messages from them asking if I wanted to have sex again…. "I'm thinking hell yes" the lady-boy started telling me how much he expected me to pay to have sex with his female cousin.

Now if anyone knows me they will agree that I try to rationalize things out and I was going round and round with them on the cell-phone about the price for sex. (met them 3-times)

Lady-boy with cousin:. you no want to pay 1,500-peso for sex.?

Seapirate-no money:…Hell no, I will pay 500-peso

Lady-boy with cousin: but you are cheap-Charlie, why you pay cheap-Charlie price.

So this went round a couple hours… (I couldn’t for the life of me figure why I had to pay 1,500-peso= $25.00 for 3 hours of sex) when the average MONTHLY wage in the PIs is $100.00

But yes I ended up paying 500-peso ($10.00) for all night sex while the damn lady-boy watched my TV downstairs.

Guess what this submission is asking is…why on earth most of the whore-mongers feel that it is ok to over-pay a girl for sex, it's a job guys…same as someone digging a trench or building a house. Sure treat the girls with respect but damn, they're not queens.

I hope that one day I get to go to Thailand but I have a feeling that if a guy goes there strictly for sex…he will probably be disappointed. Even at my old age (40) having sex with someone that truly is not enjoying it, is no fun.

Anyway to sum up my submission, I have to say, "some of you guys that go to Thailand, need to grow some balls and keep in focus that your paying a bar-girl for sex, not a queen."

Stickman's thoughts:

You weren't tempted by the ladyboy in the room?! That could have given this submission a whole new slant…

nana plaza