Lads On Tour
I and my mates had just returned from a holiday in August 2005 from Magaluf where we had a great time.
We had done a few slappers, drunk ourselves silly and BCM was rocking every night.
Arriving back home in England I was gutted as I always am when I have a good holiday, I missed the place, the sun, the slappers, and I missed not having to work for 2 week just letting your hair down and getting shit faced every night.
So I arrive back to cold Yorkshire thinking I've got work tomorrow (gutted) unpack and go straight to the boozer meeting up with the boys for a few as you do.
We all meet up with the rest of the lads who didn't make it to shagaluf and start talking about the holiday, the slappers, how many we did, and who's got the clap from this Scottish sort.
We proceeded with downing a few pints of wife beater (Stella) and talking about our next trip and where we were going next, let's do Tenerife? No fuck that, let's do falaraki? Been there 2002 and the filth have clamped down on the
shagging in street etc and trying to calm the place down, what about Ibiza? Just as where talking about planning our next trip (yes already) 1 of the lads walks in gets a pint and joins in the conversation, how was it then lads? Spot on kidder,
Pete's got the clap, Norm's been bit by mozzys, but apart from that a good en.
We carry on arguing about where to go next, when my mate who just walked in says you wanna go Thailand lads, you go these European places Spain, Greece, Amsterdam etc but you haven't been Thailand yet, I said you cant beat them places,
he said just do Thailand and you wont want to go back to these places.
Chris was a lot older than us late thirties and was with the older lads in the boozer.
Chris had a few days in Thailand a couple of years ago before going out to Australia to see his dad and never really told us about Thailand just his Oz trip, but after a few more lagers down the neck he started telling us about what he got
up to in them few days.
A couple of hours later we had decided THAILAND.
We didn't have to wait until next summer for a holiday as Thailand was hot all year round more or less so we decided in February to leave for Thailand, fitting a weekend in Amsterdam before.
Two weeks was decided 1 week Bangkok 1 week Pattaya.
We all the knew the basics about Thailand, very cheap sex, but that's about all we knew, id heard about how Thai people were very poor etc and it was a 3rd world country with no money but that was about it.
Fast forward to February this year, where in the pub waiting for mini bus, it arrives and off we go down to Heathrow.
Ill tell you about the lads where all early twenties or so, a couple of them have got birds but that never stops them from playing away and we are together all the time, in our local during the week and down in the town at weekends partying
to the max and getting rat arsed.
It was a good flight via Dubai and we arrive at passport desk, visas stamped, bags collected so off we go.
We get to a taxi office or something like that and ask for a mini bus to our hotel, 1,000 baht he said, wait for you now outside, you want go trip tomorrow for free? No where ok mate, but its free, no pal where ok we just want go hotel, but
trip is free, look mate just sod off will you.
We walk outside and the heat hits us an it's only about 6am, we get in the mini bus and set off to hotel.
We arrive hotel on soi 4 but only 1 room ready, the other rooms ready 12 o'clock, so we head up to the room put bags down and get our heads down for an hour or so, how we all got in that room with our bags and went to sleep for a few
hours ill never know.
About 11 we wake all get showered and go down stairs, I was shocked how friendly and polite the staff was they made me personally feel very welcome. We ordered some beers at the hotel bar, Singha I had 85baht I think, I gave the girl 100
baht and said you keep change, she gave me a bow with her hands together and said thank you, the look on her face with me giving her 15 baht tip was as if she had won the lottery I couldn't believe it, 15 baht about 20 pence only? We walked
out the hotel and was approached by a tuktuk driver, you want go place? Yeah pal take us for a spin, another tuktuk driver turns up and we all get in 3 tuktuks.
Where you want go? Just take us for a ride anywhere mate, so off we go down the street an I'm shitting myself this guy is pulling wheelies and its as if there racing each other.
We end up on the main road and the traffic id never seen nothing like it, we stopped in traffic an he would turn the tuktuk off but when the traffic started moving his tuktuk wouldn't start (I'm thinking what is happening here).
This happened maybe 4 times an we ended up at a temple, he stops the tuktuk and quietly whispers, this Buddha he give wish he take care you, you go see Buddha, so the 3 tuktuks wait and we walk up to the Buddhist temple thing, I remember
seeing dogs every where just laid in the middle of the path it looked like they were dead but they must have been baked in the sun. We entered the temple an it stunk an this Thai bloke came up to us an said we had missed the prayer or what ever
they do, he was asking us about our trip and what we had planned, we said we had just arrived and we had 1 week Bangkok an 1 week Pattaya.
He went on to say Bangkok no good for you maybe 1 day or 2 only, Bangkok pollution and many tourist get murdered from Thai mafia.
I thought what's happening here a Thai local is warning us of these things, I thought at that moment lets get out of here, we talked with him for about 20 minutes an he was a top bloke he had a Everton shirt on and said since Owen leave
Liverpool he not support them anymore (we laughed in a good way) and that now he support Everton, maybe it was because the sponsor of Everton is Chang I don't know.
We gave him about 200 baht tip and again his face amazed me with his delight, he was off to Phuket he said for Thai holiday, wished us well and went on his way.
We walked out and the tuktuk drivers were still there we got back in them and off we went, when they stopped and said we take you tailor shop you not have to buy but me get fuel token if me take you, no pal its 1st day take us for drink no
tailor shop, but me get fuel token you no buy just go, no mate take us for drink, but this went on for about 5 minutes when we paid the 3 drivers an walked. We ended up on soi 4 some how and went into a bar (our first drink in Bangkok in a bar)
we ordered our drinks and we were approached with a bloke selling watches, no mate, then a bloke selling lighters, no mate, then a bloke selling sun glasses, sod off pal, an even a Thai selling maps.
We went across the road to where there was music, at this time it was about 2pm and we settled in the bar ordered drinks an started to play pool, the girls were so friendly set our pool up ordered and fetched our drinks and kept us company,
I never would have thought these were pros.
I thought there were only certain areas where the prostitutes were but I was wrong.
The bar we were in was morning night.
We all got merry and got talking to the girls bar fined them and left the bar.
We called at the shop and got Thai whisky and went back to hotel pool, I cant remember what mine was called but she had a great body and not bad looking too.
Id paid 600 baht bar fine an thought that was it, about 9 pound but I didn't realise I had to pay her the next morning.
During the day we were getting shit faced round the pool and taking each of our girls down to my room for some loving, we all waited our turn an this went on for a good couple of hours, my room sounded like Bangkok zoo for them few hours.
Around 8pm the Thai bar man around the pool told us he had to close up so we all went to our rooms to get ready for a night out.
We ended up at this bar playing pool when I asked my girl to leave (I had seen so many gorgeous Thai girls out side the bars and I just wanted a fresh one) she got really upset, I said I enjoyed today and offered her some money, she gave
me the most evil look.
We left the bar and all started walking when I again said to this girl I think you should go, I enjoy your company love but take the money, she stopped in the street and crouched down and said WHY YOU BREAK MY HEART, YOU BREAK MY HEART, ME
LOVE YOU TWO MUCH (I only met her today an she's in love with me?) She said all of this while crying (well pretending) anyway she ended up coming with us.
One thing I remember is seeing so many sexy Thai sorts an thinking to myself what have I got stuck with her for, for the night when I could pick one of these instead.
Anyway she kept close to me all night being really clingy with me an it was doing my head big time, we went to a club but I went early about 1am I think with this girl, I was shit faced and cant remember that night.
The next morning I finally got shut of her gave her 2,500 baht and off she went while smashing the doors and giving me the most evil look.
I went up to the pool had some food and met up with the lads, we all talked about our first day, the conning tuktuk drivers, how much some of them Bangkok streets stunk, how hot and stuffy it was, and them clingy bar girls.
Again that second day we got shit faced round the pool and planned our second day in Bangkok.
Around 3pm we decided to head back down soi 4 to a bar opposite morning night about 100 yards up, I remember sitting down an two girls coming up to me and putting there hands on my leg, they were nothing special but I'm not picky (they
have a fanny that's good enough for me) when my mate says to me, say to her show wod ikap katoey, I said what's that mean? He said hello sexy lady, so I said them words to her and her friend bursts out laughing I start laughing too but
her friend looks at me as if she's ready to whack me one, I said to my mate what's it mean? He says hello ladyboy, I said to the girl with a drunken laugh I'm sorry but he tell me it meant hello sexy lady, she so the funny side
of it in the end.
We were drinking having a laugh and by this time id moved on to Chang (that's strong) when this little lad offered to clean my shoes 50 baht he said, I said yeah ok kid he took my trainers off, an the little bastard ran off with them,
the 2 girls were laughing saying you lose trainer you lose trainer, I said like hell I have, so I went to the front of the bar and so him across the street running down an alley way, I shouted the lad but know answer, so I got it into my head
id been conned and the little kid is gonna sell them to some one he knows, we carried on drinking and I was getting the pissed ripped out of me big time (getting robbed off a 9 year old they were saying while laughing) when next minute after maybe
20 minutes the kid turns up with my trainers and what a job he had done they were sparkling, 50 baht he said, I said here younger 100 baht and you keep for you, again his face shocked me with me giving him maybe 80 pence tip.
I was starting to understand how much little money these people had and me tipping them and seeing there faces actually made me feel happy too. We headed back to the hotel to change, shower and get ready for the night. We all met in the hotel
lobby had a beer and headed for nana, it was about 8pm and we entered nana, what I remember is the booming music and we were quickly being harassed with loads of Thai girls trying to get us into this bar, I cant remember what is was called it
was I think the first gogo on your left as you entered nana.
We went in and checked the girls out they all had numbers on and we was gonna play a game with which we wrote every number down on a piece of paper, screwed them up and had to take in turns picking a number, which ever number we got we had
the girl matching that.
That game soon got forgotten as we slowly got more drunk, we left this bar and went to one directly opposite in the middle, it was just a basic beer bar.
I spotted this bird and she was a stunner, I got talking to her and there wasn't much conversation, she knew what I wanted and I knew what she wanted too, but 4,000 baht for the night? No thank you.
It was getting on about 12 I think when the lads started to get there company for the night so I thought it was about time I did too.
I was busting for a lag so I went into one of the gogos opposite had a jimmy and picked up this tart, how much for night? 2, 000 baht 600 bar fine, ok sweet u come with me tonight, yes ok, you pay bar, I paid the 600 baht and she went off
walking in this room, woh woh woh where you going? I said, the women behind the bar said sit down what you want drink? She go change back soon, no worry she with you.
I looked closer an it was a full of lady boys behind the bar, I started to shit it thinking id just bought a ladyboy, then next minute I felt some hands on my shoulders from behind massaging me, I turned round an its another one, I admit
it scared me it looked like Pete burns an I just froze, the girl id just barfined came out pulled her bag over her shoulder an sat beside me, what we drink? Drink darling lets go, why you hurry? My friends are outside come on lets go.
We got outside an I looked at her closely, she was a female thank god, I mean I was pissed but I could have told if it was a, well you know what. We got back out to the lads and I remember that stunner giving me I right look, I pointed to
her you! With four fingers up then I pointed to the one with me with 2 fingers up then shrugged my shoulders at her, she knew what I meant she wanted 4,000 baht an I got this 1 for 2,000 baht, we all left for a club when I heard her say you butterfly,
I quickly found out what that meant.
We went outside nana an I remember seeing this elephant and to be honest felt sorry for it, I thought it was cruel but properly a Thai culture thing, we got to the club but the door man wouldn't let her in, no
He said, I was glad in a way id done it big time and just wanted to go back to room, so we got tuktuk (oh no not these conning wheel barriers again I thought) and got back to the hotel I ordered something to eat just some plain soup I thought,
the girl didn't want nothing in fact I didn't know anything she wanted she was a right ignorant bitch, the soup arrived I had one mouth full and my gob was on fire, my eyes started to water, my ears were burning so much I tell you, what's
that I said to the girl? Very hot chili you no like? Me no like I said, you have some, no no no I think me dye if me eat that she said, we laughed about it and I think this broke the ice with us, we had a few more drinks and I really couldn't
remember much after this my mind is blank even thinking of it now I cant remember that night, but we must have had a good en because I remember waking the next morning with johnnies all over the room.
The third day I felt shocking the beer was catching up with me but what did we do? Back on the Singhas at 11am round the pool, this day was really cloudy so we left the pool and went for a bit of sight seeing I remember bargaining with the
Thais on the markets which I did enjoy, I noticed every one had a calculator which I found funny, they would give me there price then id give mine then there's then mine before id walk away only for them to shout back ok sir you buy your
price, id bought some Thai boxing shorts for about 2 pounds, good deal I thought.
We ended up at subway had a quick sarnie and you guessed it ended up in a bar, the day was the same as the previous 2 getting shit faced and going back to hotel to change for the night, we were planning on going Ko Samui for the full moon
party on the 14th but changed our minds, we later found out it had got called off anyway due to ruff seas on the island off Ko Samui.
We changed met in the lobby of hotel had a couple of Singhas before heading out, we wanted to go some where different when this American bloke mentioned soi cowboy to us, so taxis to cowboy it was.
Ill skip the next ten days or so as this night I met the bitch from Cowboy you may have read my previous 2 subs regarding me and Pim so I don't need to go there again.
Me and my mates had two days left in Pattaya before flying home, I had been with Pim for most of my trip so I had to make the most of the last two days . Pim left on the Wednesday morning, so I showered sorted my head out, and tried to forget
about her.
I left the hotel and went to get the lads out of bed, it was a red hot day and we went for a breakfast, now I cant remember the name of where we had our breakfast but was it spot on, proper English sausage and good English bacon, if you walked
out of soi 7 opposite the beach, turned right and walked about 500 yards on the other side of the road then turned left until you came to maybe about 10 tailor shops on either side, then you would find the English breakfast bar.
We finished the full English, paid the bill and had a walk round. What I noticed about Thailand is when your eating the Thais always seem to be watching you out the corner of there eye, I think if they so us enjoying what they cooked for
us it made them happy too.
We ended up on the bottom of soi 6 an got talking to this bloke, he was English and used to live about 20 minutes from where I live before setting up a bar in Pattaya 5 years ago.
He was organising a trip to Ko Larn island I think it was called, 200 baht it cost, in with that he said we would do a little fishing and then we would cook it on the boat before heading to Ko Larn, sounded ok, an it was a change from just
getting pissed all day so he said down here tomorrow at 7am, 7am I said? That's early, we paid the 200 baht each and went on our way.
We ended up round the pool when I said to the lads I'm going for a trim, so I went for a haircut, and dropped my disposable cameras in a shop close buy for developing.
I walked in the hair dressers and was guided to a chair, there was about ten Thai women working that day and they were all staring at me. Hi handsome man, how you like today? Err number 2 round sides an a trim on top please.
Ok no problem you relax she said, I looked in the mirror and both ways the young Thai girls were staring still, an when they knew I caught them looking they would just start giggling, I thought oh my god what are they going to do to my hair,
what are they planning, if I'm honest I never looked up at the mirror during my cut I just thought I was gonna look like a right sod when she had finished.
Where you from handsome man? England I replied, England she said, yeah England, you like England do you I said, yeah me like David Beckham an they all start laughing again, why they laugh I said, they think you sexy man, I said I think you
all sexy too, again they all start giggling in a childish way, but I thought it was funny.
Right all done me finish, you look, I looked up and she had done a great job, 200 baht she said, I gave her 300 baht, as I left they all followed me out and watched me walk up the soi shouting and waving at me again giggling, I thought to
myself what was that all about?
I got back to the pool and this big cloud came over us, big rain big rain big rain the Thai bar man shouts, within 5 minutes it was big rain alright, did it piss down for about an hour, we stood under a shelter supping our beer and just watching
the rain, sad ain't it but I tell you id never seen rain like that before.
The rain stopped and within 30 minutes the roads were almost dry, but id stunk every where, I don't know maybe it was the sewage.
We decided to go for a massage we walked and walked looking for some decent lookers but none of them took my fancy or the others, so we went on a bar crawl stopping off at every bar until we ended up on soi 6 I think.
This soi was full of gogo bars and the girls were already crammed outside the bars, it was about 6pm and the girls did look very young in a lot of them.
Hey sexy man, hey handsome man you want boom boom? We avoided contact as they looked about 14 only, we got in this bar an straight away the bar girls pounced on us this was about to be my first short time, she was about 30, saggy tits but
like I said I'm not that picky and she had a fanny an that's good enough for me, upstairs for a pre shower and by god could she perform, but I'll leave it at that.
5oo baht paid we leave the bar, we got back on the soi when we saw 2 men maybe in there late forties groping these Thai girls outside this bar, my mate was ready to go and crack them but I talked him round, now then you pair of nonses, piss
off will you we shouted, they quickly went and the girls started shouting at us in Thai, I don't know what they were saying but they were not happy, maybe we had lost them a short time, but come on these were old enough granddads ere granddads
and these girls should have been at home doing homework or something not selling there bodies at that age. We had planned not to have a mad one that night due to the 7am trip the next day, so we decided not to go hotel and change but stay out
instead and have an early one.
We ended up back on soi 7 around 9pm, had a few Singhas and just watched the street go by, when I saw this stunner (having her for the night might help me to forget Pim I thought) I had to have her so 250 baht barfine and my company sorted,
she couldn't speak a word of English but she was gorgeous.
We did the usual thing getting drunk touring the bars that night and eating locusts and frogs, personally I thought they tasted ok, but maybe it was because I was getting shit faced again, around midnight or so we went to a club for an hour
when some of the lads decided to go back hotel and be nice an fresh for the trip to Ko Larn, me an 2 of my mates stayed out for a couple, they had picked a couple of birds so we went on soi 8 I think it was.
I didn't have a clue what my girl was on about, all she did was laugh at me (was it my hair I thought) but the 3 girls sat an talked together while we played pool, by this time I was feel I really drunk, spinning infect an it was about
2am so I had a kamagra to boost the beast (I wouldn't have been able to give her a good one with me shit faced) so I took the pineapple kamagra, 20 minutes me head was on fire, come on were going I said to the girl, all the way back to the
hotel all she did was grab me, oh you power you power while laughing she said, I remember thinking she's gonna get a good rodgering tonight, she hadn't cost me much in drinks because all she was drinking was them Thai energy drinks,
we arrived at my room, and put it this way the kamagra couldn't keep up with her, she was like a lion on ecstasy, she wanted it all night an sorry lads I couldn't keep up.
There was about an hour sleep that night and I felt the worst I had felt all holiday that morning, the girl knew I was ill that morning, after all I was being sick blood, me take you medicine she said, so we walked to the chemist and she
got me some sort of stuff, we said our goodbyes and I gave her 1,000 baht, no baht me enjoy with you she said, I'll see you later at bar I said and through her a screwed up 1,000 baht note and went back to hotel to get the lads.
It was about 8am an we were late for the trip, we went down to the bar and the bloke was still there waiting for us, come on you pissed up bastards he said while laughing boat to catch.
Id said to myself no more beer today at least not while tonight, when the bloke shouts come on lads give us hand with these, it was 4 crates of Singha and this other stuff, square up with me when we get back.
We crowded on this little like canoe boat which took us out to another boat anchored out about 5 minutes away.
We boarded the bigger boat and went straight on top deck, and me straight on a deck chair for some kip, I felt shocking but I couldn't get me head down, so Singha after Singha it was.
We arrived in the middle of the sea for a spot of fishing, now there was about 20 people or so on this boat and we caught 3 fish (where was John Wilson when we needed him?) So that's 3 fish between 20 or so people, with a little rice
on board.
Anyway as you guessed we didn't get a share, and after a couple of hours we headed to Ko Larn island, now I must say after a few of the old Singhas down the neck I was perking up a bit, and when I so this island I thought lets get rat
The island was a bit scruffy but the sea was crystal clear, Pattaya beach was like Blackpool's this was paradise to me (ever been to Blackpool, Stick? You must try it, not.) <I have been, yes – Stick>
We chilled out for a bit and got some taxis to go up in the hills to the shooting range, the guns well, they were the real ones alright, from pistols to handguns to rifles and machine guns, melons I think we were shooting at.
I thought it was a bit pricey though I think 600 baht for about 20 bullets. We went back down to the beach and had a blast on the jet skis 800 baht for half hour it was, before heading back to Pattaya, id bought some tiger prawns from a little
store 450 baht for about 5, I thought that was steep but I don't know the going rate for them as I'm not really into prawns but I needed something inside me and that's all the fucking island salt.
We got back to Pattaya about 5ish I think had a few in the bar and paid the bloke for the beer we had on the trip.
We walked back to hotel and on the way I called to get my photos, glancing through them I noticed a lot of them was missing, while in Bangkok on the first day I took a lot of the temple we visited, each having our pictures taking with the
big statue Buddha, about 10 pics I took, what I noticed was every one of them pics was missing there was not a single one of them pics? I don't know, but I was looking forward to seeing them pics maybe you could lighten me on this as I found
it strange.
Quick change at hotel, shower and out, we met at this beer bar at the top of soi 7 where I so this stunner again, the girl I left this morning. She ran up to me and jumped on me squeezing me so tight while muttering something in Thai, I looked
at her friend and said what she say? Her friend said, she say she miss you and she know you come back for her, I thought oh no how can I get out of this one? So I thought of a plan, I COME BACK FOR YOU 12 O'CLOCK OK? Saying it slow to her,
you not come back you lye her mate said, I come back I promise, I felt horrible letting her down so I said I would bar fine her now but I would be back about 12.
I paid 250 baht and said you wait for me I back 12 I go eat with my friends. She was a stunner but it was also our last night an the only thing I wanted to eat was pussy.
We ended up on walking street watching some Thai boxing, the ring was in the middle of a load of bars, my mates after 1 fight asked for there pictures taken with them, so up in the ring they got, pics took but they wouldn't let them
out the ring before they paid 500 baht for pics, (is this a scam or what?) They were our cameras but wanted 500 baht for it, anyway we couldn't argue by this time we were on our way (drunk) so they paid.
I thought that Thai boxing was a fix anyway.
We moved on bar after bar getting more drunk when we saw this fight in one of the bars, we were pissing ourselves it was a big fat bloke wrestling with what looked like a lady boy, it looked more like lily savage and graham Norton.
We strolled along picking up some gifts, big carved elephant I bought, a couple fake watches lighters etc before heading to the bottom of soi 7, I said to the lads I'm just gonna take me gifts back to room an put them in me case so that
way, I'm all ready when mini bus comes.
I walked past this bar, its just after a little burger bar where this little fat Thai women serves the best double cheeseburgers I've ever had, I walked past the bar when these 2 Thai girls come running out shouting hey sexy man we come
with you? Err, without saying anything else they both came to my room I had one on each arm and they both looked horny little bastards so I thought what the hell, last night lets have some fun.
We entered my hotel and the Thai man behind the counter smiled at me and pointed at me while laughing, he knew the score, so up to my room clothes off no shower straight at it with one of them, when I thought why not get this on my video
I gave the phone to the other girl and said press that button and take video of me boom boom, well this went on and on both girls taking it in turns with the phone while filming us, I'd done with them so I said to the girls now you two
have lesbian sex for video, to my surprise they did, we got dressed and for the two of them it cost me 1, 000 baht (best 15 pounds I've ever spent).
We left the hotel and walked back down the soi I had the most biggest grin on my face it just wouldn't go away, I went to the lads check this out an showed them my video, the bloke behind the bar connected it to his big projector screen,
and we had a nice cold beer while watching my Thai porn, I've still got it now all 12 minutes of it, in fact every fool has in my area, its been blue toothed everywhere. (Any1 want to see it there more than welcome).
It was getting close to our pick up for the airport so we walked back up to the hotel to get our bags and waited at a bar opposite when all of a sudden the stunner who I was supposed to pick up at 12 showed up with her mate, you f**king butterfly
her mate said, you no come back, I see you with girls, you butterfly before I got a word out a bottle was thrown directly to my face just missing by an inch smashing against the bar.
It all kicked off the girls were screaming when some locals saw what was going off an came over, as loyal Thais as they are they stuck up for the girls, look she throw bottle, look glass on floor miss me this much I said.
They were shouting in Thai and who knows what they were saying, the bar people serving kept out of it.
There were about 8 of them but the state we were in we wouldn't have been able to knock 2 of them out.
It went from look mate she throw bottle we don't want trouble, to look mate (getting louder) she throw bottle ok, to look you pricks if you want it lets have it, we all stood up to them even though they would properly have kung fu kicked
us to but where English an no surrender to know fool.
I thought standing up to them was a bad move as where in there country and they can get people with a click of a finger and can get a firm up almost straight away but we couldn't let the side down.
This ugly prick about 25 was just staring at me constantly, I would just look at him an smile, but no smile from him, he was muttering away as they do, and I was ready for just leaping forward and cracking him straight on the chin, the women
started to realise what was going off so shouted, I get police I get police, luckily the bus turns up and where off, I've heard about how Thai men can be violent but these I think most of them were just kids. It calmed down we got a load
of beers with tops on for the airport run, bags in back and off we set.
Just before we were about to leave the Thai man at the hotel was at the front door waving at us again with his cheesy smile, I went over to him shook his hand and said thank you for your service and gave him 800 baht tip, he was a top bloke
and he looked after me during my time in that hotel so he deserved it.
I see things like this,, if people are ok with me I'm ok with them, I think during my time in Thailand I tipped every single person, that is no lye, to the bar servers to the waiters I tipped everyone from 5 baht to the 800 baht I didn't
mind they were good to me.
We set off to the airport drinking our beers, nobody said too much I just stared out the window all the way thinking of my trip, how much I was gonna miss it, and thinking I'm off back to horrible England.
We all slept during our flight to Dubai, but I tell you I was dreaming of Thailand during that kip.
The flight from Dubai back to Heathrow was about 8 hour I think, the lads were watching films, but I was just staring into space, thinking of Thailand, and drinking free beer.
I arrived home late, opened a can of lager and just sat on my settee.
I remember thinking to myself why am I feeling like this, it was just a holiday that's all, but Thailand was more than that.
I didn't go back to work for a week I just couldn't get back into the swing of things, I missed the Thailand life so much.
I really don't know what I miss about Thailand; it's a weird thing asking myself what I miss.
Is it the food? Is it the so so so friendly people? Is it Pim? Is it the weather? I don't know.
I think if you put it all together in one then you get your answer but I'm still not sure.
Well 8 months have past now and I still dream in my sleep about Thailand, I still have them day dreams of Thailand; I even shit thinking of Thailand. The second week me and the mates got back from LOS we booked our next trip, no not falaraki,
no not kavos, magaluf or Ibiza but Thailand.
I will always remember Chris saying that to me that night, and he was 150% spot on.
I remember reading somewhere that Thailand is like a drug and very addictive, and once it's under your skin it's hard to get out. Well I agree…
Cheers. A lad.
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