Stickman Readers' Submissions October 23rd, 2006

A Thailand Story 2006 Part 5

cbd oil

One full year…My name is Bill and the director of this company in Thailand his name is Roy, has asked me to stay working in Thailand for a full year…I have been working here for three months and I all ready have a bar girl living in my apartment…I
have seen my friend Matt here in Thailand who is now married, overweight and one step closer to being an alcoholic…He also has a baby on the way from his wife, a formal bar girl…I have another friend coming to Thailand by the name of Brad,
who is thinking of marrying his girlfriend from Thailand…who by the way works in a bar…Are we three men going to end up the same way…

Roy: Bill are you listening to me? I need you to stay a full year here at the company, I am not going to beat around the bush and say it won't be easy for you and the hours will be long. But I really need an answer from you about this…What
do you say?

mens clinic bangkok

Bill: I really do not know what to say Roy, I really did not expect to stay longer then three months…Hell I did not even think you wanted me here longer then three months…Why the change?…I mean what happened? Why do you need me to stay?

Roy: Well let me finish talking…You see the tests you sent back to America…Well the customers thought everything was just fine…We have a 300 production order…that is the most this company has ever had, we have never had that much
of a production order…and right behind that another 800…This is big my friend, we have been given a bigger budget for newer machines, computers, the list goes on. Listen I need you to think about this…Give me your answer Monday…enjoy the
weekend, but listen now, I really need you to stay.

Bill: Thanks Roy…Yea I'll give you an answer…on Monday

I have been in Thailand for three full months and to be honest with everyone…I have done nothing but drink, eat and play around all most every night…No take that back make that every night…I do not know why it is but I feel guilty about
sleeping around and drinking you know like a man who is 25…When in fact I am 47 years old…I walk home from work thinking to myself about Joy.. My girlfriend?…No not my girlfriend…We have been living together all most three weeks…Most
of the time her girlfriends have been living with us…When I think of my friend Matt and his life in Thailand…I think to myself that I just do not want to end up the same way he is…No way am I marrying a bar girl…and my drinking and playing
around…I have got to slow down…If I am going to stay in Thailand for a year, then things have to change…and that means me…I have to change…Tomorrow is Saturday and it is the last day for Joy, her three weeks are up…That was are verbal
agreement that we would see how it works out for three weeks…When I open the door to my apartment Joy's friend Lek is laying on the couch…Yes in her underwear…I walk over to her..pull her up and swat her on the butt…I say go…you
go find man tonight…Lek gives me a big smile…puts on her clothes and says bye to Joy and I.

Joy: Why you want Lek go?

Bill: Tonight just you and I…We go out…so get dressed…tonight we celebrate…have party…

Joy just smiled and we went out for some good Thai food and yes some drinking…dancing…playing pool, everything we could think of doing until the next morning…After sleeping most of the day away together, we both woke up for are last
time of making love…After I talk about the three weeks…They are done and I would like her to go now…I say to her…I like you a lot, but I want to be alone…I know cold, but it has to happen.

Joy: Why? Why I not stay? You not happy?

Bill: Joy this is not what I want…You have girlfriends here all the time…my apartment does not feel private..

Joy: But my friends take care…We take care…ok you sleep with them…not worry me…I want stay with you…

Bill: No Joy really…I do not want to sleep with friends…They good friends…You have good people in your life…and I happy to have known them…You all are very good…but I just want to be a lone…I do not want lady in my life right
now…Here take some money…Here take this 7,000 baht…Do you need more?

She looks at me for a moment with tears coming out of her eyes…As I try to ask her again if she needs more money she covers my mouth gently…then she touches my cheek and smiles…

Joy: No need money…You are good man…thank you for being good friend…

She then turns around with her suit case and leaves…and for the rest of the day…for the rest of the weekend…I am very sad…because she was not a bad person…Her friends were fun…everyone she new was a good person to me and I felt
a friendship with them…But I am 47 years old…she is 24…How long could something like this last before it turned another direction…Before everything just blew up into something I really would not be able to handle…I have done a lot of
reading and my odds could not have been better then most men my age living in Thailand..Call it paranoid…yes I am very paranoid…If I am going to find a Thai woman to start a life with then I have to do things right…and it starts with me…change
myself and try not to act like some kind of out of control old man…I made a promise to myself to change and that is what I am going to do. But I have to say I was very lucky to have met such a nice young lady..who in no way took anything from
me…and I was happy with her friends who treated me with respect…And I treated them the same way never trying to have sex with them…just laughing and enjoying there company…It was not a bad experience…but it was something that was not
right for me.

Well October goes by pretty fast…and Roy was right we have been in strong production…The Thai people I work with…I must say make me very proud…all of them put in some hours and yet everyday they have a smile…My friend Brad e-mails
me and says he can not come this October but is hoping for December…I wish him luck…Roy gives me a cell phone…so I pass the number on to my friends back in the States…I meet with Matt a couple of times…I had given him an application
for work at the company…But he all ways says he is going to drop it off someday…I have met Matt for breakfast in the morning a couple of times…here it is 9 AM and he is all ready drunk…he carries a small bottle of sang/som whiskey and
drinks it with his eggs…He tells me how board he is with Thailand…so he starts his drinking early around 9 AM and goes to bed about 6:pm…At this time I am thinking it might be best if he does not take a job with the company…It's now
the second week of November 2004…I have been doing well by not drinking…and working out a lot…you know trying to keep my mind off the ladies…and working a lot of late hours has helped so I get home late most nights…I get a call one late
night from Brad

Brad: Hey buddy!…man I wish I was there…How are you doing? Got a lady living with you yet or what?

Bill: No Brad…Really just taking it a day at a time here…I just want to take my time with the women here…you know how it is?…

Brad: No I don't know how it is…man I wish I was there…gee man I really wanted that job over there…I would be living it up every night…I envy you something awful…Listen I need a favor from you…I need your help with something…Can
you help me?

Bill: What?…What can I do for you out here?

Brad: Listen friend…I know you never met my Thai lady her name is Mai…she works at a bar in Patpong…anyway I have been sending money to her for this visa thing…you know so she can come to America…But how much does this visa thing
cost?…Do you know how much it costs?

Bill: No!…I mean I have never tried to get one or understand what it would cost to get one…You're asking the wrong man here…So what's up?

Brad: Well I have given her close to six thousand dollars so far…and she says she needs more because this visa paperwork and legal fees costs a lot of money…I mean I do not understand why she needs more money. I can not make any sense
out of what she is talking about…and I feel she is up to something…

Bill: You should seek legal advice in the States and get an idea of what you are dealing with..maybe you can handle everything over there…just don't give her any more money…

Brad: That's why I need your help.

Bill: What is it you want me to do?

Brad: Before I go and file paperwork here in the United States for her…I want to know if she is cheating on me…I want to know if she is a good lady or not…You know she says she does not mess around but I have a feeling something is
going on.

Bill: And you want me to do what?

Brad: I want you to go to the bar she works at and check on her…She has never seen you…She does not know you are a friend of mine…I am going to e-mail you a picture of her and the bar she works in…You go there and you know…bar fine
her…take her out…see if she goes with you or not…if she does then go ahead and sleep with her at least I know she is no good.

Bill: Listen Brad I do not want to sleep with your girlfriend…I really do not want to do this at all…there are private agencies that will do this kind of thing for you…I will get you the information and e-mail it to you…anyway you
come this December…can't this wait?…Spy on her yourself.

Brad: No man…come on…I need your help…if she is cheating then I go to Thailand and have a good time…nothing to worry about…I won't waste my time seeing her…I just lose the money…but I deserve this for not taking my time…I
just jumped into this without thinking.

Bill: Hey I have been there Brad really…but I do not want to get involved…and you are right about taking your time..if you come here for fun…then have fun…but don't come here looking for marriage…not with a couple of weeks
of vacation time…slow down…you are not going to be happy with a bar girl…believe me.

Brad: Listen to you…your the lucky one…you have the time…so you can check people out…but I really want a good Thai lady…It is not easy for me…not like it is for you…How are the ladies at your work? Have you found anyone there?
Do they have some good looking women working there?…Come on set me up will you?

Bill: No Brad…No working woman for me…It's just business…I warn you not to get involved with anyone from my work…I really do not know these woman. It might be bad for you and me…after all I work there.

Brad: Come on Bill do this for me…All you do is check Mai out…I do not want to know anything…If you do not e-mail me back then I will just consider it a done deal with her..You do not have to explain anything to me…If you e-mail me
back with an OK and you say she is a good lady…then I will go see her and try and make this thing work…No e-mail at all tells me it's all bad…and you need not tell me about it…come on…really…this is all you have to do…I don't
want to know if you sleep with her…nothing man…just help me out.

Bill: All right…If I don't e-mail back then she is no good…I do not want to talk about this at all with you…so never ask me…No matter what we never talk about this…I will go this weekend to Patpong.

The weekend comes around pretty quick and I have to say I am not really looking forward to it…I have the picture of Mai and the name of the bar she works in…It is a normal bar not a gogo bar…Another thing is I hate Patpong…I never
liked it here…it reminds me of Tijuana Mexico…It feels wrong…I sit at the bar…most of the woman there are…Well just not my type…I take a drink of my beer…when I feel my elbow rub against something soft yet firm…I turn my head to
the left and find myself looking at a pair of…well my first guess is 38 C's…right between my eyes…pretty big breasts for a Thai lady…Instead of looking up at the face…I look down at a very tight mini black dress so short and tight…that
it looks like it was spray painted on her body…I mean this woman is hot…if it is a real woman…Then I look back up…to the face of this hot bodied creature…I think for sure (ladyboy)…It has to be…no Thai lady looks like this without
a lot of plastic work being done and I mean she had to spend some money to look like this…But the face looks like some one I have seen before…like the picture…But no way it can't be…In the picture Mai is a big frame with maybe a small
b-cup like most Thai woman… and from the picture she looked to me a little on the heavy side, but Brad has all ways liked big women not fat but solid…I am thinking is this the same person?…No way it can't be…the face looks like the
picture but maybe with a different nose, but the body…no way…I look at her straight in the eyes.

Mai: Hi my name Mai…You buy drink for me?

Stickman's thoughts:


nana plaza