Stickman Readers' Submissions June 6th, 2006

Against Knowledge And Better Judgment Part 2

cbd oil

Against Knowledge And Better Judgement Part 2

By Dazzle Star

Ok, if you read my previous submission you will know the story so far. If not you might find this story amusing for you and not for me! Some parts are brutally honest and I can do nothing but be honest about it, as stupid as it makes me sound!!!

mens clinic bangkok

I have went to Work in Egypt for 4 weeks, leaving a young lady in Thailand who I had taken a shine to but in strange circumstances. She was awaiting a visit from the police about a missing 200,000 baht!!

I arrived back at work I sent an e-mail to this mysterious little creature. I was worried as you’d imagine that she would get locked up and never seen again, what a waste that would have been. I couldn’t call there is one telephone
and 90 guys that would like to use it! If you imagine this place like a prison, Your every second is accounted for on the telephone by the guy waiting to call his wife, mother, sister, boyfriend for all I know!!! You have to be built like Tyson
to get a shot of it. She finally sent an e-mail reply It went roughly “Police come, I wait for speak with lawyer” “thank you for care my story” “You very sweet” “I miss you and want to see you again
when you come back”.

Now that fed the fire that had been gently burning inside me, I was off to fight a battle to get to the phone and give her a call, I couldn’t see reason I needed to speak to her (What the f*ck was I thinking)! Two things were wrong,
firstly she is a bar girl, she works in a short time bar and isn’t in the top five placing for ideal girlfriend material. Explain that one to my mum after a family meal of why she can blow bubbles out her ears, says she learn it at work..?
Secondly how the f*ck do I get to the front of the queue. I had to wait my turn for using it, after that long wait, she never answered. Now is that not enough to make me see sense and give it a wide birth, apparently not..!

I arrive back in Bangkok after getting out of the airport and in to a taxi I decide 30 minutes in to the crazy traffic that we all love. I decide to give her a call as I had promised and see where she was. She was in Bangkok Airport!! She
was away to catch a flight to UdonThani to see her folks. She laughed when she heard I had just left the airport, I almost cried (with frustration)!! We kept in touch through sms and I awaited her arrival back in Pattaya, not alone of course!
But thats a different story.

The Lady Returns:

Im on the golf course, I am 3 holes away from claiming the cash prize. 5,000 baht between friends. I was buzzing and so was my telephone. Hello sexy I am in Pattaya if you want to come see me! I am at work! Sweet, my day was getting better
(I thought). So I buy the guy’s some drinks with my winnings, and contemplate heading to her bar. Who am I kidding. I left money for the guys to get the drinks in, and I was off to her bar like a shot!!! You should have seen the smile on
my face, this was a long wait and I just wanted to see if she really was as beautiful as I remembered or had the time away drove me crazy..! Well smile on, teeth gleaming, here it goes..! Hello sexy man (Sh*t fogot to say her bar was on soi6 Pattaya)
Where you go, I come in here sweetheart im looking for ***!!! Oh say’s the young lady, she with customer, she busy!!! Ouch, ok swallow your pride, take the cash prize and run! No! (what?) My mind says one thing my body says another mai
pen rai, ill come back later I say, still smiling (must have been the thought of winning golf that kept me happy)
I shoot across to another bar for a couple of drinks and wait my turn to see MY Girl (What am I thinking) In Part 1, I remember
laughing at a guy who done exactly the same thing waiting for the same girl..! It was me waiting this time I must be f*cking crazy!!! Im not old, im not ugly and I have 5,000 baht burning a hole in my pocket…! I shouldn’t have waited.
But I wanted to see the girl I had been dreaming about for a whole 6 weeks..!

I finally go over to her bar again and she is inside sitting with a couple of guys who are finishing beers and leaving..! I get a smile and a wait two minutes kind of look. Stick comments appreciated!! She comes over we have a brief chat
about what’s happened since I have been at work and the missing 200,000 baht, I explained I tried to call her! She said when I work – I leave my telephone in my locker (Hello wakey wakey, Again another sign to leave it alone) I was
not to be put off, I never even contemplated the fact that she was busy only an hour before. She was absolutely gorgeous and I wanted to spend some time with her…! Not in the bar, I asked her if she fancied coming to my apartment and out
for some food..! Yeah yeah yeah she said and off we went, I had money out of my pocket ready to pay a hefty bar fine, but she just quickly grabbed her bag and we headed to my place…!!!

What happened – again I will not go into pillow talk but I have never felt so good about someone in my life..! She truly is special (ok laugh – she must have learnt a lot at work right? At least I didn’t say Different)
Mai pen rai..! The same old same old story, The next 7 days she never went to work. I fell head over heel’s in lust / love with her..! After 3 days I asked her not to go back to work, she wisely told me to cha cha, slow down you not know
me..! Give her credit for being honest, She told me that many men had tried to make her give up working but she never wanted to and never trusted somebody enough..!

Philippines & Family:

I was due to head off to the Philippines with my mates on the 8th day, I seriously was going to miss her. Like a complete twat, to show some form of trust in her I left her my apartment keys and asked her to stay there whilst I was gone for
6 days. She was going to Bangkok on the 6th day and I arranged to meet her there and spend the night together before I returned to work. She was going to Bangkok to attend a wedding..! (Lesson here as well – when she said Bangkok she really
meant an hour and a half away from Bangkok in the middle of nowhere – this part to be revealed later)

The Philippines, Me and missing my girl!!! My mates had laughed so hard I thought they were going to piss themselves. They seen me all down in the dumps not going with girls still having fun but sneaking off to use the telephone and calling
my girl back in Thailand..! They couldn’t understand, they thought I was crazy! Why the hell would you choose to fall in love with a Soi6 bar girl…! I didn’t, but it happened..! So 3 days in to my short trip I make another
call to my girl (No she wasn’t being porked by T-roy from Mississipi, or Suave from France – I hope?) She starts to tell me she called her mum up country and told her mum all about me, I was bowled over!!! I knew it was a big deal
for her to have told her mum..! I was proud! From what my girl said as well I had taken a shine to her mum. My girl said she had met a young farang! Her mum gave her in to trouble and told her if she loved me, then she should never use farang
and only call me by my name..! her mum also gave her in to trouble an explained if she wanted this to work that she would have to be a good girlfriend and be a good girl for me! I like her mum.! She also had spoke to her auntie who’s daughters
wedding it was, they invited me to the wedding to meet some of the family and to see what happens (I think she has plans)..! Now being a stick reader I was fully aware that I was going to have to buy some alcohol and this trip to a wedding was
going to cost me – but at the same time I felt so proud that she wanted to be with me and introduce me to her family!!! I was also paranoid that everyone was in on the scam…!

I arrive back in Bangkok and meet my girl at the hotel, we were all over each other and things were great. Enough said..! We were off to the wedding the next day and there has been enough info on Thai weddings not to bore you with all the
details, I really enjoyed it and it cost me 500 baht for some beers, and a 1,000 baht wedding gift which was my idea! But I was the only farang for at least 75Km that I could make out, so I had my photo taken more times than I would have done
if I was David Beckham in Osaka! The token gesture farang, her family were really nice and I came home with more thread around my wrist than a mummy gets buried with in Egypt!!


I was desperate for my girl to give up work, I wanted us to start a fresh phase of life together, but I was heading off to work again today. My friend also asked her what she fancied doing, He said are you going to go to school? She explained
to him, like I knew already that she had studied marketing at college. He asked if she fancied using marketing and getting a job, She cut him short with I have been marketing my pussy for long enough! I laughed, she laughed and he nearly choked
to death on his breakfast. At least she is honest! We are at home the afternoon before I depart for work. So I start negotiating. Ok I said, you know I love you and I don’t want you to go to work, You don’t need to work I can take
care of you, but you need to tell me what you need! Up to you baby..! F*ck this is like going to be like buying a watch in Patpong…! I think to myself, if I love the girl like I think I do, I cant haggle over money with her that gives her
the wrong signals.! I say straight off, ok how much money do you give your mum to take care of your baby. 5,000 baht a month. Ok I say I will give you 20,000 baht a month. She said ok you give me 20,000 good good baby and you give my mum 5,000
for take care of baby! Ok she was smooth but 25,000 baht isn’t killing me and I want to make sure its enough so she doesn’t feel she needs to work. Glad that got sorted out quickly. She also explained though that if she have problem
I have to help her, medical insurance for her mum and dad, understood!!!

Before I leave for work she is trying to comfort me as im getting down about leaving her and the happy times in Thailand. With all good intentions she explains, baby you know I not with you for money, this got my attention? Why do you say
that? Well im with you because I love you, Yes I hope so!! You do realise she tells me that when I working I make double what you now give me (A big swallow and realisation hits) Holy shit, that’s a lot more c*ck ends than weekends, But
I love her what can I do?? She says, But now I have to tell my mum and family that I not have big money for take care everyone’s problems. I pay big money for my mama and papa – you know the girl say I steal 200,000 because she see
my bank book and know I have this money for pay a loan for mama and papa, they take against there land. I pay back already. I go call my mum now and let her know, I stay with you and we can only pay slowly slowly for her loan. Im confused and
speaking to myself at this point, she phones her mum and puts her on loud speaker. All I understand is blah blah blah my name, blah my name blah blah. Then she speaks to her daughter, that’s was beautiful and she sounds so sweet..! I realise
like all sticks readers will tell me, I am not just involved with a Thai woman I am involved with her whole family..!

Comments appreciated

There is a Part 3 to follow..!

Stickman's thoughts:


nana plaza