Stickman Readers' Submissions April 28th, 2006

Base Camp BKK Part 2

cbd oil

By Sherpa

This is the second submission about my choice to base my SE Asian trips from Bangkok. My plans included multiple country excursions over a 4 month sabbatical. I am not the backpacker type so a serviced apartment in BKK is my base camp that lets me hop over to a destination and then return to a metro area that appeals to me. Well, it’s not the city as much as the energy and vibe that I hoped to absorb when I was not exploring the lands. It all began back in October.

mens clinic bangkok

I’ve been here a few days now and weather is good, hot but not too muggy. I am happy with my apartment but it’s a little far from Suhkumvit where I have spent most of my time.

Nightlife is great, the food is great and the women are super!

I still have not been to Nana Plaza yet which just proves there is a huge selection of meeting spots and bars to find company and a good time. I went to Soi Cowboy last night where I found P.

The taxi dropped me off at the Asoke entrance of SC. It's bright, filled with neon and busy. I walk the soi and the girls call to me, grab at me and make me laugh but I want to walk the full soi before I choose a bar. I get to the other end of the soi and turn to check out the gauntlet I just passed through. This is fun but definitely a gauntlet of touts, vendors, girls and animals of various species including the odd Farlangius Obnoxi. I exaggerate. It was pretty simple as long as I stayed in the center and kept strolling along.

I want to do some bar hopping now. I start with Baccarat. I have a beer and immediate lady drink but not worth staying. I go across the soi to a new bar and same situation. I stop and figure this could get very expensive if I keep dropping 250 baht in every bar I walk into. I need to be more selective to stay within budget. I spot a real cutey standing outside a bar a little ways up. I move towards her and I am quite delighted with my selection. She smiles and takes me by the arm but as soon as we enter the go-go she just passes me to a service girl. A let down. That sure was good bait! I am seated and check the place out. I quickly spot 4 dancers that fit my type. I am pleased and give the service girl my order. I look up and there is a glass ceiling with skirts bouncing on top a very nice view that is sure to give me a crick in the neck. I am grinning ear to ear when the mamasan comes and tells me to just give her the number of any girls that appeal to me. I spot a girl dancing on the bar with a fantastic smile and energetic dance moves- some of the bars I‘ve been to had pretty apathetic dancers- not here. I call Mama over and point to the girl up on the bar and she relays a message to the girl and returns. She will come when dance finish then she places a coaster down on my table.

I’ll call her N and she plops down next to me and I am pleased with the up close view. She’s bouncy and vibrant but does not speak much English. She wants a Bacardi and I’m happy to order.

Soon a much older dancer comes over and is obviously drunk. She offers to be our translator as long as I am buying the drinks. This is ok with me because I am enthralled by N’s beauty and bright smile. N is light skinned with a large bust line. Gorgeous! We have fun talking through our lush of a translator and I am excited by the conversation.

The dance card changes again and the girls from upstairs start coming down to the first floor. One girl is approaching our table and N is visibility excited and is happy to see her coming. I did a double take because I think I am looking at twins. She is standing right in front of me and I am watching these two girls interacting and I am trying to see if its the beer or what! Twins?

The Mamasan can see my shocked look and stands them up together and loudly announces SISTERS! Side by side I can see now that they are not twins but have a striking resemblance. N’s sister is called P and she is the older of the two and speaks English. P quickly squeezes in next to me by moving the drunk gal over. I am in heaven. Could this be a kinky fantasy experience? Not!! That is quickly shot down. That is not going to happen but it exudes some laughs. That fantasy shot down, my attention continues toward N because of her big boobs and lighter skin.

Then that thought of ecstasy soon is shot down as well. I can see

N is now eyeing the bar and trying to get the attention of an Asian business guy just being seated. I have purposely been pushed to N’s wing lady, her sister- keeping it in the family and all. I am told by Mamasan that P is just right for me. N likes Nippon. I go with flow even though I am let down a bit. My conversation with P is easy and she communicates with soft touches and body language that engages my libido. I am pleased with P and work out the LT details. I bf her and we’re off to my apartment.

I leave SC with P in the lead. She flags down the taxi and tells him the address. She asks if we can stop at Family Mart for some snacks. I have a kitchen and the only food in the apartment is room service leftovers in the fridge so this plan sits well with me.

Taxi driver waits as we go in to pick up a few things. P grabs a basket and begins the shopping. Soy snacks, dried squid, some pre-made microwave meals, Bacardis (much cheaper than the bar), chocolates and then to cosmetics section for a toothbrush and deodorant. This is a well stocked little shop and P knows her way around. In and out in about 4 minutes with enough food to last more than an evening, surely. P carries all the bags but I insist on taking the heavier drink bags and she reluctantly passes them to me. She really wanted to carry everything for me and that–let me do this for you–trait continued through out our relationship to come.

We make it up to the room without a snag and P is happy with the space and goes directly to the kitchen and searches through everything as she puts groceries away.

I head to the bedroom and the safe to properly store belongings. Groceries put away, P passes by me headed to the bathroom with her cosmetics in tow. I take this chance to get a nice embrace and see her clearly in the light. She is a beauty with straight cut bangs just above her eyebrows, bright smile and high cheekbones. The style she is trying to achieve does seem to be the typical Japanese bait with a bit of cute yet willingness to explore look. Her bar uniform and street clothes accentuate this. I had spent a few days in Tokyo the previous week so it was familiar styling. Even at 23, she is enhancing her youthful appearance with purpose. Yes, it must be bait for all men, not just one ethnic group. It worked for me.

She does a quick wash up and meets me at the sofa. More hugs and kisses as we plop down and get comfy. She grabs the TV remote and the channel flipping lands us on MTV but she prefers Thai pop and asks if that’s okay with me. Sure, more cute girls to see.

During the cuddle break she is up and to the kitchen to get some munchies. I here banging and clattering for about 5 minutes and back she is with a very nice plating of the snacks just purchased. Soy with a bean sauce, dry foods and fruit from a package, drinks-the whole shebang! While she feeds me she begins to sing along with the TV serenading me with a very comforting voice.

I am feeling like a king.

More TV and drinks then off to the shower and bed where she continues to impress me with her skills.

P has been leading the path all evening and then she surrenders to me and my direction at just the right moments so that she has left a mark on me. She knows what she’s doing and is a sensuous partner.

I have been divorced quite some time and live in a large city in the States where bar pick ups are the norm and one nighters come my way. I am 43, in good shape with a nice group of friends to help my cause when I need company back home. I have been with quite a few WG’s around the world in that time too.

I must say Thai ladies have an edge up on all of that so far and P is a cut above my few experiences in LOS to date. She seems confident, experienced and comfortable with the arrangement we made. I sensed she enjoyed herself and the surroundings, if not me. Good act if not reality.

We had a great night and all is well as we wake up. She is excited to see a room service menu and can’t wait to order. Thai’s sure enjoy food but if it is not tasty they have no problem passing on a dish. In the time I have been here meals are planned rest stops and time to talk together and on the phone. In fact, P is on the phone as we eat breakfast and by her eye and body language she is rattling off our endeavors from the previous night to someone on the other end. I catch words like-Famalee Maart, Baccadi and Sukhumvit , Yi-sip- see.

I ask who she was talking with and she tells me it was her sister. Sister wants to know if everything is okay.

I ask P if she was happy and she answers with a polite “yes, thank you, very much. You happy ?”

I can only hold back a little on my emotions as I give her a big smile and “Happy Mak Mak” in return.

She giggles and looks for the TV remote. Conversation continues over the drone of the TV. She needs to leave soon and go home to Ratchada Soi 3 where she lives with Sister. I am informed that both will be back at the bar this evening around 18:00. She wants to know if I will come.

My plans were to move on to the next venue and see what I might experience but in my gut I new I would head back to that spicy little go-go bar again quick. P washes and dresses while I softly avoid committing to an appointment. We part easily and I feel grrreat.

I had a good time at my first large entertainment center. I am pleased with my fun at Soi Cowboy and I barely nicked the surface when it comes to bar hopping.

P is a beauty and I do begin to see her more regularly as my trip progresses. She accompanies me on a few escapades outside BKK in the weeks following our first encounter. She proved to be an adventurer on our first trip to Pattaya. We bungee jump, go-kart, jet ski and go repelling.

More on that trip and others next submission.

Stickman's thoughts:


nana plaza