Stickman Readers' Submissions March 23rd, 2006

The Perils of Internet Dating, An Update

cbd oil

Back on July 18, 2005, I wrote a submission called The Perils of Internet Dating. I feel I have to write an update.

I said things fell apart rather quickly when another guy gave my internet sweetheart (Cake) $7,000 because he caught wind that Ms Cake was still interested in me after he visited her. At first it seemed that the money he sent her was more
than she could refuse, I gave up on any hope of a relationship with her and wrote that article to Stickman, but she kept communicating with me and calling me several times a week. We would chat for hours on Yahoo and see each other over web cams
(her other boyfriend Bobby bought the web cam for her). Once again she started saying that she was not decided about which of us she wanted. I'm assuming that Bobby could see she was often on line and she was saying the same to him. I could
imagine that it was driving him crazy to know he still didn't have a sure thing. I didn't give a shit, I was having fun; it felt good to know I was beating out his money.

mens clinic bangkok

Later in the summer Cake called me on the phone, I could tell she was upset because she was crying but I couldn't understand what it was about so we got on Yahoo to chat. From the web cam I could see she was visibly upset. She explained
that her sister Porn (who was married to a German man) had been drinking a lot and moved in with a Thai guy in Pattaya that she had been spending a lot of money on. Porn needed more money so she told Cake she was going to kick her out of her shop
because she owned it and wanted to sell it to make money. I knew Cake paid rent, but I had no idea Porn owned Cakes shop. I tried to console her by saying that she had time, but she said her sister was telling her to get out right away because
she was going to sell it as soon as she could. At that point my only advice was to wait a little while to see if her family could talk some sense into her sister. Her sister wanted to sell the shop for 2 million Baht. ($US50,000) I told her that
there was no way I could help her with that much money, but if she had to leave I would help her out until she could find another place to live and have a shop.

I didn't hear from her the next day so I contacted her and once again she was upset, but this time she was upset because she said she couldn't have me because Bobby was wiring her the $50,000 she needed so she could buy the shop.
Because of how much he sent she felt so obligated to him for his help she had to choose him as "the man she had to go with" over me. I couldn't believe there could be such a desperate fucking idiot out there that would send a Thai
woman so much money after visiting her for a little over a week. (at this time I started calling him Booby) He obviously didn't read Stickman…

Booby came back to Thailand within a few weeks to clench the deal with a big diamond engagement ring his mother wore and help for her to apply for a fiancée visa to the US.

After the first gift to her in the spring, I could see that there was no way I could compete so I didn't have any expectations that anything more would happen between us, I stayed around so I could watch things play themselves out. I
still felt like friends to her, but I didn't think there was a chance in hell she would ever choose me over Booby.

I ended up working on a job in Japan for several months and when it was finished I went back to Thailand for all of December. We had been communicating by e-mail, so Cake knew I was coming and wanted to see me. I didn't really see any
need to go visit her, but I let her know I had to have some dental work done at a dentist I had seen before in Kohn Kaen. When I got there she met me at the airport. On the way back to her town she explained I had to stay in a hotel, I couldn't
go to her home because she was taking care of her sister Porn's daughter and she may tell her mother that she saw Cake with me. She was afraid that Porn would tell Booby. Apparently Cake didn't pay her sister for her shop yet (5 months
later) because it was half owned by her German husband (we'll call him Otto) and Otto was coming to Thailand very soon to visit. She knew that if she gave the money for the shop to Porn earlier she would take off with her Thai boyfriend and
forget about Otto and her kid that Cake was watching out for.

We went off to for a couple of days to Kuhn Ming (I highly recommend it) It was such a beautiful place I was truly thinking it may be where I want to live when I retire to Thailand. I even looked at land that was for sale and talked to Cake
about building a guest house. She was definitely interested in looking at property, but she kept saying that she "had to go with Booby" because of the money. In the few days I was with Cake took very good care of me; you wouldn't
know she was engaged to someone else.

She told me a lot about Booby, she said he was 60 years old he smoked and had bad health with heart problems. Also he "couldn't have sex" with her because he had been in an "accident" and "hurt himself"
I asked if he lost his balls, or his dick, but she said she didn't know because she had never seen him naked.

I was really beginning to see how Booby could be her dream man. What middle aged Thai woman doesn't dream of marrying an old, rich, stupid, sugar-daddy with no nuts that she didn't have to screw. It was a good thing I had given
up on her long before.

After we left Kuhn Ming, Cake dropped me at Kohn Kaen for my return dentist appointment and an extra couple of days because she had to meet with her sister Porn and Otto to finalize the deed for her shop. Two days later she picked me up and
took me to her shop. She apparently wasn't worried any more about her sister finding out. The only thing she did was make sure I would not be there Saturday and Sunday morning from 9:00 to 10:00 because that was the time she chatted with
her Booby on Yahoo.

Porn's kid was still there, and Otto her German daddy came by to pick her up. Otto didn't speak a lot of English, but I was able to talk with him some. I could clearly see that the guy was a wreck. In the hour we talked he smoked 8 cigarettes
and drank 2 beers. I really wanted to tell him what was going on with Porn, but I didn't have the heart. I told him he should take his daughter back to Germany when he went home because she would be better off, but he said he worked too much
and couldn't take care of her. There always seemed to be someone around so I couldn't say much more. I still really regret not getting some sort of contact information from him so I could contact him later.

Cake had to work a lot (or was afraid Booby would call) and I wanted to go to Chiang Mai, so I left. While I was in Chiang Mai we exchanged e-mails and talked regularly on the phone. I tried to get her to come to Chiang Mai but she couldn't
( I think Booby again) after 2 weeks there I wanted to go to the beach, but at that time there was a lot of flooding going on in the South beaches so I only got as far south as Hua Hin. While I was in Hua Hin Cake finally said she wanted meet
me again in Bangkok at New Years before I left Thailand. It was kind of a drag because I had met a very interesting farm girl (novice bargirl) that I now wish I had spent more time with.

It was interesting to show Cake around Bangkok because I knew more about the city than she did. It was kind of a long delayed goodbye and we had a great time.

In my lifetime I have had the experience of making love with a couple of girls for the first time in their lives. I can't say it was good but it was memorable. Cake had always been conservative in bed, but this time in Bangkok I got
the feeling that because her Booby couldn't have sex with her she knew she was having sex with me for the last time in her life. I think she did everything she always fantasized doing. It was
kinda' strange coming from her, but really fun.

I still communicate with Cake, she's leaving for the US soon and I don't think I'll see her again until that old fool dies or pisses her off. He lives at the foot of the Ozarks in Tennessee. Personally I think the cultural
differences will be too much for her and she will just get tired of the food and being an outsider and leave. She does have my phone number if she has serious problems, and I see that she left an opening to get out and go back to Thailand because
her daughter is coming with her to the US, but going back to Thailand for school in June…. I think she will "miss her baby" and have to go back within a few months. She knows very well that if she leaves the US before 2 years she will
loose her visa even if she marries the guy. It will be interesting to see what happens.

I do have contact with the farm girl from Hua Hin. She said she "moved back home to the farm". I'll keep in touch with Cake, but if the farm girl is still around by what Dana calls the Time To Get To Thailand (TTGTT) I'll
go to see her. If that doesn't work, there seems to be plenty of women to spend time with in Thailand I just have to remember to keep my eyes open and not let hormones control my brain.

Stickman's thoughts:

Another girl chasing the money…

nana plaza