Stickman Readers' Submissions January 13th, 2006

You’re Fired

cbd oil

By Rayarne

Finally, I had managed to persuade my best mate to join me on a trip to Pattaya. I had just returned from an engineering job in Rayong, and was eager to check out the nightlife in Pattaya, a place I had just been a few times with my workmates when stationed
in the area.

mens clinic bangkok

My friend, sceptical as he was to everything else than milk white girls, was ecstatic about the looks of the girls and their kindness and all the rest we know too well. First time out of Scandinavia, this was far more than he could handle. Of course..
he fell in love the first night, and that story I might give you all later. (He have never returned to the milk white farang girls, and spent all his time and money planning new trips to Pattaya)

Myself, I met this girl…who apparently had all the qualities I was looking for in a future wife. That is, (yes, I am male-chauvinist, at least that is what my sister tells me, and I can hardly argue against her,) she should cook well, had no kids, gave
wonderful sex, did not talk to much, not ask for money, love to lie in my arms cuddling and understand what is going on in my head?

All the details could fill a book, but the story goes that I met here again after 3 months and then again after 4 months, and then sent her a ticket to take her to Scandinavia. Not so that I was completely on my knees with this girl, but I thought she
was a good match for me, and that we could live a good life together, even up here where the ice bears scratch on our windows at wintertime, and we eat whales for breakfast.

Just 5 weeks before she should come, she told me she had to go to camp to do charity work for her university. It would not be possible for me to call her that time, cause the camp was far out of reach for any mobile phone. I found that a bit strange,
but searching the web reading about these things, this all made some kind of sense.

After the 3 weeks she was still the same loving caring girl on the phone, and she was so eager to get on the plane to meet me….and yes…she did, and we met!

She came as planned, and all was fantastic.. for a few days. I could sense some sadness in her face at times, and had to try to find out what was going on.

She could, of course, use my home PC as much as she wanted to chat and talk with her friends and family.

It was not on purpose, but I almost accidentally managed to see her password as she logged in to yahoo one evening, and I decided to do some private investigation on this girl.

I do NOT recommend anyone to do that, because we all have secret parts in our lives we don’t want any others to see and read, parts that can seem shocking to the alien eye, but for the originator it can be quite harmless. Nevertheless,
I did justify it all with the fact that I had spent more than THB 110,000 on this girl in less than a year.

What I found was really shocking. Well, the experienced readers of Stickman will not be shocked, but it will probably give you all a good laugh. I found that when she had claimed to be on a charity camp, she was actually fxxxing around with “Fabio”.
I did not tell her about my findings, but pushed her to tell more about the camp, and finally she admitted what she had done, and told she was sorry and all the other crap. She told me she also loved “Fabio”, but that she loved me
more, and that she now wanted to end her relationship with him, a relationship that had lasted as long as mine.

I found that I could accept that, as long as she did not contact this “Fabio” anymore, but I also told her that if she did contact him, then I wanted to know about it, cause that would not be acceptable. After a few days she
said she had told ”Fabio” that she wanted to stay with me. I checked her mail again, and found it to be the opposite. “Fabio” felt betrayed and could not live with her lies about this and had shut her off, while she
on the other hand told him how much she loved him, only him. She told him she wanted to stay with him as soon as her 3 months with me was over.

At that time I called KLM, asked them to change her ticket…this was only a good week into her 3 month period here, and I kept my mask.

When the day arrived just a few days later, I told her I had some news for her….You are fired! You have to leave in 5 hours. (I should make you aware that she had contacted “Fabio” every day, telling him about her great love for him, and
her mistake of going to Scandinavia, and that she wanted to see him again when her stay in Scandinavia ended). (Yes, I know.. many people look at Scandinavia as a mistake in the first place)

When I brought her the news, it was 5 hours of endless crying and tears and sorrow. Finally.. she realised that she had screwed herself real bad, but I was finished with her for good.

So how did it end?! I never could really get angry at her, as she, as everybody else, is a dreamer and just wanted to secure herself. She still sends me SMS messages that answer just to be polite. I know that she finally has met her “Fabio”
again.. a guy that probably gave her the fungus that she gave me……

And me, I still enjoy the beauty of Pattaya and the girls there. But even better.. This girl had a cousin working in a factory in Bangkok, and I managed to get her number, and we have met… and she is definitely a girl worth going for!

So what did I learn, that I want the inexperienced readers to bear in mind?:

– Do not check the e-mail of your girlfriend.
– The girls in Pattaya do have many “Fabios”, not only you!
– Therefore.. do not send her money unless you are well off and want to do some charity work for her. Most likely
she have at least 2-3 other contributors as well.
– When it comes to the time you want to take your girlfriend home, confront her with her boyfriends, and demand that she have to delete them all from her e-mail and telephone before she comes!
She have to take the chance that you are the one and only.
– When the girls say they visit family, or go to school, they probably shag around with another “Fabio”. You have to live with that!
– If you can, find yourself a
Thai girl that has never worked in a bar. You’d probably be better off in the long run…. But that has been left to find out.

Live well, run safe!

Stickman's thoughts:

You're fired! Great name for this story!

nana plaza