Stickman Readers' Submissions January 17th, 2006

Bargirls, A Different Point Of View

cbd oil

I discovered your excellent site about 3 months ago and have managed to read a fair few of the submissions by other readers. Many of them very interesting, so I thought I would put finger to keyboard and tell my story.

It all started in 2000 when I made my first trip to Thailand with 3 friends. We had a fantastic 2 weeks in Ko Samui and when the time came to go home I knew I would have to come back again as soon as I could.

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So 5 months later I find myself sitting on a plane headed back to Thailand to stay in Ko Samui. I had 3 long weeks to enjoy myself.I arrived about lunch time, checked into my bungalow and had a quick kip before showering and going out to eat. After eating
I headed for the gogo bar as I had spent some time there on my previous holiday and knew some of the girls. I sat down with a beer chatting to one of the waitresses for about an hour and eventually I asked if I could buy one of the dancers a drink.
She was very nice looking with a nice figure and a permanent smile on her face when she danced. After talking for a while I took her out of the bar and back to my room. We stayed up all night talking until it was light. I had enjoyed her company
so much I asked to spend the rest of the holiday with me which she agreed to do.

Well I had a great time and the 3 weeks went so fast and I had completely fallen for her and I was sure she liked me. A couple of days before I left I asked her if she would like to come to England to stay with me for six months to see if we had a chance of making it together. She was really excited so I said I would come back in eight weeks and sort out a visa for her.

When the time came to go home I told her I could not send any money, but I would come back in eight weeks. I didn't ask her to stop working while I was gone. I just hoped she'd go with as few men as possible and that she’d still be there when I came back.

When I got home I went on the internet to find out as much as I could about getting a visa and it looked like minefield so I contacted a dating agency in Bangkok and for a reasonable fee they would do everything for me.

I had phoned her most days while at home, and eventually the weeks past and I off I went back to Bangkok. And there she was waiting for me when I came out of the airport. It was great to see her again.

The next day I took her to the dating agency along with various documents to see about the visa. They were very helpful and we soon had the application ready. The next day we got up early and found the embassy. We handed everything in and she was given
a date for an interview (seven weeks she had to wait). So I headed back to England and she says she’s going to go to her village.

A couple of days before the interview she goes to the agency in Bangkok and they gave her some coaching and take her to the embassy for the interview. She gets the visa and rings to tell me the news. I manage to get a week off work and book a flight to
pick her up and bring her back with me.

She very quickly got used to our way of life in the west and liked living here. We got on very well living together and before her visa expired we got married. We are now coming up to our 5th wedding anniversary and every year gets better.

Money has never been a problem with us. When she first came here it did not take her long to realise the cost of living in the UK was expensive and that my pay cheque was not very big. She now has a part time job and sends 3,000 baht to her family every
month. I have never given her family any money except for 100,000 baht when we got married, but this worked to my advantage as all of this was used to improve their house in the village which now has a decent bathroom with a proper loo and an
air-con bedroom for when we stay there, so I see it as money well spent.

Anyway enough of my story, I wanted to write as there does not appear to be much input from happily married farangs living outside of Thailand.I live just outside Birmingham in the UK and I know very many farang / Thai couples living within just a five
mile radius of my house. In fact there seems to be one in nearly every street. Many of these couples have been together well over 5 years and the girls seem well adjusted to living here, and most of them work at least part time. In the summer
there are many times we get together at someone’s home for a barbeque, with plenty of excellent Thai food and of course a few beers. If it’s a hot day you would almost think you were back in Thailand.

My point really is that you can have a successful marriage with a Thai girl and that it is a lot more common than you would think. I also believe your chances are much higher if you live in your own country.

One very good benefit of a Thai / farang marriage is that no two days are ever the same and so getting into a boring routine is not an option.

Stickman's thoughts:

Excellent to hear a positive story!

nana plaza